Gambia Privatization Programs and Regulations Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Gambia Privatization Programs and Regulations Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Gambia Privatization Programs and Regulations Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gambia Privatization Programs and Regulations Handbook...

Colombia Telecommunication Industry Business Opportunities Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Colombia Telecommunication Industry Business Opportunities Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Colombia Telecommunication Industry Business Opportunities Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Colombia Telecommunication Industry Business Opportunities Handbook...

Doing Business and Investing in Sao Tome and Principe Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Doing Business and Investing in Sao Tome and Principe Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Doing Business and Investing in Sao Tome and Principe Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Doing Business and Investing in Sao Tome and Principe Guide...

Mapping Gender in Academic Workplaces: Ways of Reproducing Gender Inequality Within the Discourse of Equality

Paula M?hlck

  Mapping Gender in Academic Workplaces: Ways of Reproducing Gender Inequality Within the Discourse of Equality  Paula M?hlck  Sweden is often described as one of the best countries in the world for women to live in. Despite this and a number of equality interventions within the area of higher education Sweden follows the international pattern of the leaking pipeline when it comes to gender distribution in academia. The higher up in the academic hierarchy the more men and the fewer women. The topic of this book is mapping gender in academic workplaces. This book aims to explore the ways in which the social relations of researchers\\\' everyday working lives are gendered. This involves studying ways in which gender inequality is produced, maintained or ignored within the discourse of gender equality in Swedish academic workplaces and in Swedish society at large. The book is ideal for students and researchers in gender studies and social sciences as well as gender equality officers. Gender in academic workplaces will help readers to think more clearly and creatively about how gender inequality is produced and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sweden is often described as one of the best countries in the world for women to live in. Despite this and a number of equality interventions within the area of higher education Sweden follows the international pattern of the leaking pipeline when it comes to gender distribution in academia. The higher up in the academic hierarchy the more men and the fewer women. The topic of this book is mapping gender in academic workplaces. This book aims to explore the ways in which the social relations of researchers\\\' everyday working lives are gendered. This involves studying ways in which gender inequality is produced, maintained or ignored within the discourse of gender equality in Swedish academic workplaces and in Swedish society at large. The book is ideal for students and researchers in gender studies and social sciences as well as gender equality officers. Gender in academic workplaces will help readers to think more clearly and creatively about how gender inequality is produced and......

Лютый остров

Юлия Остапенко

  Лютый остров  Юлия Остапенко  АСТ, АСТ Москва.   Лютый остров, Лицо во тьме, Вера ассасина, Горький мед.   Что-то неладно в мире АСТ, АСТ Москва. Лютый остров, Лицо во тьме, Вера ассасина, Горький мед. Что-то неладно в мире "меча и магии". В Даланае, стране славных воинов, смелых князей и всезнающих волхвов, жители таинственного острова Салхан страдают от древнего проклятия - и не избыть его, покуда не явится на остров таинственный пришелец из иных земель... В гордой Альбигейе, земле рыцарей, клириков и прекрасных дам, всемогущие инквизиторы Бога Кричащего, носящие на груди магическую татуировку - Обличье, заливают страну кровью, посылая на суд и казнь все новых еретиков и ведьм... В славном граде Кремене суровый отец велит юноше взять в жены деву, которую молва ославила ведьмой, - и молодому супругу приходится поневоле выстаивать в бесконечной борьбе с наводимыми ею чарами... А далеко на Востоке, в пышной и жестокой Фарии, начинается история долгой и неизбывной вражды воина из личной охраны паши и загадочного убийцы - ассасина, - вражды, что прекратится тогда лишь, когда примет смерть один из недругов... Разные то земли. Далек путь от одной до......

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Gambia Privatization Programs and Regulations Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.

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