Старик Хоттабыч

Л. Лагин

  Старик Хоттабыч  Л. Лагин  ЛЕНИЗДАТ.   Переиздание известной повести-сказки о приключениях джина, которого спас из заточения в сосуде обыкновенный школьник Волька Костыльков.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ЛЕНИЗДАТ. Переиздание известной повести-сказки о приключениях джина, которого спас из заточения в сосуде обыкновенный школьник Волька Костыльков....

Куколка для монстра

Виктория Платова

  Куколка для монстра  Виктория Платова  АСТ, Астрель.   ...Женщиной, потерявшей память, легко манипулировать. Сделать из нее идеальную машину для убийства - сложнее, но и это возможно. Невозможно лишь заставить ее не думать о том, какой она была раньше, кем она была. Кого любила и кого потеряла. Что, если человек, которого она должна убрать, был ей когда-то дорог?.. Блуждание по лабиринтам собственного померкшего сознания с оружием в руках - опасное дело, ведь свет может вспыхнуть в любую минуту. И что она увидит тогда? АСТ, Астрель. ...Женщиной, потерявшей память, легко манипулировать. Сделать из нее идеальную машину для убийства - сложнее, но и это возможно. Невозможно лишь заставить ее не думать о том, какой она была раньше, кем она была. Кого любила и кого потеряла. Что, если человек, которого она должна убрать, был ей когда-то дорог?.. Блуждание по лабиринтам собственного померкшего сознания с оружием в руках - опасное дело, ведь свет может вспыхнуть в любую минуту. И что она увидит тогда? "Куколка для монстра" - вторая книга о приключениях Евы, героини популярного телесериала "Охота на Золушку"....

Dollars And Sense Or How To Get On: The Whole Secret In A Nutshell

P. T. Barnum

  Dollars And Sense Or How To Get On: The Whole Secret In A Nutshell  P. T. Barnum  Book Description1890. P. T. Barnum was a conspicuous example of success in life, and therefore qualified to write a work of this kind for the guidance of his countrymen. The store of shrewd and kindly observation; the numerous illustrations and anecdotesmarked by a dry humor which is itself irresistible; and the personal reminiscences of a man who has mingled with all sorts and conditions of men, unite to add unusual interest. With a view to illustrating the rules laid down by P.T. Barnum, sketches of the lives of successful men are given in the second part of the book. These include a wide variety of the famous and successful - Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, James Garfield, Horace Greeley, Thomas Edison, Daniel Webster, Samuel Morse, John Wanamaker, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Henry Ward Beecher, Jay Gould, Marshall Field, and many more. The third part of the book is a concise history of money, banks, and banking, with such provocative chapter titles as: What Is A Dollar?, Shall We...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description1890. P. T. Barnum was a conspicuous example of success in life, and therefore qualified to write a work of this kind for the guidance of his countrymen. The store of shrewd and kindly observation; the numerous illustrations and anecdotesmarked by a dry humor which is itself irresistible; and the personal reminiscences of a man who has mingled with all sorts and conditions of men, unite to add unusual interest. With a view to illustrating the rules laid down by P.T. Barnum, sketches of the lives of successful men are given in the second part of the book. These include a wide variety of the famous and successful - Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, James Garfield, Horace Greeley, Thomas Edison, Daniel Webster, Samuel Morse, John Wanamaker, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Henry Ward Beecher, Jay Gould, Marshall Field, and many more. The third part of the book is a concise history of money, banks, and banking, with such provocative chapter titles as: What Is A Dollar?, Shall We......

What Can You Do with a Major in Business : Real people. Real jobs. Real rewards. (What Can You Do with a Major in...)

Kate Shoup Welsh

  What Can You Do with a Major in Business : Real people. Real jobs. Real rewards. (What Can You Do with a Major in...)  Kate Shoup Welsh  Book DescriptionYour guide to glide from campus to career Make sure you get a good ROI (Return on Investment) from your college courses and career choices. Whether you're a student pounding the books or a graduate pounding the pavement, What Can You Do with a Major in Business? alerts you to diverse job options, some of which you probably haven't considered. It addresses specific concerns of business majors with valuable information, including: Advice on college and curriculum choices?courses, internships, advanced degrees, and more Tips to energize and expand your job search Profiles of real graduates, their jobs, and how they got them Objective audits of their careers from the manager of a recreational facility, a city/county administrator, a marketing field representative, a public relations specialist, and an import/export broker Overviews of typical salary levels, hours, and work environments...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionYour guide to glide from campus to career Make sure you get a good ROI (Return on Investment) from your college courses and career choices. Whether you're a student pounding the books or a graduate pounding the pavement, What Can You Do with a Major in Business? alerts you to diverse job options, some of which you probably haven't considered. It addresses specific concerns of business majors with valuable information, including: Advice on college and curriculum choices?courses, internships, advanced degrees, and more Tips to energize and expand your job search Profiles of real graduates, their jobs, and how they got them Objective audits of their careers from the manager of a recreational facility, a city/county administrator, a marketing field representative, a public relations specialist, and an import/export broker Overviews of typical salary levels, hours, and work environments......

TheHistory of Management Thought

Daniel A. Wren

  TheHistory of Management Thought  Daniel A. Wren  Book DescriptionA lot more than you might think. By tracing the origin and development of modern management concepts, you can develop a more logical, coherent picture of the present state of management practice, and a deeper understanding of the analytical and conceptual tools of the trade. The History of Management Thought, Fifth Edition , presents the unfolding story of the lives and times of major figures in the field, as well as the enduring themes and influential ideas that have helped shape management thought––from its earliest, pre-industrial beginnings to modern theories. Throughout this comprehensive history, author Daniel Wren profiles significant eras, and analyzes various trends and movements. Now updated and revised, this Fifth Edition reflects the impact of technology and changing market conditions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA lot more than you might think. By tracing the origin and development of modern management concepts, you can develop a more logical, coherent picture of the present state of management practice, and a deeper understanding of the analytical and conceptual tools of the trade. The History of Management Thought, Fifth Edition , presents the unfolding story of the lives and times of major figures in the field, as well as the enduring themes and influential ideas that have helped shape management thought––from its earliest, pre-industrial beginnings to modern theories. Throughout this comprehensive history, author Daniel Wren profiles significant eras, and analyzes various trends and movements. Now updated and revised, this Fifth Edition reflects the impact of technology and changing market conditions....

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Старик Хоттабыч. Л. Лагин . Книги.

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