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Laos (World Country Study Guide Library) International Business Publications USA
Geography, history, people, language, culture, traditions, economy, government, politics, constitution, places to visit, info for travelers......
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Learning from the World's Best Central Bankers: Principles and Policies for Subduing Inflation George M. Von Furstenberg, Michael K. Ulan
Central bankers play a prominent role in many societies; a few of them even become oracles or celebrities. Yet they are not paid much heed -- commonly accorded little respect -- as educators and intellectual leaders. This volume hopes to change that. Forthe world's best central bankers, portrayed here, teach and lead impressively, doing so with insight, courage, quality, and conviction. They are commendable role models for those with high aspirations. The growing reputation of central bankers suggests that there is much to be learned from examining the ways in which they practice their profession. So the authors proceeded to ask what are arguably the world's seven best central bankers, from various countries throughout the world, for documentation on what they considered to be their finest achievements and how they went about gaining support for policies designed to maintain price stability. They obtained excellent cooperation from John Crow of Canada, Roberto Zahler of Chile, Alan......
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Workers Control in America David Montgomery
A collection of essays on workers' efforts in the 19th and 20th centuries to assert control over the processes of production in US. It describes the development of management techniques and includes discussions of various worker and union responses to unemployment....
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Managing the Human Side of Information Technology: Challenges and Solutions Edward J. Szewczak, Coral R. Snodgrass
Strategies for effectively managing how information technology impacts human and organizational behavior are discussed in this business guide. Covering both the "soft" and "hard" dimensions of organizational development, information is provided on e-communication, virtual teams, and action learning. A framework for increasing crosscultural efficiency and the global economy engagement is provided....
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Internet for the Travel Industry Ed Maurer
Welcome to 21st century travel! Today's travel agents, counselors, and entrepreneurs need to be Internet savvy and understand current and future trends to implement successful business strategies. Internet for the Retail Travel Industry shows how to make the power of technology work for you! Techniques on browsing and searching the Internet for travel information, e-mail marketing, web site planning administration, and time management help build better skills of the trade. Tips on integrating in-house client profiles to on-line travel information with search engines, mailing lists, and client databases are presented, along with coverage of Computer Reservation Systems and Global Distribution Systems. Plus, an overview of on-line technology in retail travel enlightens readers to current trends and influences in the industry and how to meet new challenges. Be on the cutting edge of travel-Internet for the Retail Travel Industry shows you how!...
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На главную
Laos (World Country Study Guide Library). International Business Publications USA . Книги.
Волжский, Орск, Псков, Орехово-Зуево, Кемерово, Арзамас, Махачкала, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Вологда, Екатеринбург, Набережные Челны, Орехово-Зуево, Димитровград, Калининград, Канск, Новомосковск, Ноябрьск,
Обучающие видеопрограммы для детей| Общественные и гуманитарные науки| Основы программирования| История. Археология. Этнография| Студентам ВУЗов| Микроэкономика| Право. Юриспруденция| Информатика. Вычислительная техника| 3D графика, видео и анимация| Современные профессии. Справочники для поступающих в ВУЗы| Остер, Григорий| Обществознание| Товароведение| Классическая и инструментальная музыка| Общие работы по всемирной истории| Деловая пресса| Архитектура, искусство, религия| Экранизации классической литературы| Учебники, самоучители, пособия| Литературная критика| Арабский, турецкий, иврит| Медицина. Здравоохранение| Биографические фильмы| Новейшая история (с 1917 года)|
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