Social Costs of Transformation to a Market Economy in Post-Socialist Countries: The Case of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary

Jan Adam

  Social Costs of Transformation to a Market Economy in Post-Socialist Countries: The Case of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary  Jan Adam  The transformation provisions have brought about a replacement of the planning system by a capitalist market system. This change engendered many positive results, but at high social costs. Some results, such as a dramatic decline in output and a decline in the standard of living have been transitory, but unemployment, widening of income inequalities, weakening of social programs and expansion of poverty are permanent features of the new system. This book examines the active employment policy and itseffect, especially focusing on the social costs of transformation. It analyzes the reasons for the expansion of poverty and the chances of reducing it. Great attention is devoted to the reforms of pension and health care system. This book also discusses the performance of the economies of subject countries and gives a critical evaluation of privatization, primarily of the Czech voucher privatization.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The transformation provisions have brought about a replacement of the planning system by a capitalist market system. This change engendered many positive results, but at high social costs. Some results, such as a dramatic decline in output and a decline in the standard of living have been transitory, but unemployment, widening of income inequalities, weakening of social programs and expansion of poverty are permanent features of the new system. This book examines the active employment policy and itseffect, especially focusing on the social costs of transformation. It analyzes the reasons for the expansion of poverty and the chances of reducing it. Great attention is devoted to the reforms of pension and health care system. This book also discusses the performance of the economies of subject countries and gives a critical evaluation of privatization, primarily of the Czech voucher privatization....

Creating Sustainable Work Systems: Emerging Perspectives and Practice

Peter Docherty, Jan Forslin, A. B. Shani, A.B. Shani

  Creating Sustainable Work Systems: Emerging Perspectives and Practice  Peter Docherty, Jan Forslin, A. B. Shani, A.B. Shani  Current trends reveal that the increasing intensity at work has major consequences at individual, organizational and societal levels. The balance between intensive and sustainable work must be achieved, yet there are no guiding models, theories or examples on how this can be realized. Creating Sustainable Work Systems: Emerging Perspectives & Practice explores the development of sustainable work systems by analysing intensity problems and providing the basis for designing and implementing sustainable solutions. The increased intensity of work is not only claiming a human toll but is also having an adverse effect on the quality of operations and business. New organizational approaches to work are needed and these 'sustainable work systems' are based on the idea of regeneration and development of human and social resources. This book sheds light on the emerging work systems and describes the existing problems and paradoxes. The researchers, from various academic disciplines and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Current trends reveal that the increasing intensity at work has major consequences at individual, organizational and societal levels. The balance between intensive and sustainable work must be achieved, yet there are no guiding models, theories or examples on how this can be realized. Creating Sustainable Work Systems: Emerging Perspectives & Practice explores the development of sustainable work systems by analysing intensity problems and providing the basis for designing and implementing sustainable solutions. The increased intensity of work is not only claiming a human toll but is also having an adverse effect on the quality of operations and business. New organizational approaches to work are needed and these 'sustainable work systems' are based on the idea of regeneration and development of human and social resources. This book sheds light on the emerging work systems and describes the existing problems and paradoxes. The researchers, from various academic disciplines and......

Run It Like a Business: Top Financial Planners Weigh in on Practice Management

Richard J. Koreto

  Run It Like a Business: Top Financial Planners Weigh in on Practice Management  Richard J. Koreto  Professional financial advisors will prosper with this financial planning conference between two covers. The collapse of do it yourself investing has created a huge market for professional financial advisors. Wirehouse representatives, lawyers, CPAs, and others are entering the field. While a few individuals have become wildly successful, many planners struggle to survive. Success as a financial planner depends more on an individual's overall management skills than his or her stock picking ability, says veteran financial writer Richard Koreto. For the first time ever, he has compiled advice from some of the nation's leading financial services professionals into a single book. Run It Like a Business: Top Financial PlannersWeigh In on Practice Management takes readers step by step from starting on their own to selling a practice at the end of their career. Each chapter features one or more expert Professional financial advisors will prosper with this financial planning conference between two covers. The collapse of do it yourself investing has created a huge market for professional financial advisors. Wirehouse representatives, lawyers, CPAs, and others are entering the field. While a few individuals have become wildly successful, many planners struggle to survive. Success as a financial planner depends more on an individual's overall management skills than his or her stock picking ability, says veteran financial writer Richard Koreto. For the first time ever, he has compiled advice from some of the nation's leading financial services professionals into a single book. Run It Like a Business: Top Financial PlannersWeigh In on Practice Management takes readers step by step from starting on their own to selling a practice at the end of their career. Each chapter features one or more expert "guides" insight from recognized leaders in the......

Total Quality Management in Action

Gopal K. Kanji

  Total Quality Management in Action  Gopal K. Kanji  In this book award-winning organisations and experts from Europe and USA, including Brian Joiner (Deming medel), Hans Bajoria (ASQC Grant award), Texas Instruments Europe (1995 Quality Award winner) have contributed towards the learning and culture of world class best practice in Total Quality Management. The Proceedings of the Second Quality Conference in Sheffield, Total Quality Management in Action presents real experiences achieved by the leading multinational organisations in their quality journey. With over 40 articles this book will be a real asset to academics, researchers, senior managers, directors and quality practitioners from both public and private sectors.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this book award-winning organisations and experts from Europe and USA, including Brian Joiner (Deming medel), Hans Bajoria (ASQC Grant award), Texas Instruments Europe (1995 Quality Award winner) have contributed towards the learning and culture of world class best practice in Total Quality Management. The Proceedings of the Second Quality Conference in Sheffield, Total Quality Management in Action presents real experiences achieved by the leading multinational organisations in their quality journey. With over 40 articles this book will be a real asset to academics, researchers, senior managers, directors and quality practitioners from both public and private sectors....

Markets, Class and Social Change: Trading Networks and Poverty in Rural South Asia

Ben Crow

  Markets, Class and Social Change: Trading Networks and Poverty in Rural South Asia  Ben Crow  At the beginning of the 21st century an idealized view of markets informs government policy. Real differences in how markets interact with social change are obscured and public action on poverty is constrained. This book uses a detailed study of thegrain trade in Bangladesh to show how socially-constrained patterns of market involvement may systematically benefit the rich while disadvantaging the poor. The book suggests that markets are implicated in the making of society, its division, identities,and directions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин At the beginning of the 21st century an idealized view of markets informs government policy. Real differences in how markets interact with social change are obscured and public action on poverty is constrained. This book uses a detailed study of thegrain trade in Bangladesh to show how socially-constrained patterns of market involvement may systematically benefit the rich while disadvantaging the poor. The book suggests that markets are implicated in the making of society, its division, identities,and directions....

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Social Costs of Transformation to a Market Economy in Post-Socialist Countries: The Case of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. Jan Adam . Книги.

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