Course ILT: Excel 2002: Basic, Second Edition

A. McKinnon, Course Technology

  Course ILT: Excel 2002: Basic, Second Edition  A. McKinnon, Course Technology  An affordable, easily scannable, one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training courses.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин An affordable, easily scannable, one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training courses....

Scaling Oracle8i: Building Highly Scalable OLTP System Architectures

James Morle

  Scaling Oracle8i: Building Highly Scalable OLTP System Architectures  James Morle  As open systems continue to replace traditional mainframe systems, system scalability is becoming an increasingly important topic. Although far more flexible than mainframe systems, open systems applications tend to be less reliable and more difficult toscale. There is no cookbook approach to solving this challenge: A thorough understanding of the technologies involved is essential for designing scalable solutions that meet long-term business needs. Scaling Oracle8i(tm) offers valuable insights and techniques for designing reliable and scalable online transaction processing (OLTP) applications using Oracle. This book focuses on providing the in-depth information about Oracle and the underlying hardware required to build systems that scale effectively. You will find coverage of relevant hardware and I/O operation; benchmark and database monitoring systems; Oracle internals, operation, and implementation; and UNIX operating system issues that impact Oracle performance and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин As open systems continue to replace traditional mainframe systems, system scalability is becoming an increasingly important topic. Although far more flexible than mainframe systems, open systems applications tend to be less reliable and more difficult toscale. There is no cookbook approach to solving this challenge: A thorough understanding of the technologies involved is essential for designing scalable solutions that meet long-term business needs. Scaling Oracle8i(tm) offers valuable insights and techniques for designing reliable and scalable online transaction processing (OLTP) applications using Oracle. This book focuses on providing the in-depth information about Oracle and the underlying hardware required to build systems that scale effectively. You will find coverage of relevant hardware and I/O operation; benchmark and database monitoring systems; Oracle internals, operation, and implementation; and UNIX operating system issues that impact Oracle performance and......

Inside the Minds: Security Matters - Industry Leaders from eBay, Inc., Motorola, Internet Security Systems & More on Protecting Your Most Valuable Assets

Aspatore Books Staff

  Inside the Minds: Security Matters - Industry Leaders from eBay, Inc., Motorola, Internet Security Systems & More on Protecting Your Most Valuable Assets  Aspatore Books Staff  Inside the Minds: Security Matters is an authoritative, insider's perspective on the ins and outs of the security industry and the future of the business, on a global scale. Featuring CEOs, Presidents, and Chief Information Security Officers, all representing some of the nation's top companies, this book provides a broad, yet comprehensive overview of the current shape and future state of security - corporate, network, and personal. As they raise critical points around the sheer vulnerability of companies and individuals to security breaches, and other disruptive - or potentially destructive - measures, these authorities offer practical and adaptable strategies for protecting one's most valuable assets. From the processes involved in choosing and employing the latest products and solutions, to viable methods for any company to establish an appropriate and effective security plan, industry leaders articulate the finer points around security now, and what will hold true into the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Inside the Minds: Security Matters is an authoritative, insider's perspective on the ins and outs of the security industry and the future of the business, on a global scale. Featuring CEOs, Presidents, and Chief Information Security Officers, all representing some of the nation's top companies, this book provides a broad, yet comprehensive overview of the current shape and future state of security - corporate, network, and personal. As they raise critical points around the sheer vulnerability of companies and individuals to security breaches, and other disruptive - or potentially destructive - measures, these authorities offer practical and adaptable strategies for protecting one's most valuable assets. From the processes involved in choosing and employing the latest products and solutions, to viable methods for any company to establish an appropriate and effective security plan, industry leaders articulate the finer points around security now, and what will hold true into the......

Implementing the IEEE Software Engineering Standards

Michael E.C. Schmidt, Michael Schmidt

  Implementing the IEEE Software Engineering Standards  Michael E.C. Schmidt, Michael Schmidt  Implementing the IEEE Software Engineering Standards is a practical and professional guide to implementing the IEEE Software Engineering standards in your software development process. There are 39 complex standards involved, some more critical than others. This book explains where to start, which standards to implement first, and how to integrate them into your current software development process. The book presents a realistic Software Life-Cycle Model to complement the standards and aid development. One of the book's biggest benefits is that it helps software engineers reconcile some latest Implementing the IEEE Software Engineering Standards is a practical and professional guide to implementing the IEEE Software Engineering standards in your software development process. There are 39 complex standards involved, some more critical than others. This book explains where to start, which standards to implement first, and how to integrate them into your current software development process. The book presents a realistic Software Life-Cycle Model to complement the standards and aid development. One of the book's biggest benefits is that it helps software engineers reconcile some latest "best practices" such as rapid prototyping and use of CASE tools with use of the standards....

Фирма профессиональных услуг. Руководство для менеджера по максимизации прибыли и стоимости

Марк К. Скотт

  Фирма профессиональных услуг. Руководство для менеджера по максимизации прибыли и стоимости  Марк К. Скотт  Олимп-Бизнес.   Сектор профессиональных услуг всеобъемлющ - от фирм юридических до маркетинговых и сбытовых. Все фирмы, работающие в этом секторе, сталкиваются с одними и теми же задачами и проблемами, что дает возможность использовать единые методы анализа для любых компаний этой отрасли. Перед всякой сервисной фирмой стоят две главные задачи: организация работы специалистов и управление отношениями с клиентами. Успех зависит от мастерства управления такими нематериальными факторами, как время, личные особенности сотрудников и коллективное знание. В этой сфере бизнеса хороший результат приносит выигрышная конфигурация знаний и навыков специалистов. Книга предназначена, в первую очередь, для владельцев и руководителей фирм профессиональных услуг. Она рассказывает об открытых перед ними стратегических возможностях и о методах оптимизации финансового управления. Кроме того, она должна помочь инвесторам понять, как поразительно большой и совершенно недостаточно используемый потенциал компаний...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Олимп-Бизнес. Сектор профессиональных услуг всеобъемлющ - от фирм юридических до маркетинговых и сбытовых. Все фирмы, работающие в этом секторе, сталкиваются с одними и теми же задачами и проблемами, что дает возможность использовать единые методы анализа для любых компаний этой отрасли. Перед всякой сервисной фирмой стоят две главные задачи: организация работы специалистов и управление отношениями с клиентами. Успех зависит от мастерства управления такими нематериальными факторами, как время, личные особенности сотрудников и коллективное знание. В этой сфере бизнеса хороший результат приносит выигрышная конфигурация знаний и навыков специалистов. Книга предназначена, в первую очередь, для владельцев и руководителей фирм профессиональных услуг. Она рассказывает об открытых перед ними стратегических возможностях и о методах оптимизации финансового управления. Кроме того, она должна помочь инвесторам понять, как поразительно большой и совершенно недостаточно используемый потенциал компаний......

<<<  The Problem Solving Memory Jogger: Seven Steps to Improved Processes. ...             Л. Н. Толстой. Собрание сочинений в 20 томах. Том 13. Воскресение. ... >>>

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Course ILT: Excel 2002: Basic, Second Edition. A. McKinnon, Course Technology . Книги.

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