The National Security Agency: Cracking Secret Codes (Blazers)

  The National Security Agency: Cracking Secret Codes (Blazers)  Connie Colwell Miller  Connie Colwell Miller  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Connie Colwell Miller...

Jim Limber Davis: A Black Orphan in the Confederate White House

  Jim Limber Davis: A Black Orphan in the Confederate White House  Rickey Pittman  Rickey Pittman  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Rickey Pittman...

The Sustainability Handbook: The Complete Management Guide to Achieving Social,Economic and Environmental Responsibility

  The Sustainability Handbook: The Complete Management Guide to Achieving Social,Economic and Environmental Responsibility  William R. Blackburn  William R. Blackburn  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин William R. Blackburn...

The Baby Bonding Book for Dads: Building a Closer Connection With Your Baby

James Di Properzio, Jennifer Margulis

  The Baby Bonding Book for Dads: Building a Closer Connection With Your Baby  James Di Properzio, Jennifer Margulis  Many new dads have never even held a baby, or they have little or no experience in taking care of babies. Men feel apprehensive and unsure about how to interact with their offspring, especially when that offspring is a tiny bundle that weighs under 10 pounds! That apprehension, though, shouldn't put men into the back seat of parenting, as that would be taking a step back from one of the most important experiences of life. Men need to take the initiative and create their own ways of bonding with their children, right from the beginning. Topics include newborn bonding, carrying, skin-to-skin contact, diapering, going places, napping, playing, exercising, and reading to baby. This instructive yet lighthearted text is delivered from a dad who has been there (di Properzio is the father of three), and is paired with the delightful photography of Christopher Briscoe, making this book a handy guide and a perfect gift for any new father who's feeling a little nervous about the new...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Many new dads have never even held a baby, or they have little or no experience in taking care of babies. Men feel apprehensive and unsure about how to interact with their offspring, especially when that offspring is a tiny bundle that weighs under 10 pounds! That apprehension, though, shouldn't put men into the back seat of parenting, as that would be taking a step back from one of the most important experiences of life. Men need to take the initiative and create their own ways of bonding with their children, right from the beginning. Topics include newborn bonding, carrying, skin-to-skin contact, diapering, going places, napping, playing, exercising, and reading to baby. This instructive yet lighthearted text is delivered from a dad who has been there (di Properzio is the father of three), and is paired with the delightful photography of Christopher Briscoe, making this book a handy guide and a perfect gift for any new father who's feeling a little nervous about the new......

All About Dad: Insights, Thoughts, and Life Lessons on Fatherhood

Dahlia Porter, Gabriel Cervantes

  All About Dad: Insights, Thoughts, and Life Lessons on Fatherhood  Dahlia Porter, Gabriel Cervantes  Adams Publishing Group.   Whether reflecting on a father's inner strength, love, or influence, All About Dad is a thoughtful, heartfelt collection that covers the loving and often unspoken relationship between a father and his children. With quotes from Bill Cosby, Burt Reynolds, Cybill Shepard, William Shakespeare, Harry S.Truman, and more than 350 others, All About Dad is the best way to tell a father that he is loved.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Adams Publishing Group. Whether reflecting on a father's inner strength, love, or influence, All About Dad is a thoughtful, heartfelt collection that covers the loving and often unspoken relationship between a father and his children. With quotes from Bill Cosby, Burt Reynolds, Cybill Shepard, William Shakespeare, Harry S.Truman, and more than 350 others, All About Dad is the best way to tell a father that he is loved....

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The National Security Agency: Cracking Secret Codes (Blazers). Connie Colwell Miller . Книги.

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