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Not Only the Market: The Role of the Market, Government and Civic Sector in the Development of Postcommunist Societies Martin Potucek
Successful transition for any post-communist country is reliant upon the market, government and the civil sectors. Potuek's pioneering study of the Czech Republic highlights the early transitional mistakes made during the Klaus era with respect to the role and the inter-relationship of these sectors. Not Only the Market examines the balance between sectors and makes useful comparisons with other post-communist countries. Focusing on developmental issues, the book looks at a number of public concerns including social and health care reform, privatization and the emerging patterns of corporatism. The author examines problems such as insufficient legislation, excessive lenience and the incompetence of public administration which has created an unreasonably large space for socio-pathological forces - corruption, Mafia activity and the siphoning of public funds into private hands. The causes and consequences of these forces are considered and Potuek provides a blueprint of reform......
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Hispanics in the Workplace (Sage Focus Editions, Vol. 142) Stephen B. Knouse, Paul Rosenfeld, Amy L. Culbertson
As cultural diversity is increasingly placed on the organization agenda, managers and policymakers need to learn more about the impact of Hispanics in the workplace. Little research exists on this issue, even though Hispanics are the fastest growing minority in the US and comprise a significant portion of the work force. This volume presents original contributions from key researchers on such critical issues as acculturation and bias, mentoring and support systems, employment discrimination, and the special issues faced by Chicana and Puerto Rican women workers....
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Great Jobs for Sociology Majors, 2nd Ed. Stephen Lambert
Answers the question, "What can I do with a major in . . . ?" Students can explore their career options within their field of study using the Great Jobs series as their guide. From assessing individual talents and skills to taking the necessary steps to land a job, every aspect of identifying and getting started in a career choice is covered. Readers learn to explore their options, target an ideal career, present a major as an asset to a job, perfect a job search, and follow through andget results....
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Branches Without Roots: Genesis of the Black Working Class in the American South, 1862-1882 Gerald David Jaynes
The first comprehensive history of the transition from slavery to sharecropping, this major study draws on thousands of previously untapped sources and statistics to reconstruct the socioeconomic history of the antebellum plantation and the birth of the free black worker. Jaynes thoroughly reexamines the symbiotic nature of the sharecropping system for both planters and workers--how it offered planters a stable work force and offered workers relative freedom, a unified family, and payment for their labor--and analyzes the social and economic effects of sharecropping on the larger social structure. At the same time, he argues that the collective organization and self-help activities of the freedpeople, the democratic fever incited by black leaders and local agents of the Freedmen's Bureau, and the failure of federal policy were also key factors in the reorganization of the southern plantation and the entry of blacks into the post war economy....
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Decisions With Multiple Objectives: Preferences and Value Tradeoffs Ralph L. Keeney, Howard Raiffa
Many of the complex problems faced by decision makers involve multiple conflicting objectives. This book describes how a confused decision maker, who wishes to make a reasonable and responsible choice among alternatives, can systematically probe his true feelings in order to make those critically important, vexing tradeoffs between incommensurable objectives. The theory is illustrated by many real concrete examples taken from a host of disciplinary settings. The standard approach in decision theory ordecision analysis specifies a simplified single objective like monetary return to maximize. By generalizing from the single objective case to the multiple objective case, this book considerably widens the range of applicability of decision analysis....
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Not Only the Market: The Role of the Market, Government and Civic Sector in the Development of Postcommunist Societies. Martin Potucek . Книги.
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