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Михаил Литвак

  Не нойте!  Михаил Литвак  
.   Психологические этюды.   Книга является пособием по практическому применению психологического айкидо в различных сферах деятельности человека и состоит из конкретных примеров использования принципов психологически грамотного общения в семье и на производстве, во время учебы и отдыха, как для решения трудных ситуаций, так и для получения наслаждения от роскоши человеческого общения. Рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, но может быть полезна психологам, психотерапевтам, педагогам, администраторам и всем тем, чья деятельность связана с интенсивным общением, и тем, кто хочет управлять ситуацией и не желает, чтобы ситуация управляла ими.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин . Психологические этюды. Книга является пособием по практическому применению психологического айкидо в различных сферах деятельности человека и состоит из конкретных примеров использования принципов психологически грамотного общения в семье и на производстве, во время учебы и отдыха, как для решения трудных ситуаций, так и для получения наслаждения от роскоши человеческого общения. Рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, но может быть полезна психологам, психотерапевтам, педагогам, администраторам и всем тем, чья деятельность связана с интенсивным общением, и тем, кто хочет управлять ситуацией и не желает, чтобы ситуация управляла ими....

Прощание с осенним садом

Глеб Семенов

  Прощание с осенним садом  Глеб Семенов  Советский писатель. Ленинградское отделение.   В книгу Глеба Семенова Советский писатель. Ленинградское отделение. В книгу Глеба Семенова "Прощание с осенним садом" вошли, за редким исключением, ранее не опубликованные стихи разных лет, в том числе большие циклы юношеских стихов 1930-х и военных 1940-х годов, не известные читателю. В особый раздел выделена философская лирика последних лет жизни поэта....

The Nucleus: Volume 1: Nuclei and Subnuclear Component (Methods in Molecular Biology)

  The Nucleus: Volume 1: Nuclei and Subnuclear Component (Methods in Molecular Biology)  Although our understanding of the structure and activities of the cell nucleus and of the nanomachines which it contains is increasing rapidly, much remains to be learned. The application and continuing development of the new, powerful biochemical and biophysical methodologies described here are essential in this quest. In The Nucleus, researchers from more than forty leading international laboratories describe state-of-the-art methods for isolating nuclei and their components and for studying their structure and activities, including some pathology-associated features. Volume I: Nuclei and Subnuclear Structures presents an overview of features of the intranuclear environment, followed by the most recent procedures for isolating nuclei from a wide range of cell types including muscle cells, yeast, oocytes, cells with polytene nuclei, Arabidopsis, trypanosomes, and dinoflagellates. The latest methods are described for isolating and working with nucleoli, constitutive heterochromatin,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Although our understanding of the structure and activities of the cell nucleus and of the nanomachines which it contains is increasing rapidly, much remains to be learned. The application and continuing development of the new, powerful biochemical and biophysical methodologies described here are essential in this quest. In The Nucleus, researchers from more than forty leading international laboratories describe state-of-the-art methods for isolating nuclei and their components and for studying their structure and activities, including some pathology-associated features. Volume I: Nuclei and Subnuclear Structures presents an overview of features of the intranuclear environment, followed by the most recent procedures for isolating nuclei from a wide range of cell types including muscle cells, yeast, oocytes, cells with polytene nuclei, Arabidopsis, trypanosomes, and dinoflagellates. The latest methods are described for isolating and working with nucleoli, constitutive heterochromatin,......

Nature's Blueprint: Supersymmetry and the Search for a Unified Theory of Matter and Force

Dan Hooper

  Nature's Blueprint: Supersymmetry and the Search for a Unified Theory of Matter and Force  Dan Hooper  The first accessible book on a theory of physics that explains the relationship between the particles and forces that make up our universe. For decades, physicists have been fascinated with the possibility that two seemingly independent aspects of ou world—matter and force—may in fact be intimately connected and inseparable facets of nature. This idea, known as supersymmetry, is considered by many physicists to be one of the most beautiful and elegant theories ever conceived. According to this theory however, there is much more to our universe than we have witnessed thus far. In particular, supersymmetry predicts that for each type of particle there must also exist others, called superpartners. To the frustration of many particle physicists, no such uperpartner particles have ever been observed. As the world's most powerful particle accelerator—the Large Hadron Collider—begins operating in 2008, this may be about to change. By discovering the forms of matter predicted by...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The first accessible book on a theory of physics that explains the relationship between the particles and forces that make up our universe. For decades, physicists have been fascinated with the possibility that two seemingly independent aspects of ou world—matter and force—may in fact be intimately connected and inseparable facets of nature. This idea, known as supersymmetry, is considered by many physicists to be one of the most beautiful and elegant theories ever conceived. According to this theory however, there is much more to our universe than we have witnessed thus far. In particular, supersymmetry predicts that for each type of particle there must also exist others, called superpartners. To the frustration of many particle physicists, no such uperpartner particles have ever been observed. As the world's most powerful particle accelerator—the Large Hadron Collider—begins operating in 2008, this may be about to change. By discovering the forms of matter predicted by......


Geraldine Stout, Matthew Stout

  Newgrange  Geraldine Stout, Matthew Stout  * Designed for the general reader and visitor to Newgrange* A guided tour of the best example of a passage tomb in Western EuropeNewgrange is the most visited archaeological site in Ireland. Every year around 250,000 people come to the see this Neolithic passage tomb. Designed for the general reader with an interest in Irish prehistory, this book explains the results of decades of excavation and analysis in one volume. It is written in a lively style that seeks at the same time to be authoritative and thorough.Aside from its accessibility and good state of preservation, Newgrange’s solstice phenomenon, in particular, has made it famous throughout the world. While it is the best-known ancient site in Ireland, many aspects of Newgrange are not clearly understood; other aspects are just taken for granted: why is there a three meter high quartz wall around its entrance; how does the roof box work; what was the inspiration for its art and architecture? The book is arranged in such a way as...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин * Designed for the general reader and visitor to Newgrange* A guided tour of the best example of a passage tomb in Western EuropeNewgrange is the most visited archaeological site in Ireland. Every year around 250,000 people come to the see this Neolithic passage tomb. Designed for the general reader with an interest in Irish prehistory, this book explains the results of decades of excavation and analysis in one volume. It is written in a lively style that seeks at the same time to be authoritative and thorough.Aside from its accessibility and good state of preservation, Newgrange’s solstice phenomenon, in particular, has made it famous throughout the world. While it is the best-known ancient site in Ireland, many aspects of Newgrange are not clearly understood; other aspects are just taken for granted: why is there a three meter high quartz wall around its entrance; how does the roof box work; what was the inspiration for its art and architecture? The book is arranged in such a way as......

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Не нойте!. Михаил Литвак . Книги.

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