Objects of Desire : Consumer Behaviour in Shopping Centre Choices

Charles Dennis

  Objects of Desire : Consumer Behaviour in Shopping Centre Choices  Charles Dennis  Book Description What determines where people shop? Why would shoppers visit one shopping center rather than another? Developers, backers, planners and Government will wish to estimate the viability of proposed new centers. Developers wish to plan, build and/or improve shopping centers to maximize profitable retail sales and shopper satisfaction. This book explores a range of perspectives from the traditional to the latest thinking.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description What determines where people shop? Why would shoppers visit one shopping center rather than another? Developers, backers, planners and Government will wish to estimate the viability of proposed new centers. Developers wish to plan, build and/or improve shopping centers to maximize profitable retail sales and shopper satisfaction. This book explores a range of perspectives from the traditional to the latest thinking....

Photography Foundation Course

Peter Cattrell

  Photography Foundation Course  Peter Cattrell  Book Description Digital and conventional, shooting and printing, techniques and creative inspiration--whatever your needs as a photographer, fulfill them with this wonderfully practical, thoroughly illustrated course. It will take novice students through the entire process of creating pictures, from selecting equipment to creating a good composition, from developing the image to mounting the final picture. A lush presentation of the finest photos analyzes the styles of famous professionals and the reasons their work succeeds so magnificently. Planning, position, lighting, the limitations and possibilities of shutter speed, the benefits of digital versus film, and an array of special effects all receive detailed attention. Workshops, cunning tips, and tricks of the trade will set the aspiring professional or eager amateur on the path to photographic success.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Digital and conventional, shooting and printing, techniques and creative inspiration--whatever your needs as a photographer, fulfill them with this wonderfully practical, thoroughly illustrated course. It will take novice students through the entire process of creating pictures, from selecting equipment to creating a good composition, from developing the image to mounting the final picture. A lush presentation of the finest photos analyzes the styles of famous professionals and the reasons their work succeeds so magnificently. Planning, position, lighting, the limitations and possibilities of shutter speed, the benefits of digital versus film, and an array of special effects all receive detailed attention. Workshops, cunning tips, and tricks of the trade will set the aspiring professional or eager amateur on the path to photographic success....

Golden Rules for Vibrant Health in Body, Mind, and Spirit: A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness

Joseph J. Sweere

  Golden Rules for Vibrant Health in Body, Mind, and Spirit: A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness  Joseph J. Sweere  Book DescriptionThe Golden Rule--doing unto others as you would have them do unto you--sets the tone for Book DescriptionThe Golden Rule--doing unto others as you would have them do unto you--sets the tone for "The Golden Rules for Vibrant Health in Body, Mind, and Spirit," an expansive book of commonsense rules for a healthy life. Author Dr.Joseph Sweere believes that doing unto others is fun, easy, and rewarding, but only if you are healthy. Sickness, he maintains, makes people turn inward and become more self-oriented, and chronic debilitating illness robs them of their ability to enjoy all that life hasto offer them. The author says his golden rules are guidelines, not commandments, that offer practical information and tools for health-consious people who are not in optimal health, but wish to be. It is never too late, he says, to use these tools to begin pursuing improved health and the highest possible quality of life. The early chapters pertain to golden rules for a healthy body.They show how implementing these rules for eating, drinking, bathing, sleeping, and taking supplenents......

Redneck Riviera: Armadillos, Outlaws, and the Demise of an American Dream

Dennis Covington

  Redneck Riviera: Armadillos, Outlaws, and the Demise of an American Dream  Dennis Covington  Book DescriptionAfter his father's death, Dennis Covington plunges into a Florida shootout to claim his only inheritance, two and a half worthless acres of land that his father bought in a real estate scam-but the more determined he becomes to share his father's dream with his own children, the more it seems that his true legacy is bad judgment in real estate. In a tale filled with characters drawn from a Florida like Flannery O'Connor's Georgia, Covington finds his life threatened, his truck torched, and his small cabin shot up and vandalized, but he clings to his inheritance with heartbreaking tenacity. Redneck Riviera is at once a comic and tender celebration of family, a brilliant look at the clash of values tearing much of rural America apart, and abittersweet comment on our age-old passion to possess and transform the land.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAfter his father's death, Dennis Covington plunges into a Florida shootout to claim his only inheritance, two and a half worthless acres of land that his father bought in a real estate scam-but the more determined he becomes to share his father's dream with his own children, the more it seems that his true legacy is bad judgment in real estate. In a tale filled with characters drawn from a Florida like Flannery O'Connor's Georgia, Covington finds his life threatened, his truck torched, and his small cabin shot up and vandalized, but he clings to his inheritance with heartbreaking tenacity. Redneck Riviera is at once a comic and tender celebration of family, a brilliant look at the clash of values tearing much of rural America apart, and abittersweet comment on our age-old passion to possess and transform the land....

The New Body Book

Nicola Moulton

  The New Body Book  Nicola Moulton  Book Description As every woman knows, there is no one way to create the perfect body. The New Body Book brings together recent developments in the four pillars of beauty wisdom in a way that can help every woman make the most of her natural endowments. Those basics are: Exercise Diet and lifestyle Beauty treatments Cosmetic or aesthetic surgery This book offers every woman a chance to compare and contrast these alternatives, then select from them and put together a customized health and beauty routine. Author Nicola Moulton divides her advice and instruction into five categories. The first four will help each woman develop her full potential for facial and body health and good looks. The fifth section tells her how to maintain health and keep appearance in top form: The Body: A look at its overall health, and how to improve deficiencies Top: Beauty tips for face, skin, neck, teeth, eyes, and hair Middle: Advice for...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description As every woman knows, there is no one way to create the perfect body. The New Body Book brings together recent developments in the four pillars of beauty wisdom in a way that can help every woman make the most of her natural endowments. Those basics are: Exercise Diet and lifestyle Beauty treatments Cosmetic or aesthetic surgery This book offers every woman a chance to compare and contrast these alternatives, then select from them and put together a customized health and beauty routine. Author Nicola Moulton divides her advice and instruction into five categories. The first four will help each woman develop her full potential for facial and body health and good looks. The fifth section tells her how to maintain health and keep appearance in top form: The Body: A look at its overall health, and how to improve deficiencies Top: Beauty tips for face, skin, neck, teeth, eyes, and hair Middle: Advice for......

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Objects of Desire : Consumer Behaviour in Shopping Centre Choices. Charles Dennis . Книги.

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