ICD-9-CM 2009 Codes, Long Description Datafile

  ICD-9-CM 2009 Codes, Long Description Datafile  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

The Pilgrimage

Paulo Coelho

  The Pilgrimage  Paulo Coelho  Harper.   In his first major book, which paved the way for his bestselling phenomenon The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho documents the experiences of his pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela on a contemporary quest for ancient wisdom. Following the legendary road travelled by pilgrims of San Tiago, Coelho's journey becomes a truly initiatory experience, and he is transformed forever as he learns to understand the nature of truth through the simplicity of life. Формат: 11 см x 17,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Harper. In his first major book, which paved the way for his bestselling phenomenon The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho documents the experiences of his pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela on a contemporary quest for ancient wisdom. Following the legendary road travelled by pilgrims of San Tiago, Coelho's journey becomes a truly initiatory experience, and he is transformed forever as he learns to understand the nature of truth through the simplicity of life. Формат: 11 см x 17,5 см....

International Corporate Finance, International Edition (with World Map): With World Map

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Нейрокомпьютеры. От программной к аппаратной реализации

М. А. Аляутдинов, А. И. Галушкин, П. А. Казанцев, Г. П. Остапенко

  Нейрокомпьютеры. От программной к аппаратной реализации  М. А. Аляутдинов, А. И. Галушкин, П. А. Казанцев, Г. П. Остапенко  Горячая Линия - Телеком.   В книге представлена история развития и перспективы развития аппаратных реализаций нейрокомпьютеров в России и зарубежных странах. Приведен обзор современных разработок, в том числе рассмотрены вопросы построения нейрокомпьютеров на базе программируемых логических интегральных схем (ПЛИС), современных специализированных графических плат и процессоров Cell. Для широкого круга читателей, будет полезна студентам и аспирантам соответствующих специальностей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Горячая Линия - Телеком. В книге представлена история развития и перспективы развития аппаратных реализаций нейрокомпьютеров в России и зарубежных странах. Приведен обзор современных разработок, в том числе рассмотрены вопросы построения нейрокомпьютеров на базе программируемых логических интегральных схем (ПЛИС), современных специализированных графических плат и процессоров Cell. Для широкого круга читателей, будет полезна студентам и аспирантам соответствующих специальностей....

Results Through Relationships: Building Trust, Performance, and Profit Through People

Joe Takash

  Results Through Relationships: Building Trust, Performance, and Profit Through People  Joe Takash  A career guide to more significant business results in a shorter period of time Results Through Relationships shows professionals how to establish break-through relationships with new prospects and their existing networks, including colleagues, bosses, customers, clients, vendors, and others. Many people assume that only new contacts will help them achieve their goals, but in reality, many breakthroughs happen within existing networks. This handy career guide focuses on the bottom-line behaviors that expedite trust, improve workplace performance, and increase profit. Author Joe Takash presents a nine-step process that anyone can master, and his formula proves that we're all in the relationship business first.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A career guide to more significant business results in a shorter period of time Results Through Relationships shows professionals how to establish break-through relationships with new prospects and their existing networks, including colleagues, bosses, customers, clients, vendors, and others. Many people assume that only new contacts will help them achieve their goals, but in reality, many breakthroughs happen within existing networks. This handy career guide focuses on the bottom-line behaviors that expedite trust, improve workplace performance, and increase profit. Author Joe Takash presents a nine-step process that anyone can master, and his formula proves that we're all in the relationship business first....

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ICD-9-CM 2009 Codes, Long Description Datafile. . Книги.

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