It Even Happens in "Good" Schools: Responding to Cultural Diversity in Today's Classrooms

Festus E. Obiakor, Bob Algozzine

  It Even Happens in Foreword by Bob Algozzine Afterword by Robert Rueda This insightful work offers case studies, observations, and solutions to the challenges presented by cultural diversity?a new approach that can bring excellence to all learners, all teachers, all parents, and all communities....

Pure JFC 2D Graphics and Imaging

Satyaraj Pantham

  Pure JFC 2D Graphics and Imaging  Satyaraj Pantham  Sams Publishing.   Pure JFC 2D Graphics and Imaging is a premium reference for experienced Java(TM) developers. It contains an accelerated introduction to the Java 2D concepts and implementations, as well as a concise reference to the interfaces, classes, fields, methods, and constructors from the Java 2D API packages. But the heart of this book is the code. In addition to the usual snippets, there are many complete, well-commented, commercial-quality programs that demonstrate key 2D graphics and imaging implementation techniques. All this code is meticulously commented to limit page flipping and accelerate your understanding. Download any of this code from and you are well on your way to creating sophisticated 2D graphics and working with images.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sams Publishing. Pure JFC 2D Graphics and Imaging is a premium reference for experienced Java(TM) developers. It contains an accelerated introduction to the Java 2D concepts and implementations, as well as a concise reference to the interfaces, classes, fields, methods, and constructors from the Java 2D API packages. But the heart of this book is the code. In addition to the usual snippets, there are many complete, well-commented, commercial-quality programs that demonstrate key 2D graphics and imaging implementation techniques. All this code is meticulously commented to limit page flipping and accelerate your understanding. Download any of this code from and you are well on your way to creating sophisticated 2D graphics and working with images....

Discovering the Internet: Brief Concepts and Techniques

Gary B. Shelly

  Discovering the Internet: Brief Concepts and Techniques  Gary B. Shelly  New from the Shelly Cashman Series, a hands-on introduction to the Internet that covers both basic and technical Internet concepts and skills.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин New from the Shelly Cashman Series, a hands-on introduction to the Internet that covers both basic and technical Internet concepts and skills....

Rdb: A Comprehensive Guide

Lilian Hobbs, Ian Smith, Ken England

  Rdb: A Comprehensive Guide  Lilian Hobbs, Ian Smith, Ken England  The definitive book on Oracle's Rdb database. Written by a team of bestselling database experts, including a principal product architect, this is unquestionably the definitive book on Oracle's Rdb8, the latest version of the powerful database for advanced enterprise applications. Rdb: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition teaches administrators, programmers, database designers and IT managers the critical components and functions of the new version 8 and explains how to develop powerful Rdb8 programs. The book specifically addresses new Rdb8 management, tuning and scalability tools and describes the new Rdb/NT Workbench for Windows NT. No other source gives readers the authoritative and timely information provided by Rdb: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition. Only book on Rdb8 Written by Rdb8 experts from Oracle, including the principal product architect Explains how to use Rdb8 on both Windows NT and OpenVMS  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The definitive book on Oracle's Rdb database. Written by a team of bestselling database experts, including a principal product architect, this is unquestionably the definitive book on Oracle's Rdb8, the latest version of the powerful database for advanced enterprise applications. Rdb: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition teaches administrators, programmers, database designers and IT managers the critical components and functions of the new version 8 and explains how to develop powerful Rdb8 programs. The book specifically addresses new Rdb8 management, tuning and scalability tools and describes the new Rdb/NT Workbench for Windows NT. No other source gives readers the authoritative and timely information provided by Rdb: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition. Only book on Rdb8 Written by Rdb8 experts from Oracle, including the principal product architect Explains how to use Rdb8 on both Windows NT and OpenVMS...

Quantum Mechanics Simulations : The Consortium for Upper-Level Physics Software (Cups)

John R. Hiller, Ian D. Johnston, Daniel F. Styer

  Quantum Mechanics Simulations : The Consortium for Upper-Level Physics Software (Cups)  John R. Hiller, Ian D. Johnston, Daniel F. Styer  The Consortium for Upper Level Physics Software (CUPS) has developed a comprehensive series of Nine Book/Software packages that Wiley will publish in FY '95 and '96. CUPS is an international group of 27 physicists, all with extensive backgrounds in the research, teaching, and development of instructional software. The project is being supported by the National Science Foundation (PHY-9014548), and it has received other support from the IBM Corp., Apple Computer Corp., and George Mason University. The Simulations being developed are: Astrophysics, Classical Mechanics, Electricity & Magnetism, Modern Physics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State, Thermal and Statistical, and Waves and Optics.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Consortium for Upper Level Physics Software (CUPS) has developed a comprehensive series of Nine Book/Software packages that Wiley will publish in FY '95 and '96. CUPS is an international group of 27 physicists, all with extensive backgrounds in the research, teaching, and development of instructional software. The project is being supported by the National Science Foundation (PHY-9014548), and it has received other support from the IBM Corp., Apple Computer Corp., and George Mason University. The Simulations being developed are: Astrophysics, Classical Mechanics, Electricity & Magnetism, Modern Physics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State, Thermal and Statistical, and Waves and Optics....

<<<  Consumer Behavior and Managerial Decision Making (2nd Edition). Frank R. ...             Life-Like Characters: Tools, Affective Functions, ... >>>

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It Even Happens in "Good" Schools: Responding to Cultural Diversity in Today's Classrooms. Festus E. Obiakor, Bob Algozzine . Книги.

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