Saudi Arabia Country Study Guide (World Investment and Business Guide Library)

Ibp Usa

  Saudi Arabia Country Study Guide (World Investment and Business Guide Library)  Ibp Usa  Saudi Arabia Country Study Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Saudi Arabia Country Study Guide...

The Power of Partnership: Principles and Practices for Creating Strategic Relationships Among Nonprofit Groups, For-Profit Organizations, and Government Entities

Plexus Consulting Group, LLC

  The Power of Partnership: Principles and Practices for Creating Strategic Relationships Among Nonprofit Groups, For-Profit Organizations, and Government Entities  Plexus Consulting Group, LLC  ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership's landmark study and publication 7 Measures of Success identified the ability to build effective alliances or partnerships that advance the mission as one of the hallmarks of a remarkable association. But getting a partnership right is an involved undertaking. That's what The Power of Partnership, itself the result of a strategic research collaboration of ASAE & The Center and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is all about. The book takes a no-nonsense look at the intricacies of establishing successful partnerships between nonprofit organizations, between nonprofits and for-profit companies, and between nonprofit organizations and governmental entities.This resource hits on all the essential elements individuals or organizations can utilize to achieve more in partnership than they could otherwise achieve alone including the following:Essentials of PartneringReadiness: Preparing to PartnerFormalizing the PartnershipManaging the PartnershipExit...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership's landmark study and publication 7 Measures of Success identified the ability to build effective alliances or partnerships that advance the mission as one of the hallmarks of a remarkable association. But getting a partnership right is an involved undertaking. That's what The Power of Partnership, itself the result of a strategic research collaboration of ASAE & The Center and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is all about. The book takes a no-nonsense look at the intricacies of establishing successful partnerships between nonprofit organizations, between nonprofits and for-profit companies, and between nonprofit organizations and governmental entities.This resource hits on all the essential elements individuals or organizations can utilize to achieve more in partnership than they could otherwise achieve alone including the following:Essentials of PartneringReadiness: Preparing to PartnerFormalizing the PartnershipManaging the PartnershipExit......

Graphic Design: Next Generation

Katja M. Becker, Stephanie Podobinski

  Graphic Design: Next Generation  Katja M. Becker, Stephanie Podobinski  Page One.   This book is a colourful, fresh, inspiring creative showcase of Germany's contemporary graphic design scene. Thirty young studios present their works personal views on Page One. This book is a colourful, fresh, inspiring creative showcase of Germany's contemporary graphic design scene. Thirty young studios present their works personal views on "Design made in Germany". This volume includes an essay on the history of German design as well as 11 revealing interviews with established professionals of the scene. Формат: 23 см x 28,5 см....

Cape Verde Country Study Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Cape Verde Country Study Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Cape Verde Country Study Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cape Verde Country Study Guide...

А. С. Пушкин. Имя Россия. Исторический выбор 2008

И. З. Сурат, С. Г. Бочаров

  А. С. Пушкин. Имя Россия. Исторический выбор 2008  И. З. Сурат, С. Г. Бочаров  АСТ, Астрель.   Имя Россия. Исторический выбор 2008.   В этой экспериментальной книге авторы попытались охватить единым взглядом жизненный и поэтический путь А.С.Пушкина. Пользуясь привычной формулой АСТ, Астрель. Имя Россия. Исторический выбор 2008. В этой экспериментальной книге авторы попытались охватить единым взглядом жизненный и поэтический путь А.С.Пушкина. Пользуясь привычной формулой "жизнь и творчество", авторы очерка представили подвижную картину непрерывных взаимопереходов биографии и поэзии, образующих вместе пушкинскую творческую судьбу. Общая сверхзадача очерка - дать материал к пониманию проблемы жизнеописания художника, его внутренней биографии, - одной из нерешенных проблем филологической науки....

<<<  Свадьба от А до Я.              Предсказанное. Том 1. Василий Головачев >>>

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Saudi Arabia Country Study Guide (World Investment and Business Guide Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.

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