Coat of Many Colors: Immigration, Globalism, and Reform in the New York City Garment Industry

Daniel Soyer

  Coat of Many Colors: Immigration, Globalism, and Reform in the New York City Garment Industry  Daniel Soyer  From the middle of the 19th century to the end of the 20th, the garment industry was the largest manufacturing industry in New York City. For generations, the industry employed more New Yorkers than any other and was central to the city's history, culture, and identity. Today, although no longer the big heart of industrial New York, the needle trades are still an important part of the city's economy. In this valuable book, historians, sociologists, and economists explore the rise and fall of the garment industry and its impact on New York and its people.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From the middle of the 19th century to the end of the 20th, the garment industry was the largest manufacturing industry in New York City. For generations, the industry employed more New Yorkers than any other and was central to the city's history, culture, and identity. Today, although no longer the big heart of industrial New York, the needle trades are still an important part of the city's economy. In this valuable book, historians, sociologists, and economists explore the rise and fall of the garment industry and its impact on New York and its people....

Gender And Land Reform: The Zimbabwe Experience

Allison Goebel

  Gender And Land Reform: The Zimbabwe Experience  Allison Goebel  Zimbabwe's nationalist and post-colonial ambitions have been largely defined by land reform. Allison Goebel assesses Zimbabwe's successes and failures in incorporating gender issues into the broader project of land redistribution. Based on fieldwork in the Sengezi resettlement area in east central Zimbabwe in the late 1990s and 2002, Gender and Land Reform situates gender within the larger issues of race, class, and international political economy. Goebel examines the social forces and effects of the resettlement process, including state policy and legislation, customary norms and practices, local institutions, and ideologies and cosmologies. Her study emphasizes the strategic choices women make in new institutional and household contexts and considers the interests of poor women who have been marginalized within the land reform process.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Zimbabwe's nationalist and post-colonial ambitions have been largely defined by land reform. Allison Goebel assesses Zimbabwe's successes and failures in incorporating gender issues into the broader project of land redistribution. Based on fieldwork in the Sengezi resettlement area in east central Zimbabwe in the late 1990s and 2002, Gender and Land Reform situates gender within the larger issues of race, class, and international political economy. Goebel examines the social forces and effects of the resettlement process, including state policy and legislation, customary norms and practices, local institutions, and ideologies and cosmologies. Her study emphasizes the strategic choices women make in new institutional and household contexts and considers the interests of poor women who have been marginalized within the land reform process....

Elementary Structures for Architects and Builders (5th Edition)

Ronald E. Shaeffer

  Elementary Structures for Architects and Builders (5th Edition)  Ronald E. Shaeffer  Provides an introduction to building structures and materials, treats the essential topics in statics and mechanics of materials and provides an introduction to structural analysis and design. Graphics statics treatment expanded including the graphical analysis of simple trusses and relatively complicated cable structures; structural behavior treatment expanded including structural system selection and step-by-step, thoroughly worked out examples. It is aimed at the practicing architect and those who will be working with him or her.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Provides an introduction to building structures and materials, treats the essential topics in statics and mechanics of materials and provides an introduction to structural analysis and design. Graphics statics treatment expanded including the graphical analysis of simple trusses and relatively complicated cable structures; structural behavior treatment expanded including structural system selection and step-by-step, thoroughly worked out examples. It is aimed at the practicing architect and those who will be working with him or her....

О вере, неверии и сомнении

Митрополит Вениамин (Федченков)

  О вере, неверии и сомнении  Митрополит Вениамин (Федченков)  Отчий дом.   Духовный собеседник.   Известный иерарх Русской Православной Церкви, проповедник и богослов митрополит Вениамин (Федченков) оставил богатейшее духовное наследие - это богословские трактаты, труды по литургике, апологетике, дневниковые записи, художественные зарисовки и воспоминания. Многие творения владыки Вениамина в настоящее время изданы. Предлагаемая книга Отчий дом. Духовный собеседник. Известный иерарх Русской Православной Церкви, проповедник и богослов митрополит Вениамин (Федченков) оставил богатейшее духовное наследие - это богословские трактаты, труды по литургике, апологетике, дневниковые записи, художественные зарисовки и воспоминания. Многие творения владыки Вениамина в настоящее время изданы. Предлагаемая книга "О вере, неверии и сомнении" является своего рода биографическими заметками, которые сам святитель называл исповедью сердца. Владыка искренно и без прикрас рассказывает о своем пути к Богу. Он размышляет о вере, о путях, ведущих к истине, о месте человека в этом мире и о смысле жизни, о религии и значении Православной Церкви в жизни общества и отдельного человека, об искушениях и сомнениях на пути богопознания, о Промысле Божием, о Божией благодати и помощи. Митрополит Вениамин откровенно говорит о колебаниях и сомнениях, которые посещали его самого, когда после простосердечной детской веры хотелось веры "разумной", когда ум искал доказательств.......

Факультетская педиатрия

Павлова Н.В.

  Факультетская педиатрия  Павлова Н.В.  Книга включает в себя полный курс лекций по факультетской педиатрии, написана доступным языком и будет незаменимым помощником для тех, кто желает быстро подготовиться к экзамену и успешно его сдать. Предназначена для студентов медицинских вузов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Книга включает в себя полный курс лекций по факультетской педиатрии, написана доступным языком и будет незаменимым помощником для тех, кто желает быстро подготовиться к экзамену и успешно его сдать. Предназначена для студентов медицинских вузов....

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Coat of Many Colors: Immigration, Globalism, and Reform in the New York City Garment Industry. Daniel Soyer . Книги.

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