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Ultimate Spider-Man(tm) Official Strategy Guide (Official Strategy Guides (Bradygames)) BradyGames
BradyGames’ Ultimate Spider-Man Official Strategy Guide includes the following; A step-by-step swingthrough of the game. Spectacular boss strategy. Coverage of all new web-slinging abilities, advanced attacks and maneuvers. Tips and benefits of playing as both Spider-Man and Venom. Game secrets uncovered. Signature Series guide provides bonus content and much more, for a truly unique gaming experience. Platform: PS2, Xbox and GameCube Genre: Action/Adventure This product......
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Combining Images with Photoshop Elements: Selecting, Layering, Masking, and Compositing Ted LoCascio
If you thought Photoshop Elements was just for correcting and organizing photographs, this book will turn your head around. It opens up a whole new set of creative possibilities to explore as you learn how to combine images using this versatile program." -Jan Kabili, author and trainer Create your own visual composite masterpieces Combine your digital photos with an artist's flair and create dazzling composites, thanks to Photoshop Elements and this comprehensive guide from an industry expert. Using great photography and expert design sense, author Ted LoCascio clearly shows how it's done, from simple tasks such as swapping an image background, to more advanced ones such as creating an abstract photomontage. Loaded with fresh ideas, the book mixes clear and helpful narrative instruction, step-by-step tutorials, and hands-on video demonstrations providing the coverage you need to create sophisticated, even gallery-ready compositions. ......
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Manual Imprescindible Html 4.1, 2006 (Manual Imprescindible)
German Galeano Gil, Jose Carlos Sanchez, Pablo Diaz...
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Water Pricing and Public-Private Partnership Asit K. Biswas
There is no question that water pricing and public-private partnership can improve water management practices in the future. However, it is not the panacea as the proponents argue, nor the disaster as its opponents forecast. Water Pricing and Public Private Partnership provides a comprehensive and objective assessment as to what works, where, why and under what conditions, as well as what does not work and why. It also assesses the social, economic, equity and institutional implications. The book provides an in-depth analysis and assessment of the main issues and constraints on pricing of water and participation of the private sector and their affect on water supply in North and South America and Western Europe. With case studies from Argentina, Brazil, the USA and a few West European countries, among many others we gain a comprehensive and objective account of the economic and social consequences....
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The Raw Deal: How the Bush Republicans Plan to Destroy Social Security and the Legacy of the New Deal Joe Conason
Social Security is facing the most serious, well-financed, and determined threat to its existence since its inception in 1935. For Americans to make sense of the barrage of conflicting messages on the subject, it's necessary to understand who is behind the campaign to "reform" Social Security, what the campaign aims to achieve, and how it misrepresents its goals. Best-selling author Joe Conason exposes why and how this is happening. The Raw Deal explores the Right's privatization goals, Bush's hard-fought privatization campaign (built on a stacked "study"), the corporate interests behind the plan, the media campaign to undermine confidence in Social Security, and how the swindle can be stopped. Conason's no-apologies, no-nonsense approach clears up the myriad misperceptions surrounding this important, confusing issue and gets to the truth about the big Social Security bluff....
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Ultimate Spider-Man(tm) Official Strategy Guide (Official Strategy Guides (Bradygames)). BradyGames . Книги.
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