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Give Me That Online Religion Brenda E. Brasher
First paperback edition?with a new preface Named one of the ten best books in religion in 2001 by the Christian Science Monitor As the Internet and the World Wide Web break down barriers of time and space, religion enjoys an ever-increasing accessibility on a global scale. Inevitably, people online have sought out encounters with the otherworldly, launching religion into cyberspace. In this compelling book, Brenda E. Brasher explores the meaning of electronic faith and the future of traditional religion. Operating online allows long-established religious communities to reach hearts and minds as never before. Yet more startling is the ease by which anyone with Internet access can create new circles of faith. Bringing religion online also narrows the gap between pop culture and the sacred. Electronic shrines and kitschy personal Web "altars" idolize living celebrities, just as they honor the memory of religious martyrs. Looking ahead, Brasher envisions a world in......
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Information Entrepreneurship: Information Services Based on the Information Lifecycle Susan G. Fowler
The finer points of managing information for organizational success is the focus of this volume that addresses the information service continuum from taming information overload to knowledge management. Based on the premise that people are the most important part of the information solution equation, this book provides a step-by-step explanation of the information lifecycle....
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Casebook for Exploring Diversity, A (3rd Edition) George L. Redman
With its concrete, focused cases, the second edition of this casebook again focuses on the wealth of multicultural and diversity issues faced by today's teachers. Its thirty-six authentic cases offer opportunities for analysis on several levels and are sufficiently complex so as to invite multiple interpretations. They present examples of everyday situations involving gender, ethnicity, race, religion, language, affectional orientation, socioeconomic status, parents, and community...even technology. The cases involve classroom issues that are relevant to all grade levels and all content areas, allowing instructors significant flexibility in their use. This book focuses readers on self-reflection, application and further study. Coverage includes the challenges and opportunities offered by teaching, and invites future teachers to explore diversity issues more deeply and broadly. For professionals in the field of teaching....
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Тайна числа три В. И. Мердеев
ЛКИ. В данной книге раскрыта одна из таких важных тайн числа три, которая является ключом, кодом раскрытия секретов бытия, познания и творения. Суть данной тайны числа три заключается в том, что предел бытия самого большого количества крайне иного в природе выражен числом три. Осознание этой тайны числа три позволяет развить философское учение о триале бытия, триальном подходе и Циклической системе триалей бытия, обозначаемых триальными категориями. Работа предназначена для всех, кто интересуется новыми понятиями, идеями и учениями....
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Thomas Demand: Phototrophy Ralph Rugoff, Julia Franck
Thomas Demand is one of the most celebrated contemporary photo artists. At first sight, Demand's pictures, say of a kitchen, a copy shop, or a car park, seem like depictions of everyday places. Yet on closer inspection they turn out to be reconstructions of reality: Demand creates life-size environments made of paper and cardboard and accurate down to the smallest details, photographs these "re-creations" and then destroys them. The pictures that arise in this way put their finger squarely on the drab aesthetics of the modern office world and architecture. Demand's sculptural and somehow filmic simulations, completely devoid of people, lead us into a world of models, in which a "faked" reality blends with the memory of a real reality to generate vividly cool images and to investigate the concept of virtual reality that plays such a key role in our technological multimedia age. This major monograph presents 66 key works from 1993 to the present....
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Give Me That Online Religion. Brenda E. Brasher . Книги.
Нижнекамск, Черкесск, Барнаул, Таганрог, Северодвинск, Ногинск, Москв, Балаково, Орёл, Калуга, Батайск, Курск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий,
Основы музыки| Кулинария. Напитки| Психологические| Энциклопедии пользователя ПК| ASP, Perl, CGI, Python для разработки Web-сайтов| Автомобиль| Языкознание. Филологические науки| Учебные фильмы по школьным предметам| Психологические драмы| Медицина. Здравоохранение| Современные войны| Люди искусства и шоу-бизнеса| Аудит| Программы о туризме, путешествиях| Организационный и производственный менеджмент| Естественные науки в целом| Шпионские боевики| Филологические науки| Медицина. Фармакология| Мистические драмы|
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