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HTML: A Beginner's Guide, Second Edition Wendy Willard
Essential skills for first-time programmers! This easy-to-use book explains the fundamentals of HTML and Web development. The modular approach of this series--including drills, sample projects, and mastery checks--makes it easy to learn to use this powerful programming language at your own pace....
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Electronic Commerce Elias M. Awad
This paperback provides the latest information in e-commerce and teaches readers how to build a successful e-business. It brings learners through the entire process of e-commerce?from strategic planning to actual fulfillment-using an easy-to-understand writing style to explain the technology of the Internet. A five-part organization covers foundations of electronic commerce, designing interactive web presence, e-strategies and tactics, security threats and payment systems, and managerial and customer-related issues. For business minded individuals considering an e-commerce start-up....
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Modeling in LightWave (+ CD-ROM) Shamms Mortier
Charles River Media. As one of the most popular 3D applications in the Film and TV industries, LightWave continues to wow its users with every new release. Keeping up with the changes and improved functionality of each new version can be challenging, but with the hands-on projects and tutorials provided here, you'll get up to speed quickly. Detailed guidelines walk you through the maze of features found in the Layout and Modeler interfaces, and teach you how to select the right tools for specific tasks. Through the tutorial-based approach, novice users will learn new skills and increase their mastery of this powerful program, and intermediate users will gain access to new modeling ideas and insights. The book is broken into five main parts exploring the ins and outs of LightWave modeling. Part I, Basics of LightWave Modeling, provides a refresher course that targets all of the basic LightWave modeling techniques. Part II, More Advanced Modeling Technique, walks you through more complex modeling......
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User Friendly J. D. Illiad Frazer, Illiad
User Friendly tells the story of Columbia Internet, "the friendliest, hardest-working, and most neurotic little Internet Service Provider in the world." Take three techs, two salespeople, a designer, two executives, a couple of administrative staff, mix in a mischievous Artificial Intelligence and a "dust puppy" born from the innards of a mega server, put them all together in a crowded little office, and you have the makings of one of the most off-beat, original, and funny comic strips to come along in years. User Friendly reads like Dilbert for the open-source community. Already in syndication in The National Post , one of Canada's two leading national newspapers, and with a massive online following, it provides outsiders a lighthearted look at the world of the hard-core geek, and allows those who make their living dwelling in this world a chance to laugh at themselves....
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E-Education Applications: Human Factors and Innovative Approaches Claude Ghaoui
E-Education Applications: Human Factors and Innovative Approaches enforces the need to take multi-disciplinary and/or inter-disciplinary approaches, when solutions for e-education (or online-, e-learning) are introduced. By focusing on the issues that have impact on the usability of e-learning, the book specifically fills in a gap in this area, which is particularly invaluable to practitioners. The book is aimed at researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government, for an in-depth coverage of a broad range of issues, ideas and practical experiences on this subject. It aims to raise more awareness in this important subject, promote good practice, and share and evaluate experiences (advantages, disadvantages, problems faced and lessonslearned)....
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На главную
HTML: A Beginner's Guide, Second Edition. Wendy Willard . Книги.
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