Лучшие сказки Корнея Чуковского

  Лучшие сказки Корнея Чуковского  АСТ, Астрель, Харвест.   Айболит, Бармалей, Мойдодыр, Телефон.   В книгу одного из самых знаменитых детских писателей Корнея Ивановича Чуковского вошли сказки АСТ, Астрель, Харвест. Айболит, Бармалей, Мойдодыр, Телефон. В книгу одного из самых знаменитых детских писателей Корнея Ивановича Чуковского вошли сказки "Айболит", "Бармалей", "Мойдодыр" и "Телефон"....

The Business of Getting More Gigs as a Professional Musician

Bob Popyk

  The Business of Getting More Gigs as a Professional Musician  Bob Popyk  Book DescriptionGetting more gigs doesn't just happen. Musicians have to make it happen. Despite a myriad of convenient excuses to choose from - the economy is off, money is tight, unemployment is high, not as many clubs are hiring, budget cuts mean fewer corporate gigs - there are always some musicians who do exceptionally well and work constantly, regardless of the month, year, season, economy or their location.A collection of Bob Popyk's most talked-about columns from International Musician magazine, The Business of Getting More Gigs as a Professional Musician will clue you in to what the musicians mentioned above already know and do. Covering in detail topics such as attitude, gig etiquette, business basics, money and diversifying, Popyk gives practical pointers to help you have a plan, network effectively, promote your assets, and market yourself constantly. He points out the need to treat gig-seeking like a business, and take it just as seriously. Musicians who take his advice...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionGetting more gigs doesn't just happen. Musicians have to make it happen. Despite a myriad of convenient excuses to choose from - the economy is off, money is tight, unemployment is high, not as many clubs are hiring, budget cuts mean fewer corporate gigs - there are always some musicians who do exceptionally well and work constantly, regardless of the month, year, season, economy or their location.A collection of Bob Popyk's most talked-about columns from International Musician magazine, The Business of Getting More Gigs as a Professional Musician will clue you in to what the musicians mentioned above already know and do. Covering in detail topics such as attitude, gig etiquette, business basics, money and diversifying, Popyk gives practical pointers to help you have a plan, network effectively, promote your assets, and market yourself constantly. He points out the need to treat gig-seeking like a business, and take it just as seriously. Musicians who take his advice......

Memoirs of a Breton Peasant

Jean-Marie Deguignet

  Memoirs of a Breton Peasant  Jean-Marie Deguignet  Book Description Memoirs of A Breton Peasant combines the discovery of a fascinating document of nineteenth-century history with an extraordinary life story. As lively as an adventure novel, the account bristles with the curiosity of an alert, opinionated autodidact from the very lowest level of peasant society, as Jean-Marie Deguignet moves through the world of his time. Most records from nineteenth-century Brittany are the chronicles of and by the middle and upper classes-the formally educated, the advantaged. Deguignet is unique not only as a reading and writing peasant, but in his skepticism regarding the Church; his interest in science, astronomy, and languages; and in his keen-often caustic-observations of the world and people around him. Born in 1834 near Quimper, in Brittany, to landless farmers, the young Deguignet was sent out several times a week to beg for the family's food. After some adolescent years as a cowherd and a domestic speaking only Breton,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Memoirs of A Breton Peasant combines the discovery of a fascinating document of nineteenth-century history with an extraordinary life story. As lively as an adventure novel, the account bristles with the curiosity of an alert, opinionated autodidact from the very lowest level of peasant society, as Jean-Marie Deguignet moves through the world of his time. Most records from nineteenth-century Brittany are the chronicles of and by the middle and upper classes-the formally educated, the advantaged. Deguignet is unique not only as a reading and writing peasant, but in his skepticism regarding the Church; his interest in science, astronomy, and languages; and in his keen-often caustic-observations of the world and people around him. Born in 1834 near Quimper, in Brittany, to landless farmers, the young Deguignet was sent out several times a week to beg for the family's food. After some adolescent years as a cowherd and a domestic speaking only Breton,......

Always Now: The Collected Poems, Vol. 3 (The Collected Poems of Margaret Avison) (The Collected Poems of Margaret Avison)

Margaret Avison

  Always Now: The Collected Poems, Vol. 3 (The Collected Poems of Margaret Avison) (The Collected Poems of Margaret Avison)  Margaret Avison  Book DescriptionSince childhood Margaret Avison has written poetry and published it. Always Now: The Collected Poems (three volumes), stretches from the 1930s to the twenty-first century, through Winter Sun in 1960 and Concrete and Wild Carrot in 2002 (winners, respectively, of the Governor-General's Award and the Griffin Prize for Poetry) to nineteen new poems selected for inclusion here.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionSince childhood Margaret Avison has written poetry and published it. Always Now: The Collected Poems (three volumes), stretches from the 1930s to the twenty-first century, through Winter Sun in 1960 and Concrete and Wild Carrot in 2002 (winners, respectively, of the Governor-General's Award and the Griffin Prize for Poetry) to nineteen new poems selected for inclusion here....

Killing Britney

Sean Olin

  Killing Britney  Sean Olin  Book Description Britney is the girl everyone loves to hate. Ever since Britney transformed herself from freak-and-geek to the most popular girl at school, her life has been touched by tragedy. First itwas her mom, who drowned on a family rafting trip. Then her hockey-star boyfriend, Ricky, was killed in a hit-and-run. When the deaths continue to pile up, everyone fears for Britney. Sure she's popular, blond, and fabulous. But is that enoughreason for someone to want to... kill her?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Britney is the girl everyone loves to hate. Ever since Britney transformed herself from freak-and-geek to the most popular girl at school, her life has been touched by tragedy. First itwas her mom, who drowned on a family rafting trip. Then her hockey-star boyfriend, Ricky, was killed in a hit-and-run. When the deaths continue to pile up, everyone fears for Britney. Sure she's popular, blond, and fabulous. But is that enoughreason for someone to want to... kill her?...

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Лучшие сказки Корнея Чуковского. . Книги.

Каменск-Уральский, Щёлково, Серпухов, СергиевПосад, Ростов-на-Дону, Шахты, Батайск, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Оренбург, Тула, Омск, Ижевск, Междуреченск, Иваново, Коломна,
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