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Странники войны Богдан Сушинский
Вече. Зарубежные военные приключения. Военно-приключенческий роман "Странники войны" известного писателя, лауреата Международной литературной премии имени Александра Дюма (1993), Богдана Сушинского посвящен событиям 1943-1944 годов. В центре разворачивающихся событий - "диверсант номер один" Третьего рейха Отто Скорцени. Именно он принимает непосредственное участие в подготовке и заброске в Советский Союз двух террористов, которые должны совершить покушение на Сталина, и готовит двойников для Адольфа Гитлера и Евы Браун. Роман отличают широта охвата исторических событий, насыщенность малоизвестными или совсем неизвестными фактами о деятельности фашистского "спецназа" и контрразведки, интригующие повороты сюжета....
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Technology, Innovation, and Southern Industrialization: From the Antebellum Era to the Computer Age (New Currents in the History of Southern Economy and Society Series)
The South has typically been viewed as a region not favorably disposed to innovation and technology, yet innovation was never absent from industrialization. These seven essays assess the role of innovations in the region, some by examining specific industries in subregions: steamboats in the lower Mississippi valley, textile manufacturing in Georgia and Arkansas, coal mining in Virginia, and sugar planting and processing in Louisiana. Others consider the role of technology in South Carolina textile mills around the turn of the twentieth century, the electrification of the Tennessee valley, and telemedicine in contemporary Arizona. Together, these articles show that southerners set significant limitations on the adoption of technological innovations, particularly in a milieu where slaveholding agriculture had shaped the allocation of resources....
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Sweden: Business & Investment Opportunities Yearbook Ibp Usa
Sweden: Business & Investment Opportunities Yearbook...
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Namibia Foreign Policy and Government Guide (World Investment and Business Guide Library) (World Investment and Business Guide Library) Ibp Usa
Namibia Foreign Policy and Government Guide (World Investment and Business Guide Library)...
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Doing Business and Investing in Israel Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library) Ibp Usa
Doing Business and Investing in Israel Guide...
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Странники войны. Богдан Сушинский . Книги.
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