Иуда Искариот (аудиокнига на 3 CD)

Леонид Андреев

  Иуда Искариот (аудиокнига на 3 CD)  Леонид Андреев  Парадигма C&T.   Одно из самых любопытных произведений, в котором переосмысливается библейский сюжет, где Иуда выступает главным героем. Сам автор охарактеризовал это произведение как Парадигма C&T. Одно из самых любопытных произведений, в котором переосмысливается библейский сюжет, где Иуда выступает главным героем. Сам автор охарактеризовал это произведение как "нечто по психологии, этике и практике предательства"....

Fear & Violence on the Job: Prevention Solutions for the Dangerous Workplace

Steve Albrecht

  Fear & Violence on the Job: Prevention Solutions for the Dangerous Workplace  Steve Albrecht  Fear Violence on the Job is designed to show readers how to recognize dangerous or violent customers, employees, students, or patients; identify specific warning sign behaviors; change those behaviors legally and safely; and protect the organization and its valuable assets from the real, costly, and even deadly hazards of workplace violence. The author is a nationally known expert on this subject who trains executives, managers, and supervisors on how to recognize problems and intervene before a situation becomes violent. A complete guide to the subject of violence in the workplace by defining the issue, this book also discusses safe hiring practices, discipline procedures, termination policies, and management intervention steps that will help solve existing problems and prevent potential disasters. Other topics covered include domestic violence in the workplace, obsessive or stalking behavior at work, new personnel and human resources intervention methods, and updated security...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Fear Violence on the Job is designed to show readers how to recognize dangerous or violent customers, employees, students, or patients; identify specific warning sign behaviors; change those behaviors legally and safely; and protect the organization and its valuable assets from the real, costly, and even deadly hazards of workplace violence. The author is a nationally known expert on this subject who trains executives, managers, and supervisors on how to recognize problems and intervene before a situation becomes violent. A complete guide to the subject of violence in the workplace by defining the issue, this book also discusses safe hiring practices, discipline procedures, termination policies, and management intervention steps that will help solve existing problems and prevent potential disasters. Other topics covered include domestic violence in the workplace, obsessive or stalking behavior at work, new personnel and human resources intervention methods, and updated security......

Economic Principles for Education: Theory and Evidence

C. R. Belfield, Clive R. Belfield

  Economic Principles for Education: Theory and Evidence  C. R. Belfield, Clive R. Belfield  Education has become an increasingly important activity within all economies; from pre-school groups through to continuing education and retraining, the accumulation of skills spans a lifetime. Economic Principles for Education looks at all the major areas of economics, applying them to education. Human capital theory is discussed and evidence on rates of return and the benefits of training is presented. The demand for education is described, with an assessment of how pervasive wealth effects are in education systems. The author discusses the efficiency of education providers, including teacher supply, and identifies the optimal rules for teacher deployment. Education markets, the role of governments and the macro-economics of education are all considered along with the key social benefits of education. Using evidence from a range of countries, but particularly the UK and the US, Clive Belfield provides an appreciation of the depth and breadth of the literature of the economic...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Education has become an increasingly important activity within all economies; from pre-school groups through to continuing education and retraining, the accumulation of skills spans a lifetime. Economic Principles for Education looks at all the major areas of economics, applying them to education. Human capital theory is discussed and evidence on rates of return and the benefits of training is presented. The demand for education is described, with an assessment of how pervasive wealth effects are in education systems. The author discusses the efficiency of education providers, including teacher supply, and identifies the optimal rules for teacher deployment. Education markets, the role of governments and the macro-economics of education are all considered along with the key social benefits of education. Using evidence from a range of countries, but particularly the UK and the US, Clive Belfield provides an appreciation of the depth and breadth of the literature of the economic......

Documenting Job Content: An Approach to Job & Work Analysis (Building Blocks Series Vol. 6)

Thomas J. Hackett, Valerie C. Williams

  Documenting Job Content: An Approach to Job & Work Analysis (Building Blocks Series Vol. 6)  Thomas J. Hackett, Valerie C. Williams  Good job documentation is not simply a preventive measure. It also greatly assists an organization's efforts to achieve efficiency and quality, and it facilitates the creation of an equitable job-worth hierarchy. This how-to booklet describes 12 steps of conducting job and work analysis while incorporating workflow analysis techniques. Using helpful examples, questionnaires and great tips on how to write a job description, this gem of a book can help you translate your organization's strategic plan into specific roles and responsibilities.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Good job documentation is not simply a preventive measure. It also greatly assists an organization's efforts to achieve efficiency and quality, and it facilitates the creation of an equitable job-worth hierarchy. This how-to booklet describes 12 steps of conducting job and work analysis while incorporating workflow analysis techniques. Using helpful examples, questionnaires and great tips on how to write a job description, this gem of a book can help you translate your organization's strategic plan into specific roles and responsibilities....

Creative Careers in Music

Josquin Des Pres, Mark Landsman

  Creative Careers in Music  Josquin Des Pres, Mark Landsman  Talented people of all levels can find profitable careers in today's thriving music industry with the help of this definitive guide. From song writers to producers, solo artists to band members, a wide variety of careers in the music business are fully described, outlining the skills and training required for each and how to target the right markets and income sources. Other professional advice includes an in-depth discussion on the pros and cons of starting a record label versus working with an established one. Josquin des Pres, a songwriter, musician, author, and record producer, and Mark Landsman, a musician and songwriter, live in San Diego.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Talented people of all levels can find profitable careers in today's thriving music industry with the help of this definitive guide. From song writers to producers, solo artists to band members, a wide variety of careers in the music business are fully described, outlining the skills and training required for each and how to target the right markets and income sources. Other professional advice includes an in-depth discussion on the pros and cons of starting a record label versus working with an established one. Josquin des Pres, a songwriter, musician, author, and record producer, and Mark Landsman, a musician and songwriter, live in San Diego....

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Иуда Искариот (аудиокнига на 3 CD). Леонид Андреев . Книги.

Чита, Рязань, Нальчик, Новочеркасск, Орехово-Зуево, Копейск, Миасс, Владимир, Димитровград, Октябрьский, Иваново,
Шейпинг| Трудовое право| Оружие| Микроэкономика| Мама и малыш| Эротика| Французский язык| Эксцентрические комедии| Фантастика и приключения| Путешествия. Хобби. Фото. Спорт| Русский язык и литература| Оперы, оперетты, мюзиклы| История нового времени (XVI - 1918 г.)| Отечественное кино| Аудит| Обучающие программы и энциклопедии| Отечественная фантастика| Познавательные программы| Международные финансовые отношения| Семейные комедии| Организация торговли. Продажи| Молодежные триллеры| Обучающие видеопрограммы| Словари и разговорники| Программы об автомобилях| Мюзиклы| Атласы и контурные карты по географии| Отраслевой и специальный бизнес| Предпринимательство| Криминальные триллеры| Новая история|
поэзия, народные сказки, сказка, библиотека литературы,


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