Свадьба от А до Я

  Свадьба от А до Я  Эксмо.   Свадьба - прекрасное и торжественное событие, однако для того, чтобы она прошла идеально (а разве не об этом мечтает каждая невеста?), нужно постараться: выбрать, купить, заказать множество разных вещей, а еще больше - организовать, договориться, состыковать, подготовить... И как во всех этих хлопотах успеть еще и удовольствие получить оттого, что это ваш единственный и неповторимый праздник, праздник двух любящих людей? В помощь вам, будущие женихи и, конечно же, невесты, создана эта книга, содержащая ответы на все вопросы, которые только могут у вас возникнуть в связи с процессом подготовки к свадьбе. Как должен выглядеть букет невесты, где заказать автотранспорт, чтобы он не подвел, кто должен осуществлять фото- и видеосъемку, нужен ли вам тамада, что должно быть в меню свадебного банкета и, конечно, главный вопрос, где найти его, свое свадебное платье, - это далеко не полный их перечень. Книга будет также полезна родным и друзьям будущих молодоженов, которые помогают им в...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Свадьба - прекрасное и торжественное событие, однако для того, чтобы она прошла идеально (а разве не об этом мечтает каждая невеста?), нужно постараться: выбрать, купить, заказать множество разных вещей, а еще больше - организовать, договориться, состыковать, подготовить... И как во всех этих хлопотах успеть еще и удовольствие получить оттого, что это ваш единственный и неповторимый праздник, праздник двух любящих людей? В помощь вам, будущие женихи и, конечно же, невесты, создана эта книга, содержащая ответы на все вопросы, которые только могут у вас возникнуть в связи с процессом подготовки к свадьбе. Как должен выглядеть букет невесты, где заказать автотранспорт, чтобы он не подвел, кто должен осуществлять фото- и видеосъемку, нужен ли вам тамада, что должно быть в меню свадебного банкета и, конечно, главный вопрос, где найти его, свое свадебное платье, - это далеко не полный их перечень. Книга будет также полезна родным и друзьям будущих молодоженов, которые помогают им в......

Eritrea Business & Investment Opportunities Yearbook

Ibp Usa

  Eritrea Business & Investment Opportunities Yearbook  Ibp Usa  Eritrea Business & Investment Opportunities Yearbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Eritrea Business & Investment Opportunities Yearbook...

The Indian Consumer: One Billion Myths, One Billion Realities

Alam Srinivas

  The Indian Consumer: One Billion Myths, One Billion Realities  Alam Srinivas  A counterintuitive guide that exposes the apocryphal Indian A counterintuitive guide that exposes the apocryphal Indian "middle class" With so many companies scrambling to cash in on the growing Indian middle class, the time is right for a factual look at the consumer class that so many are banking their fortunes on. As foreign firms cue up to tap those markets, many have found the Indian middle class to be largely mythical. This book offers a clear-eyed and honest assessment of India's consumer market to help entrepreneurs and companies develop realistic strategies for doing business in India. Alam Srinivas (New Delhi, India) is Business Editor of Outlook, an English-language Indian news magazine, and Editor of Outlook Business....

Organizing Words: A Critical Thesaurus for Social and Organization Studies

Yiannis Gabriel

  Organizing Words: A Critical Thesaurus for Social and Organization Studies  Yiannis Gabriel  Organizing Words presents a series of essays on some 220 widely used--and much debated--terms in the social sciences, and organization studies. Each essay explores the meanings and uses of the word; and also the controversies they have sparked. The book aims to be a first port of call for students, researchers and scholars who wish to familiarize themselves with these key ideas and use them in their own work. The book is neither an encyclopaedia nor a dictionary, but a thesaurus. As such it combines both the original meaning of a thesaurus as a treasure trove, with its more contemporary characteristics of an accessible and practical resource. Primarily aimed to those interested in social and organizational studies, it will appeal to all those interested in the human sciences. It does not claim to be canonical or all-inclusive, but each entry seeks to enlighten and help, without patronizing or obscuring disagreements and difficulties. The book seeks to be re-assuring without being...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Organizing Words presents a series of essays on some 220 widely used--and much debated--terms in the social sciences, and organization studies. Each essay explores the meanings and uses of the word; and also the controversies they have sparked. The book aims to be a first port of call for students, researchers and scholars who wish to familiarize themselves with these key ideas and use them in their own work. The book is neither an encyclopaedia nor a dictionary, but a thesaurus. As such it combines both the original meaning of a thesaurus as a treasure trove, with its more contemporary characteristics of an accessible and practical resource. Primarily aimed to those interested in social and organizational studies, it will appeal to all those interested in the human sciences. It does not claim to be canonical or all-inclusive, but each entry seeks to enlighten and help, without patronizing or obscuring disagreements and difficulties. The book seeks to be re-assuring without being......

Image and Response in Early Europe (Duckworth Debates in Archaeology) (Duckworth Debates in Archaeology)

Peter S. Wells, Richard Hodges

  Image and Response in Early Europe (Duckworth Debates in Archaeology) (Duckworth Debates in Archaeology)  Peter S. Wells, Richard Hodges  Did people in the Iron Age see their bronze figurines and sculpted stones differently from the way we see them today? How can we approach the problem of determining how they saw things? How different was their experience viewing these objects in the course of their use, from ours as we look at them in museum cases or through photographs in books? Recent research in cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology forms the theoretical basis for a new approach to understanding the visual basis of communication in early Europe. The focus is on societies from the Early Iron Age to the early medieval period in temperate Europe, at the time that traditions of writing were gradually being adopted in this part of the world. Following review of the most relevant results of new experiments and observations in those sciences, Peter S. Wells examines the visual aspects of the archaeological evidence to investigate the role that visuality - the visual quality of things - played in the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Did people in the Iron Age see their bronze figurines and sculpted stones differently from the way we see them today? How can we approach the problem of determining how they saw things? How different was their experience viewing these objects in the course of their use, from ours as we look at them in museum cases or through photographs in books? Recent research in cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology forms the theoretical basis for a new approach to understanding the visual basis of communication in early Europe. The focus is on societies from the Early Iron Age to the early medieval period in temperate Europe, at the time that traditions of writing were gradually being adopted in this part of the world. Following review of the most relevant results of new experiments and observations in those sciences, Peter S. Wells examines the visual aspects of the archaeological evidence to investigate the role that visuality - the visual quality of things - played in the......

<<<  Society: The Basics. John J. Macionis             Предсказанное. Том 1. Василий Головачев >>>

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Свадьба от А до Я. . Книги.

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