Beginning Dreamweaver MX

Charles Brown, Imar Spaanjaars, Todd Marks

  Beginning Dreamweaver MX  Charles Brown, Imar Spaanjaars, Todd Marks  What is this book about? With this book you'll quickly be creating powerful, dynamic web sites with Dreamweaver MX - the latest version of Macromedia's powerful, integrated web development and editing tool. You'll learn how to use the tools and features of Dreamweaver to construct three complete sites using HTML, JavaScript, Active Server Pages (ASP), and databases. We start by creating a hobbyist site - The Cooking Place - that you can use to list your favorite recipes, ingredients, and dishes. What does this book cover? As you build this site you'll learn how to use Dreamweaver MX to Plan, create, and set up a web site Add web pages to the site and edit their content UseStylesheets and templates to create a consistent style across the site Use tables, frames, and layers to lay out web pages Add dynamic effects - like drop down menus - to web pages using JavaScript and DHTML ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What is this book about? With this book you'll quickly be creating powerful, dynamic web sites with Dreamweaver MX - the latest version of Macromedia's powerful, integrated web development and editing tool. You'll learn how to use the tools and features of Dreamweaver to construct three complete sites using HTML, JavaScript, Active Server Pages (ASP), and databases. We start by creating a hobbyist site - The Cooking Place - that you can use to list your favorite recipes, ingredients, and dishes. What does this book cover? As you build this site you'll learn how to use Dreamweaver MX to Plan, create, and set up a web site Add web pages to the site and edit their content UseStylesheets and templates to create a consistent style across the site Use tables, frames, and layers to lay out web pages Add dynamic effects - like drop down menus - to web pages using JavaScript and DHTML ......

Software Agents for Future Communication Systems

Alex L. G. Hayzelden, John Bigham

  Software Agents for Future Communication Systems  Alex L. G. Hayzelden, John Bigham  Agent technology has recently become one of the most vibrant and fastest growing areas in information technology. And advanced digital communicatiion is a central enabling technology for the coming information society. So software agents and their exploitation for future communication systems are attracting particular attention from the research and development community as well as from economic and user communities interested in everyday private and professional digital communication applications. This monograph-like anthology is the first systematic introduction to software agents and future communication systems. Fifteen coherently written chapters by leading software agent researchers provide complementary coverage of the relevant issues. Multi-agentsystems and mobile agent approaches are presented in a well-balanced way and applied to most important topics in future communication systems. In addition, the volume editors have provided a detailed introductory survey chapters.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Agent technology has recently become one of the most vibrant and fastest growing areas in information technology. And advanced digital communicatiion is a central enabling technology for the coming information society. So software agents and their exploitation for future communication systems are attracting particular attention from the research and development community as well as from economic and user communities interested in everyday private and professional digital communication applications. This monograph-like anthology is the first systematic introduction to software agents and future communication systems. Fifteen coherently written chapters by leading software agent researchers provide complementary coverage of the relevant issues. Multi-agentsystems and mobile agent approaches are presented in a well-balanced way and applied to most important topics in future communication systems. In addition, the volume editors have provided a detailed introductory survey chapters....

Meeting the Standards in Primary ICT : A Guide to the ITTNC (Meeting the Standards)

Jen Miller, Steve Higgins, Nick Packard

  Meeting the Standards in Primary ICT : A Guide to the ITTNC (Meeting the Standards)  Jen Miller, Steve Higgins, Nick Packard  Meeting the Standards in Primary Science provides teachers with the pedagogical knowledge needed to reach science in the primary school. This is a practical, comprehensive and accessible book and should prove invaluable for students of education.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Meeting the Standards in Primary Science provides teachers with the pedagogical knowledge needed to reach science in the primary school. This is a practical, comprehensive and accessible book and should prove invaluable for students of education....

Гордость Шанур

К. Дж. Черри

  Гордость Шанур  К. Дж. Черри  Азбука-классика.   Science fiction.   Гордость Шанур, Выбор Шанур.   Капитан звездолета Пианфар Шанур никак не ожидала, что появление на борту Азбука-классика. Science fiction. Гордость Шанур, Выбор Шанур. Капитан звездолета Пианфар Шанур никак не ожидала, что появление на борту "Гордости" беглеца неизвестной расы принесет столько проблем экипажу, родной планете и другим народам Соглашения. Теперь экипаж "Гордости Шанур" сам должен спасаться от преследователей, которые не остановятся ни перед чем, чтобы вернуть своего пленника, - слишком большой куш поставлен на карту: новая, неисследованная звездная область, населенная существами, которые, похоже, не в состоянии себя защитить......

The Moscow Kremlin: The Imperial Ryust-kamera

  The Moscow Kremlin: The Imperial Ryust-kamera  Атлант.   В настоящем альбоме представлена лишь небольшая часть - 100 наиболее характерных образцов огнестрельного и холодного оружия, а также снаряжения из этого уникального императорского собрания XVIII столетия. Следует отметить, что это первое издание, в котором подробно на основании архивных источников прослеживается история становления коллекции императорской Рюст-камеры. Альбом состоит из четырех разделов: Атлант. В настоящем альбоме представлена лишь небольшая часть - 100 наиболее характерных образцов огнестрельного и холодного оружия, а также снаряжения из этого уникального императорского собрания XVIII столетия. Следует отметить, что это первое издание, в котором подробно на основании архивных источников прослеживается история становления коллекции императорской Рюст-камеры. Альбом состоит из четырех разделов: "Собрание оружия императрицы Анны Ивановны"; "Обер-егермейстерская канцелярия"; "Ораниенбаумская Рюст-камера" и "Кабинет", - каждый из которых соответствует определенному этапу развития этой коллекции. Издание на английском языке....

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Beginning Dreamweaver MX. Charles Brown, Imar Spaanjaars, Todd Marks . Книги.

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