From the Boiler Room to the Living Room: The Financial Services Revolution and What it Means to You and Your Clients

Mitch Anthony, Richard Wagner

  From the Boiler Room to the Living Room: The Financial Services Revolution and What it Means to You and Your Clients  Mitch Anthony, Richard Wagner  Author Mitch Anthony has been recognized as the voice of conscience for the financial services industry. For more than a decade, he has shown advisors how building authentic, genuine relationships can serve clients' best interests and build heathly—and financially successful—practices at the same time. In From the Boiler Room to the Living Room, Mitch examines where the financial services industry has failed in the past, and what it needs to do to restore trust at both the individual and industry levels. He teaches readers how to better understand the emotional significance of the money that clients entrust to their advisors and the struggles they face as they attempt to get Author Mitch Anthony has been recognized as the voice of conscience for the financial services industry. For more than a decade, he has shown advisors how building authentic, genuine relationships can serve clients' best interests and build heathly—and financially successful—practices at the same time. In From the Boiler Room to the Living Room, Mitch examines where the financial services industry has failed in the past, and what it needs to do to restore trust at both the individual and industry levels. He teaches readers how to better understand the emotional significance of the money that clients entrust to their advisors and the struggles they face as they attempt to get "more life for their money." The book also discusses why venture philosophy, funding single moments, and rethinking one's purpose in life is more important to clients than net worth or asset allocation. Finally, it discusses how to develop dialogues that forge meaningful, long-term client connections—in......

International Business (12th Edition)

John Daniels, Lee Radebaugh, Daniel Sullivan

  International Business (12th Edition)  John Daniels, Lee Radebaugh, Daniel Sullivan  International Business, 12/e is an authoritative and engaging voice on conducting business in international markets. Comparative environmental frameworks, theories and institutions, the world financial environment, global strategy, structure and implementation, and managing international relations. For business professionals who would like a fresh perspective on the study of global environments, and the operations of international business.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин International Business, 12/e is an authoritative and engaging voice on conducting business in international markets. Comparative environmental frameworks, theories and institutions, the world financial environment, global strategy, structure and implementation, and managing international relations. For business professionals who would like a fresh perspective on the study of global environments, and the operations of international business....

Протопоп Аввакум (аудиокнига MP3)

Д. Мережковский, М. Волошин, А. Несмелов

  Протопоп Аввакум (аудиокнига MP3)  Д. Мережковский, М. Волошин, А. Несмелов  Студия АРДИС.   Литературные чтения.   Три стихотворных переложения Студия АРДИС. Литературные чтения. Три стихотворных переложения "Жития" протопопа Аввакума, Протопоп Аввакум, Протопоп Аввакум, Протопопица. Протопоп Аввакум - один из основоположников старообрядческого раскола православной церкви и одновременно оригинальный писатель, которого считают родоначальником новой российской словесности, вольного образного слова, исповедальной прозы. "Житие протопопа Аввакума, им самим написанное" - выдающийся памятник автобиографической, церковно-религиозной и социально-исторической прозы. В русской литературе известно несколько переработок "Жития", среди которых особо выделяются три стихотворных переложения - поэмы Д.Мережковского, М.Волошина и А.Несмелова. Оригинальный текст "Жития протопопа Аввакума, им самим написанного" находится на диске....

Doing Business and Investing in Cook Islands Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Doing Business and Investing in Cook Islands Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Doing Business and Investing in Cook Islands Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Doing Business and Investing in Cook Islands Guide...

Cote d'Ivoire Energy Policy, Laws and Regulation Handbook (World Law Business Library)

Ibp Usa

  Cote d'Ivoire Energy Policy, Laws and Regulation Handbook (World Law Business Library)  Ibp Usa  Cote d'Ivoire Energy Policy, Laws and Regulation Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cote d'Ivoire Energy Policy, Laws and Regulation Handbook...

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From the Boiler Room to the Living Room: The Financial Services Revolution and What it Means to You and Your Clients. Mitch Anthony, Richard Wagner . Книги.

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