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Taylorism Transformed: Scientific Management Theory Since 1945 Stephen P. Waring
Waring discusses the subsequent evolution of several management theories and techniques, including organization theory, computer simulation, management by objectives, sensitivity training, job enrichment, and innovations usually attributed to the Japanese, such as quality control circles....
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ExamWise For CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Certification Exam 640-607 (With BFQ Online test) Kelly Nguyen, Robert Cooney
You cannot go wrong with this book! Part of the TotalRecall: The IT Question Book Series, this new Exam Study Aid is now available for candidate?s preparing to sit for the CCNA 640-607 exam. This book is designed for the individual that wants togain confidence by reviewing a large quantity of practice exam questions and help readers determine their readiness for the CCNA 640-607 certification exam. Each section of the book provides questions and answers that cover the exam topics specified in the CCNA exam requirements. Each question and answer is also followed with a brief explanation to help readers understand why that answer was chosen. The intent of this book is help candidates realize their goal of achieving the CCNA certification and to provide them with a strong foundation and knowledge base that they can build on. This is not a textbook about the subject, but should be used as a final check to see if you are ready to pass the Routing exam for CCNA. This book......
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Autodesk Architectural Desktop Release 3.3 Intermediate: Through the Roof Elise Moss, Chris Fox
Chris Fox and Elise Moss return with an Intermediate textbook on Autodesk's Architectural Desktop. The text assumes familiarity with the basic tools within the software and takes you to the next level, with tutorials on layer standards, creation of custom window assemblies and curtain walls, roof slabs, roof miter tools, managing a multi-story commercial structure, using mass elements for conceptual modeling, and more. Practice quizzes are included at the end of each chapter to help focus the student on key points. The book answers common technical support questions, such as: how to add a handle to a door style; how to add an elevator; and how to make the pivot point of a slab invisible. Each tutorial comes with simple step by step instructions, pictures and diagrams; lots of tips and tricks to help you boost your productivity. For users who want to get more out of their software, this book will become a welcome desktop companion and guide....
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Introduction to Languages, Machines, and Logic Alan P. Parkes, Alan P. Parkes
This book provides an accessible introduction to three key topics within computer science: formal languages, abstract machines and formal logic. It is written in an easy-to-read, informal style and assumes only a basic knowledge of programming on the part of the reader. The approach is deliberately non-mathematical and features: - Clear explanations of formal notation and jargon - Extensive use of examples to illustrate algorithms and proofs - Pictorial representations of key concepts - Lots of end-of-chapter exercises Introduction to Languages, Machines and Logic is suitable for use on courses covering formal languages, formal logic, computability and automata theory. It will also make an excellent supplementary text for courses on algorithm complexity and compilers....
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Уголовный процесс А. В. Смирнов, К. Б. Калиновский
Питер. Краткий курс. В пособии раскрываются все темы учебного курса "Уголовно-процессуальное право (уголовный процесс)" в соответствии с государственными образовательными стандартами высшего и среднего профессионального образования по специальностям "Юриспруденция", "Правоведение", "Правоохранительная деятельность". Данное пособие содержит изменения российского законодательства и практики его применения по состоянию на 1 октября 2004 года. Предназначено для студентов, слушателей, курсантов высших и средних учебных заведений....
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На главную
Taylorism Transformed: Scientific Management Theory Since 1945. Stephen P. Waring . Книги.
Курск, Ковров,
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