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Negotiation Basics: Win-Win Strategies for Everyone (Crisp Fifty-Minute Series)
Rachel Maddux, Robert B. Maddux, Charles P. Lickson...
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Intergovernmental Finances In Hungary: A Decade Of Experience 1990-2000
Intergovernmental Finance in Hungary illustrates the decade-long transformation of the Hungarian subnational system with a focus on subnational finance. This comprehensive guide presents government practitioners and other readers with rich real-life evidence on most municipal activities. It builds upon dozens of policy analyses prepared by local and international specialists and covers various aspects of municipal life, such as: revenue and expenditure assignments, taxation, intergovernmental transfers, strategic planning, outsourcing, public-private partnership, utility regulation, asset and liability management, municipal enterprises, household arrears, project financing, borrowing, and insolvency resolution. Part one is an overview of developments and policy proposals in the 1990s. Part two provides 28 case studies that address: how to enhance the intergovernmental system, how to build local government expertise in strategic management and finance, and how to design......
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Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories (2nd Edition) Jay H. Withgott, Scott R. Brennan
KEY MESSAGE: Essential Environment: Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories retains all the popular features of the landmark first editiona€”including its integrated central case study approach, and focus on the scientific process, current data and critical thinkinga€” in a brief 15-chapter text. The Second Edition features a new chapter on ecology with expanded coverage of community ecology and biomes. New end-of-chapter activities and interactive exercises on the Environmental Place Website help readers hone the skills they need to make informed decisions on environmental issues. Calculating Ecological Footprint activities at the end of each chapter give readers practice in applying individual decisions to larger scales. The Investigate It! interactive map on the website provides more than 120 additional case studies.You Decide web activities help readers learn how to analyze data on......
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Critical Power Tools (Suny Series, Studies in Scientific and Technical Communication)
The first sourcebook for rethinking technical communication theory, practice, pedagogy, and research through a cultural studies lens....
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1000 советов Ангелов. Ваши счастливые ангельские числа
Харвест. У всех людей есть свои Ангелы-хранители. Они заботятся о нашем благополучии, хранят от несчастий и бед. Однако их помощью можно воспользоваться и в повседневной жизни, если уметь расшифровывать их знаковые послания, встречающиеся нам в виде цифровых последовательностей, образующих числа. Такой расшифровке ангельских чисел и посвящена эта книга....
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Negotiation Basics: Win-Win Strategies for Everyone (Crisp Fifty-Minute Series). Rachel Maddux, Robert B. Maddux, Charles P. Lickson . Книги.
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