Cup of Comfort for Mothers and Daughters: Stories that celebrate a very special bond

Colleen Sell

  Cup of Comfort for Mothers and Daughters: Stories that celebrate a very special bond  Colleen Sell  Adams Publishing Group.   Intense... loving... complex... close - mothers and daughters have their say in this unforgettable collection. As mothers raise their daughters to womanhood; as daughters come into their own; as mothers watch daughters become mothers themselves, and then care for their mothers through midlife and beyond; the mother-daughter bond retains its power and poignancy forever. Mothers and daughters share more than just life, death and love; they exchange wisdom, advice and intimate secrets unlike that of any other relationship. Adams Publishing Group. Intense... loving... complex... close - mothers and daughters have their say in this unforgettable collection. As mothers raise their daughters to womanhood; as daughters come into their own; as mothers watch daughters become mothers themselves, and then care for their mothers through midlife and beyond; the mother-daughter bond retains its power and poignancy forever. Mothers and daughters share more than just life, death and love; they exchange wisdom, advice and intimate secrets unlike that of any other relationship. "A Cup of Comfort for Mothers and Daughters" explores the strength and depth of women's unbreakable earliest bond. Filled with stories that rejoice in the complexity and kindness - as well as the struggles and triumphs that make the mother-daughter relationship so significant - this magnificant book will enlighten the spirit and enrich the lives of its readers....

Photo Art: The New World of Photography

Edited by Uta Grosenick and Thomas Seelig

  Photo Art: The New World of Photography  Edited by Uta Grosenick and Thomas Seelig  Thames and Hudson.   This book is a comprehensive survey of photography in the early 21st century. It is a rich medium which reflects the changes in society like no other, giving visual expression to its commonplaces and peculiarities, its hopes and disappointments, its desires and obsessions. For this reason alone, it seems an indispensable element of our modern culture. Quite apart from the infinite treasure trove of pictures in family albums, newspapers and other forms of print, new means of communication such as the Internet or the mobile phone-cum-camera have led to a positive explosion of photographic images. Even in this new millennium, however, people are asking the same old questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? The basic questions may not have changed, but our answers may well have. They emerge from changing social conditions that affect individuals, families, nations and indeed the whole of mankind. At the same time photography, which since it was first invented...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Thames and Hudson. This book is a comprehensive survey of photography in the early 21st century. It is a rich medium which reflects the changes in society like no other, giving visual expression to its commonplaces and peculiarities, its hopes and disappointments, its desires and obsessions. For this reason alone, it seems an indispensable element of our modern culture. Quite apart from the infinite treasure trove of pictures in family albums, newspapers and other forms of print, new means of communication such as the Internet or the mobile phone-cum-camera have led to a positive explosion of photographic images. Even in this new millennium, however, people are asking the same old questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? The basic questions may not have changed, but our answers may well have. They emerge from changing social conditions that affect individuals, families, nations and indeed the whole of mankind. At the same time photography, which since it was first invented......

Time to Write to Yourself: A Guide to Journaling for Emotional Health and Self-development

Dianne Sandland

  Time to Write to Yourself: A Guide to Journaling for Emotional Health and Self-development  Dianne Sandland  Foulsham.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Foulsham. -...

The Early Years: The Lyrics of Tom Waits 1971-1983

Tom Waits

  The Early Years: The Lyrics of Tom Waits 1971-1983  Tom Waits  Ecco.   Known for his growling vocals and for the distinct poetry of his lyrics, Tom Waits has amassed over the course of three decades a devoted cult following. The Early Years collects the lyrics - formative and classic - from the first ten albums of this true bard of hard living. A celebration of both his words and of the artist himself, this lyrical biography charts the course from Wait's emotional debut album, Closing Time (1977), to the experimental stirrings in Heartattack and Vine (1991) and One from the Heart (1992). Here the words achieve a new potency, adding further dimension to this singularly gifted artist.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ecco. Known for his growling vocals and for the distinct poetry of his lyrics, Tom Waits has amassed over the course of three decades a devoted cult following. The Early Years collects the lyrics - formative and classic - from the first ten albums of this true bard of hard living. A celebration of both his words and of the artist himself, this lyrical biography charts the course from Wait's emotional debut album, Closing Time (1977), to the experimental stirrings in Heartattack and Vine (1991) and One from the Heart (1992). Here the words achieve a new potency, adding further dimension to this singularly gifted artist....

Белые начинают и проигрывают

Виталий Романов

  Белые начинают и проигрывают  Виталий Романов  Альфа-книга.   Фантастический боевик.   Е2-е4! Белые начинают партию атакой королевской пешки! Странную шахматную партию, кровавую и жестокую, в которой не два игрока, а целых пять. Пять звездных систем, мечтающих о власти в Галактическом Союзе. Ради этого необходимо взять под контроль уникальные рудники с топливом хай-джет. Шах! В бой идут и пешки, и тяжелые фигуры: элитный спецназ, дипломаты-интриганы, даже звездные принцессы. Но фигурки не подозревают: все они движутся по полю так, как выгодно тому, кто играет. Любой из них могут пожертвовать в хитроумной комбинации. Шах! Игроки, мечтающие о победе, не знают главного: за черных - барон Сатур фон Ниддл. Демон, исповедующий принцип: чтобы выиграть партию, надо энергию атакующего направить против самого атакующего. Мат!!! Заказывали победу любой ценой? Она в кармане! Стоит ли ужасаться, если она действительно достигнута любой ценой! Белые и пушистые отдыхают...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Альфа-книга. Фантастический боевик. Е2-е4! Белые начинают партию атакой королевской пешки! Странную шахматную партию, кровавую и жестокую, в которой не два игрока, а целых пять. Пять звездных систем, мечтающих о власти в Галактическом Союзе. Ради этого необходимо взять под контроль уникальные рудники с топливом хай-джет. Шах! В бой идут и пешки, и тяжелые фигуры: элитный спецназ, дипломаты-интриганы, даже звездные принцессы. Но фигурки не подозревают: все они движутся по полю так, как выгодно тому, кто играет. Любой из них могут пожертвовать в хитроумной комбинации. Шах! Игроки, мечтающие о победе, не знают главного: за черных - барон Сатур фон Ниддл. Демон, исповедующий принцип: чтобы выиграть партию, надо энергию атакующего направить против самого атакующего. Мат!!! Заказывали победу любой ценой? Она в кармане! Стоит ли ужасаться, если она действительно достигнута любой ценой! Белые и пушистые отдыхают......

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Cup of Comfort for Mothers and Daughters: Stories that celebrate a very special bond. Colleen Sell . Книги.

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