Амадора. Та, что любит…

Ана Феррейра

  Амадора. Та, что любит…  Ана Феррейра  Институт соитологии.   Бразильские ночи.   Роман Институт соитологии. Бразильские ночи. Роман "Amadora. Та, что любит" - первая книга Аны Феррейры - молодой, смелой, ироничной, раскованной бразильской писательницы с неиссякаемым чувством юмора, которая сразу же покорила читающую публику по обе стороны Атлантического океана. "Amadora. Та, что любит" - это повествование о том, о чем многие женщины хотели бы поговорить, а многие мужчины - услышать. Книга затягивает в смелые сети с первых строчек и с интересом дочитывается до конца....

Россия в ХVIII веке

Александр Каменский

  Россия в ХVIII веке  Александр Каменский  АСТ, Астрель.   Cogito, ergo sum: АСТ, Астрель. Cogito, ergo sum: "Университетская библиотека". Университетская библиотека - это серия книг для университетов и вузов по всем основным отраслям знаний. В данной книге представлен краткий очерк истории России XVIII столетия, отражающий современные представления ученых об этой важнейшей эпохе отечественной истории и соответствующий программе курса высших учебных заведений. Автор не ставил перед собой задачу охватить все явления и события политической, социальной, экономической и духовной жизни России на протяжении XVIII века. Цель данного издания - по возможности сформировать у читателя целостное представление об этой эпохе и ее месте в русской истории, делая акцент на сложных, спорных или недостаточно изученных проблемах историографии. Предназначено для студентов и всех, интересующихся русской историей....

International Yearbook of Library and Information Management, 2003-2004: Metadata Applications and Management : Metadata Applications and Management (International ... of Library and Information Management)

G.E. Gorman

  International Yearbook of Library and Information Management, 2003-2004: Metadata Applications and Management : Metadata Applications and Management (International ... of Library and Information Management)  G.E. Gorman  Book DescriptionThe theme for 2003-2004, metadata, includes sections on metadata as it relates to memory institutions, music, the arts, government information, archives, cataloging, education, bibliographic organization, digital preservation, spatial data, and developing countries.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe theme for 2003-2004, metadata, includes sections on metadata as it relates to memory institutions, music, the arts, government information, archives, cataloging, education, bibliographic organization, digital preservation, spatial data, and developing countries....

The Politics of the New International Financial Architecture : Reimposing Neoliberal Domination in the Global South

Susanne Soederberg

  The Politics of the New International Financial Architecture : Reimposing Neoliberal Domination in the Global South  Susanne Soederberg  Book Description Recent years have witnessed a veritable epidemic of financial crises--from Mexico, through South East Asia, Russia, Brazil and now Argentina. The rich industrial countries, led by the United States, have had to respond. This book examines the G7's attempts over the past decade to re-establish rules and a degree of order in the world financial system through the creation of the Financial Stability Forum and the G20, which they are calling the New International Financial Architecture. Susanne Soederberg asks: Why has the New International Financial Architecture emerged? At whose initiative? What does it involve? What are the underlying power relations? Who is benefiting? And, will it really work? The author argues that this tinkering with the capitalist system will not achieve either sustained economic growth or stability in financial markets, let alone enhance the capability of developing countries to tackle the problems of mass poverty and social injustice. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Recent years have witnessed a veritable epidemic of financial crises--from Mexico, through South East Asia, Russia, Brazil and now Argentina. The rich industrial countries, led by the United States, have had to respond. This book examines the G7's attempts over the past decade to re-establish rules and a degree of order in the world financial system through the creation of the Financial Stability Forum and the G20, which they are calling the New International Financial Architecture. Susanne Soederberg asks: Why has the New International Financial Architecture emerged? At whose initiative? What does it involve? What are the underlying power relations? Who is benefiting? And, will it really work? The author argues that this tinkering with the capitalist system will not achieve either sustained economic growth or stability in financial markets, let alone enhance the capability of developing countries to tackle the problems of mass poverty and social injustice. ......

The 60-Minute Active Training Series: How to Resolve Conflict Effectively, Leader's Guide (Active Training Series)

Melvin L. Silberman

  The 60-Minute Active Training Series: How to Resolve Conflict Effectively, Leader's Guide (Active Training Series)  Melvin L. Silberman  Book DescriptionToo often, in situations of conflict, people seek victory rather than agreement. Resolving conflict successfully means taking a different approach where both parties benefit?creating a win-win situation. How to Resolve Conflict Effectively, Leaders Guide from the popular 60-Minute Active Training Series offers facilitators a ready-made, effective one-hour program that teaches participants the skills they need to successfully resolve conflict and create win-win situations. Specifically, participants will learn how to: Get tension right out on the table Figure out whats bothering the other person Communicate the real, underlying concerns  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionToo often, in situations of conflict, people seek victory rather than agreement. Resolving conflict successfully means taking a different approach where both parties benefit?creating a win-win situation. How to Resolve Conflict Effectively, Leaders Guide from the popular 60-Minute Active Training Series offers facilitators a ready-made, effective one-hour program that teaches participants the skills they need to successfully resolve conflict and create win-win situations. Specifically, participants will learn how to: Get tension right out on the table Figure out whats bothering the other person Communicate the real, underlying concerns...

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Амадора. Та, что любит…. Ана Феррейра . Книги.

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