The Politics of Piracy: Intellectual Property in Contemporary China

Andrew C. Mertha

  The Politics of Piracy: Intellectual Property in Contemporary China  Andrew C. Mertha  Cornell University Press.   China is by far the world's leading producer of pirated goods - from films and books to clothing, from consumer electronics to aircraft parts. As China becomes a full participant in the international economy, its inability to enforce intellectual property rights is coming under escalating international scrutiny. What is the impact, Andrew C.Mertha asks, of external pressure on China's enforcement of intellectual property? The conventional wisdom sees a simple correlation between greater pressure and better domestic compliance with international norms and declared national policy. Mertha's research tells a different story: external pressure may lead to formal agreements in Beijing, resulting in new laws and official regulations, but it is China's complex network of bureaucracies that decides actual policy and enforcement. The structure of the administrative apparatus that is supposed to protect intellectual property rights makes it possible to track variation in the effects of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cornell University Press. China is by far the world's leading producer of pirated goods - from films and books to clothing, from consumer electronics to aircraft parts. As China becomes a full participant in the international economy, its inability to enforce intellectual property rights is coming under escalating international scrutiny. What is the impact, Andrew C.Mertha asks, of external pressure on China's enforcement of intellectual property? The conventional wisdom sees a simple correlation between greater pressure and better domestic compliance with international norms and declared national policy. Mertha's research tells a different story: external pressure may lead to formal agreements in Beijing, resulting in new laws and official regulations, but it is China's complex network of bureaucracies that decides actual policy and enforcement. The structure of the administrative apparatus that is supposed to protect intellectual property rights makes it possible to track variation in the effects of......

Волшебная зима

Туве Янссон

  Волшебная зима  Туве Янссон  Азбука-классика.   Друзья детства.   Волшебная зима, Маленькие тролли и большое наводнение.   Что будет, если Муми-тролль, которому положено спать до весны, проснется и выйдет из дому на мороз? А если он к тому же первый из муми-троллей, кто решился на такой подвиг? Значит, он увидит то, чего не видел ни один муми-тролль. Бутерброды подлетят к нему по воздуху, в старой купальне под столом ему будут играть невидимые музыканты и Ледяная дева, прекрасная и холодная, коснется его своим дыханием… А потом настанет весна, и начнутся совсем другие приключения…  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Азбука-классика. Друзья детства. Волшебная зима, Маленькие тролли и большое наводнение. Что будет, если Муми-тролль, которому положено спать до весны, проснется и выйдет из дому на мороз? А если он к тому же первый из муми-троллей, кто решился на такой подвиг? Значит, он увидит то, чего не видел ни один муми-тролль. Бутерброды подлетят к нему по воздуху, в старой купальне под столом ему будут играть невидимые музыканты и Ледяная дева, прекрасная и холодная, коснется его своим дыханием… А потом настанет весна, и начнутся совсем другие приключения…...

The Global Competitiveness Report 2004-2005 (World Economic Forum Reports)

  The Global Competitiveness Report 2004-2005 (World Economic Forum Reports)  The World Economic Forum's annual Global Competitiveness Report evaluates the potential for sustained economic growth of over 100 economies and ranks them accordingly. Since it first release in 1979, the Report has become the most authoritative and comprehensive study of its type.The 2004-2005 Report Contains:*Detailed country competitiveness provides of 104 economies*Data tables for survey and hard data variable ranking profiled economies*Complementary global rankings: the Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI) and the Business Competitiveness Index (BCI), measuring growth and productivity respectively*Exclusive Data from the Executive Onion Survey, with over 8,700 responses from business leaders worldwide.Produced in collaboration with a distinguished group of international scholars and a global network of over 100 leading national research institutes and business organizations, the Report also showcases the latest thinking and research on issues of immediate relevance for business...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The World Economic Forum's annual Global Competitiveness Report evaluates the potential for sustained economic growth of over 100 economies and ranks them accordingly. Since it first release in 1979, the Report has become the most authoritative and comprehensive study of its type.The 2004-2005 Report Contains:*Detailed country competitiveness provides of 104 economies*Data tables for survey and hard data variable ranking profiled economies*Complementary global rankings: the Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI) and the Business Competitiveness Index (BCI), measuring growth and productivity respectively*Exclusive Data from the Executive Onion Survey, with over 8,700 responses from business leaders worldwide.Produced in collaboration with a distinguished group of international scholars and a global network of over 100 leading national research institutes and business organizations, the Report also showcases the latest thinking and research on issues of immediate relevance for business......

Taxation, Economic Prosperity, and Distributive Justice (Social Philosophy and Policy)

  Taxation, Economic Prosperity, and Distributive Justice (Social Philosophy and Policy)  What constitutes a just tax system, and what are its moral foundations? Should a society's tax regime be designed to achieve a just distribution of wealth among its citizens, or should such a regime be designed to promote economic growth, rising standards of living, and increasing levels of employment? Are these two goals compatible or incompatible? Why should justice not require, or at least lead to, an increase in general prosperity? The essays in this volume examine the history of tax policies and the normative principles that have informed the selection of various types of taxes and tax regimes; economic data to discover which tax policies lead to economic growth; particular theories of justice or property rights regarding the design of tax systems; and other essays propose specific tax reforms. Still others challenge traditional theories of taxation, offering new ways of understanding the fiscal relationship between governments and their citizens.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What constitutes a just tax system, and what are its moral foundations? Should a society's tax regime be designed to achieve a just distribution of wealth among its citizens, or should such a regime be designed to promote economic growth, rising standards of living, and increasing levels of employment? Are these two goals compatible or incompatible? Why should justice not require, or at least lead to, an increase in general prosperity? The essays in this volume examine the history of tax policies and the normative principles that have informed the selection of various types of taxes and tax regimes; economic data to discover which tax policies lead to economic growth; particular theories of justice or property rights regarding the design of tax systems; and other essays propose specific tax reforms. Still others challenge traditional theories of taxation, offering new ways of understanding the fiscal relationship between governments and their citizens....

White Collar Zen: Using Zen Principles to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Your Career Goals

Steven Heine

  White Collar Zen: Using Zen Principles to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Your Career Goals  Steven Heine  It is said that in traditional Japan the samurai embraced Zen because it helped them to be fearless in adversity, to act quickly and decisively, and to keep focused on their ultimate goal. In White Collar Zen, Steven Heine shows how, by applying Zen principles in our working lives, we can achieve the same results for ourselves. Heine describes the way Zen embraces two different yet harmonious paths. The Way of the Hermit teaches detachment--the mental clarity you need to view your situation dispassionately and impartially, to perceive who is an ally and who is a competitor, to understand what is possible and what is not. The Way of the Warrior teaches the ability to act without hesitation at the proper moment. Together, they can prepare you to meet the challenges of the modern professional world. Heine offers a step-by-step approach to attaining these skills and applying them in daily life. Using real-world examples interwoven with sayings and stories from the Zen tradition, he...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин It is said that in traditional Japan the samurai embraced Zen because it helped them to be fearless in adversity, to act quickly and decisively, and to keep focused on their ultimate goal. In White Collar Zen, Steven Heine shows how, by applying Zen principles in our working lives, we can achieve the same results for ourselves. Heine describes the way Zen embraces two different yet harmonious paths. The Way of the Hermit teaches detachment--the mental clarity you need to view your situation dispassionately and impartially, to perceive who is an ally and who is a competitor, to understand what is possible and what is not. The Way of the Warrior teaches the ability to act without hesitation at the proper moment. Together, they can prepare you to meet the challenges of the modern professional world. Heine offers a step-by-step approach to attaining these skills and applying them in daily life. Using real-world examples interwoven with sayings and stories from the Zen tradition, he......

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The Politics of Piracy: Intellectual Property in Contemporary China. Andrew C. Mertha . Книги.

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