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Children's Understanding and Production of Pictures, Drawings and Art: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches
Hogrefe & Huber Publishing. This volume presents an innovative approach to the psychological study of children's developing conceptions of pictures, drawings, and art.It brings together current theory and research on children's developing understanding and production of pictures, drawings, and art. With contributions from leading international scholars, it is the first book to focus explicitly on children's knowledge and interpretations of pictorial representations, including their understanding of the roles of the artist and the viewer. It addresses what children of different ages know about the nature of pictures as representations of the world, as intentional communications conceived of by artists, and as esthetic objects, as well as what children of different ages understand about the different ways to depict objects and scenes.The contributions discuss how children know what for them or for others is easy or difficult to draw, what they know about the strategies or aids for making a "good" drawing, the......
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Diabetes Mellitus: A Practical Handbook
Sue K. Milchovich, Barbara Dunn-Long...
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Ultra-Longevity: The Seven-step Program for a Younger, Healthier You (Thorndike Large Print Health, Home and Learning)
Mark Liponis...
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Let Them Go Free: A Guide to Withdrawing Life Support
Thomas A. Shannon, Charles N. Faso...
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NRSV XL Catholic Edition
HarperOne. Harpers Bibles now introduces to its classic line of Bibles the XL Edition beautifully designed, square-shaped Bible with easy-to-read "extra large" text. Now you can experience the Bible with perfectly displayed Scripture that allows for easier reading anywhere from your morning commute to the bus to a late night study-group session. Available in Catholic and Protestant editions, the XL's unique but classic design also gives you the added convenience of a Bible that is not only comfortable to hold but also easy to carry… and stylish, too....
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Children's Understanding and Production of Pictures, Drawings and Art: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches. . Книги.
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