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Human Resource Management for Golf Course Superintendents Robert A. Milligan, Thomas R. Maloney
Every aspect of golf course management is covered. Learn how to improve your planning abilities, build leadership and communication skills, maximize employee performance, select and train new employees, and conduct employee performance evaluations. Usingthe principle and principles in this book will help you effectively manage any golf facility....
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Simplified Design of Microprocessor-Supervisory Circuits (Edn Series for Design Engineers) John D. Lenk
This is the seventh book in the popular Simplified Design series from John Lenk, which teaches engineers, technicians, and students to use and modify off-the-shelf ICs to suit their individual design needs. The first chapter of this book describes the basic operation of microprocessor supervisory circuits and how to use manufacturer data sheets to make your component selections. Later chapters describe the internal operations of various commonly-available ICs and how to select and modify them. The most common microprocessor-supervisory functions include: power-on reset, low-voltage reset for glitch and brownout, memory-write protection, power-fail warning, battery backup switchover, and watchdog timer. While these functions are not difficult to implement individually, they can be complex in combination, particularly when there are space limitations. Simplified Design of Microprocessor-Supervisory Circuits will allow designers to evaluate tradeoffs and features more......
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Powerpoint 2002 for Litigators Deanne C. Siemer, Frank D. Rothschild
When PowerPoint® for Litigators was first published two years ago, it sold thousands of copies and garnered top awards, including ACLEA?s 2000 Award of Professional Excellence. Now, Deanne C. Siemer and Frank D. Rothschild present PowerPoint® 2002 for Litigators. This newest edition focuses on the improved persuasive capabilities of PowerPoint version 2002, included in the Office XP suite. Written by litigators for litigators, PowerPoint® 2002 for Litigators teaches you how to create and fashion PowerPoint slide presentations for successful advocacy in trial, mediation, arbitration, and appeal. A case file is included so that readers can learn step by step how to prepare and animate bulleted lists, document and photographic enlargements, callouts, time lines, relationship charts, and annotated diagrams. In addition, this book covers the new animation features of PowerPoint 2002, as well as collaborating and using narrations in slide shows, using audio clips,......
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Truth Quotations: Inspirational, Motivational, and Humorous Quotes on PowerPoint Andrew E. Schwartz
Royalty Free - ReadySetPresent (Inspirational Quotes): Keep your audience focused and engaged by using our carefully selected collection of thoughtful, witty and humorous quotes. Use in a presentation with an LCD projector, make handouts, and create overheads. This topic includes 25 quotes, slide transitions, clipart and animation. It is a must-have supplement for anyone interested in presenting on these or related topics. Packaged on 3.5" floppy disk/s. PC compatible. You may use this product over and over again....
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Повесть о пустяках Юрий Анненков
Издательство Ивана Лимбаха. Повесть о пустяках, Комментарии. `Повесть о пустяках` — блистательный писательский опыт художника Ю.П.Анненкова (1889—1974). Место и время действия — Петербург—Петроград—Ленинград рубежа 1910-1920-х годов; главные персонажи — представители художественной и научной интеллигенции, в которых угадываются прототипические черты людей, чьи портреты составили в 1922 году альбом рисунков художника. Повесть была издана в Берлине в 1934 году. Настоящее издание — первое в России — снабжено обширными комментариями, раскрывающими реальный контекст и интертекстуальные связи повести....
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На главную
Human Resource Management for Golf Course Superintendents. Robert A. Milligan, Thomas R. Maloney . Книги.
Ижевск, Миасс, Кызыл, Краснодар, Тюмень, Петрозаводск, Самара, Подольск, НижнийНовгород, Нижнекамск, Миасс, Рубцовск, Дзержинск, Саранск, Хабаровск, Нефтекамск, Великие Луки, Кызыл,
Маркетинг. Общие вопросы| Отечественная история| Деловая литература| Компьютер и интернет| Симуляторы (Simulators)| Экранизации остросюжетной литературы| Военные и армейские боевики| Экономика| Криминальные триллеры| Детское творчество| Страхование| Кодексы, законы и комментарии| Справочники| Современные культы и секты| Зарубежные писатели| История средних веков. Эпоха Возрождения| Делопроизводство и секретарское дело.Офис-менеджмент.| Сборники, игровые энциклопедии, модификации (MOD)| Новая история (XVII вв. -1917 гг.)| Кулинария. Напитки| Молодежные драмы| Микроэлектроника, интегральные схемы| Бокс| Индийские мелодрамы| Стратегии (Strategy)| Чешский, польский, венгерский|
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