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Книга чисел Кайро. Шифр вашей судьбы Луис Хамон
Центрполиграф. Эта уникальная книга несомненно станет вашим мудрым советчиком и верным другом. Написал ее знаменитый Луис Хамон, известный всему миру под псевдонимом Кайро, - автор многих классических трудов по астрологии, хиромантии и нумерологии. С позиций своей системы Луис Хамон оценивает даты рождения, имена, фамилии и показывает, как с помощью нумерологии определить наиболее благоприятное время для принятия важных решений. Кайро объясняет влияние чисел на жизнь людей, бизнес, здоровье и счастье. Он подскажет, какие числа принесут удачу, а каких следует избегать....
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Secure Your Financial Future Investing in Real Estate Martin Stone, Spencer Strauss
Property ownership can create a comfortable retirement income. Stock market volatility is causing people to examine different investment options, and real estate is emerging as a leading choice. Learn how to create a fulfilling, predictable,and prosperous nest egg. Secure Your Financial Future Investing in Real Estate , by two leading practitioners, Martin Stone and Spencer Strauss, presents time tested principles of planning, appraising, financing, purchasing and managing almost every type of profitable real estate investment. Secure Your Financial Future Investing in Real Estate advises readers how to build a retirement portfolio using techniques such as leverage, compound interest, and tax deferred exchanges. The authors believe that anyone who uses the moneymaking techniques can safely and successfully create a fulfilling, wealthy, and abundant retirement....
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Steel Phoenix: The Fall and Rise of the U.S. Steel Industry Christopher G. L. Hall
Steel Phoenix: The Fall and Rise of the U.S. Steel Industry is a remarkable story. Christopher Hall recounts the great downfall of "Big Steel" in America and the emergence of a new, reinvented steel industry from the ashes of the old. Beginning with the failures of Big Steel to respond to a changing world, Christopher Hall analyzes the powers and drives behind this "most basic" of industries, revealing how the "Rust Belt" of the 1970s and 1980s was created and how the death of the traditional steel industry devastated cities such as Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Youngstown. Hall then examines how pioneering entrepreneurs and engineers rebuilt the industry by recycling large supplies of scrap steel, giving way to a minimill industry that ultimately saved what was left of the old Big Steel mills....
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Manufacturing Knowledge: A History of the Hawthorne Experiments (Srhp) Richard Gillespie
What motivates workers to work harder? What can management do to create a contented and productive workforce? Discussion of these questions would be incomplete without reference to the Hawthorne experiments, one of the most famous pieces of research ever conducted in the social and behavioral sciences. Drawing on the original records of the experiments and the personal papers of the researchers, Richard Gillespie has reconstructed the intellectual and political dynamics of the experiments as they evolved from the tentative experimentation to seemingly authoritative publications. Manufacturing Knowledge raises fundamental questions about the nature of scientific knowledge, and about the assumptions and evidence that underlay debates on worker productivity....
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Continuity and Change in Contemporary Capitalism (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) Herbert Kitschelt, Peter Lange, Gary Marks, John D. Stephens
Capitalist democracies have always displayed considerable diversity in their key political and economic institutions, such as the organization of economic interest groups and private enterprises, the public sector and the welfare state, as well as political parties and social movements. This book asks whether the challenges of new technologies, citizens' preferences, and growing political and economic interdependence in the 1980s and 1990s force all polities to adopt similar institutional reforms. The authors argue that established arrangements have become difficult to sustain, but that countries choose unique trajectories of reform, not a common approach. The diversity among capitalist democracies persists in a new fashion....
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Книга чисел Кайро. Шифр вашей судьбы. Луис Хамон . Книги.
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