Between Two Worlds - Society, Politics, and Business in the Philippines

Rupert Hodder

  Between Two Worlds - Society, Politics, and Business in the Philippines  Rupert Hodder  This book considers the tensions and complementarities between two different attitudes towards social relationships - on the one hand, the attitude aspired to in the West, which emphasises individualism, institutional probity, and the rule of law, and which regards social relationships as ideals or absolutes; and, on the other hand, the attitude often found in Asia, where loyalties based on kinship, local networks, and places of origin are vitally important, and where social relationships, institutions and practices are often material for manipulation and the pursuit of ambition.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book considers the tensions and complementarities between two different attitudes towards social relationships - on the one hand, the attitude aspired to in the West, which emphasises individualism, institutional probity, and the rule of law, and which regards social relationships as ideals or absolutes; and, on the other hand, the attitude often found in Asia, where loyalties based on kinship, local networks, and places of origin are vitally important, and where social relationships, institutions and practices are often material for manipulation and the pursuit of ambition....

Making Work Work

Scott Hunter, Dawn Josephson

  Making Work Work  Scott Hunter, Dawn Josephson  Successful organizations consist of a group of enthusiastic, confident, positive people who work together on behalf of a future they have all committed themselves to. But in most organizations, the above observation of what a Successful organizations consist of a group of enthusiastic, confident, positive people who work together on behalf of a future they have all committed themselves to. But in most organizations, the above observation of what a "successful organization" issimply does not exist. Why is this? Is it because people don?t want to be enthusiastic, confident, and positive? Would they rather be resigned, fearful, and negative? Do people not want to be part of a team? Would they rather be selfish and loners? Of course not. The reality is that we live in a paradigm that is not set up to have truly successful organizations. Which is why, in spite of hundreds of books on organizational effectiveness, most people still struggle trying to make work work. This book exposes the paradigm in which we live with such clarity and in such detail that leaders can finally and effectively take the steps necessary to create the organization they have only dreamed about heretofore....

Prospecting Your Way to Sales Success: How to Find New Business by Phone, Fax, Internet, and Other N

Bill Good

  Prospecting Your Way to Sales Success: How to Find New Business by Phone, Fax, Internet, and Other N  Bill Good  Whatever good or service you're selling, five likely customers are worth a hundred random names. No one can help you find new business by finding those five -- or five hundred, or fifty thousand -- best-qualified customers better than Bill Good. For over a decade, Bill Good's guide to increasing new business by finding the right prospective customers has been an invaluable resource to people in every imaginable profession involving selling. Now completely revised and updated to include lessons on how email, fax machines, and the Internet can be incorporated into an effective prospecting and selling campaign, it is the most valuable tool a salesperson can own. Anyone who does any prospecting or selling by phone -- from securities, insurance, and real estate to fund-raising -- knows the frustrations and rejections inherent in Whatever good or service you're selling, five likely customers are worth a hundred random names. No one can help you find new business by finding those five -- or five hundred, or fifty thousand -- best-qualified customers better than Bill Good. For over a decade, Bill Good's guide to increasing new business by finding the right prospective customers has been an invaluable resource to people in every imaginable profession involving selling. Now completely revised and updated to include lessons on how email, fax machines, and the Internet can be incorporated into an effective prospecting and selling campaign, it is the most valuable tool a salesperson can own. Anyone who does any prospecting or selling by phone -- from securities, insurance, and real estate to fund-raising -- knows the frustrations and rejections inherent in "cold calling." Many people come to fear it. But why should this be so? Certainly there are people out there who need and want the product......

New Century, New Deal: How To Turn Your Wages Into Wealth Through Social Security Choice

Wade Dokken

  New Century, New Deal: How To Turn Your Wages Into Wealth Through Social Security Choice  Wade Dokken  When it comes to your retirement, do you want an I.O.U. from Washington, or a secure investment account that you own and control? For you to retire with a nest egg worth $1 million or more, you don't need to be a quiz show genius. You don't need to win a lottery jackpot. And you don't need to get lucky in Las Vegas. What you do need is a far better return on your money than Social Security provides today. You need the freedom to invest part of your Social Security taxes in the real American economy through your own personal retirement account. It's your money - shouldn't it be your choice? This is the bold, provocative premise offered by Wade Dokken, CEO of a $30 billion financial services company. With two decades of experience helping people save and invest for retirement, Dokken explains your enormous personal stake in saving Social Security. When it comes to your retirement, do you want an I.O.U. from Washington, or a secure investment account that you own and control? For you to retire with a nest egg worth $1 million or more, you don't need to be a quiz show genius. You don't need to win a lottery jackpot. And you don't need to get lucky in Las Vegas. What you do need is a far better return on your money than Social Security provides today. You need the freedom to invest part of your Social Security taxes in the real American economy through your own personal retirement account. It's your money - shouldn't it be your choice? This is the bold, provocative premise offered by Wade Dokken, CEO of a $30 billion financial services company. With two decades of experience helping people save and invest for retirement, Dokken explains your enormous personal stake in saving Social Security. "Short of war, no issue government can affect will touch the lives of more Americans than reforming Social......

PowerPoint 2002 from A to Z: A Quick Reference of More Than 300 Microsoft PowerPoint Tasks, Terms, and Tricks

Stephen L. Nelson

  PowerPoint 2002 from A to Z: A Quick Reference of More Than 300 Microsoft PowerPoint Tasks, Terms, and Tricks  Stephen L. Nelson  Alphabetically organizing its entries by term or task, this reference allows even new users of PowerPoint to easily get answers. With more than 300 entries of key PowerPoint 2002 terms and descriptions of tasks, topics such as descriptions of how to add a chart to a slide, use background music during a presentation, or use a projector are easily found. With the detailed instructions on using the Office Assistant and Microsoft's Knowledge Base system, PowerPoint users quickly learn how to troubleshoot problems. Also included is information about preparing for and passing the core examination for MOUS certification.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Alphabetically organizing its entries by term or task, this reference allows even new users of PowerPoint to easily get answers. With more than 300 entries of key PowerPoint 2002 terms and descriptions of tasks, topics such as descriptions of how to add a chart to a slide, use background music during a presentation, or use a projector are easily found. With the detailed instructions on using the Office Assistant and Microsoft's Knowledge Base system, PowerPoint users quickly learn how to troubleshoot problems. Also included is information about preparing for and passing the core examination for MOUS certification....

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Between Two Worlds - Society, Politics, and Business in the Philippines. Rupert Hodder . Книги.

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