Microsoft Word 2002 - Illustrated Introductory

Jennifer A. Duffy

  Microsoft Word 2002 - Illustrated Introductory  Jennifer A. Duffy  Part of the Illustrated series, this text offers a visual and flexible way to build Microsoft Word 2002 skills.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Part of the Illustrated series, this text offers a visual and flexible way to build Microsoft Word 2002 skills....

System Architecture with XML

Berthold Daum, Udo Merten

  System Architecture with XML  Berthold Daum, Udo Merten  XML is bringing together some fairly disparate groups into a new cultural clash: document developers trying to understand what a transaction is, database analysts getting upset because the relational model doesn't fit anymore, and web designers having todeal with schemata and rule based transformations. The key to rising above the confusion is to understand the different semantic structures that lie beneath the standards of XML, and how to model the semantics to achieve the goals of the organization. A pure architecture of XML doesn't exist yet, and it may never exist as the underlying technologies are so diverse. Still, the key to understanding how to build the new web infrastructure for electronic business lies in understanding the landscape of these new standards. If your background is in document processing, this book will show how you can use conceptual modeling to model business scenarios consisting of business objects, relationships, processes, and transactions in a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин XML is bringing together some fairly disparate groups into a new cultural clash: document developers trying to understand what a transaction is, database analysts getting upset because the relational model doesn't fit anymore, and web designers having todeal with schemata and rule based transformations. The key to rising above the confusion is to understand the different semantic structures that lie beneath the standards of XML, and how to model the semantics to achieve the goals of the organization. A pure architecture of XML doesn't exist yet, and it may never exist as the underlying technologies are so diverse. Still, the key to understanding how to build the new web infrastructure for electronic business lies in understanding the landscape of these new standards. If your background is in document processing, this book will show how you can use conceptual modeling to model business scenarios consisting of business objects, relationships, processes, and transactions in a......

Introduction to Pascal and Structured Design

Nell Dale, Chip Weems

  Introduction to Pascal and Structured Design  Nell Dale, Chip Weems  Solid and successful in approach, Introduction to Pascal and Structured Design, Fourth Edition, provides a concise, accessible introduction to computer science. Using Pascal programming as a tool to shape students' understanding of the discipline, thetext offers a strong focus on good programming habits and techniques. lts smooth integration of programming essentials, software engineering principles and contemporary theory creates an effective blend for students' first courses in computer science.Appropriate for a variety of course structures, Pascal, 4e, presents this balanced coverage with outstanding readability and clarity. Furthermore, the text maintains the pedagogical traditions that have always marked it as a leader. An emphasis on conceptual understanding, problem solving, and algorithmic design teaches the skills needed for effective program implementation, and a sensible organization introduces concepts where students need them most. A wide array of in-text ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Solid and successful in approach, Introduction to Pascal and Structured Design, Fourth Edition, provides a concise, accessible introduction to computer science. Using Pascal programming as a tool to shape students' understanding of the discipline, thetext offers a strong focus on good programming habits and techniques. lts smooth integration of programming essentials, software engineering principles and contemporary theory creates an effective blend for students' first courses in computer science.Appropriate for a variety of course structures, Pascal, 4e, presents this balanced coverage with outstanding readability and clarity. Furthermore, the text maintains the pedagogical traditions that have always marked it as a leader. An emphasis on conceptual understanding, problem solving, and algorithmic design teaches the skills needed for effective program implementation, and a sensible organization introduces concepts where students need them most. A wide array of in-text ......

Compassion Quotations: Inspirational, Motivational, and Humorous Quotes on PowerPoint

Andrew E. Schwartz

  Compassion Quotations: Inspirational, Motivational, and Humorous Quotes on PowerPoint  Andrew E. Schwartz  Royalty Free - ReadySetPresent (Inspirational Quotes): Keep your audience focused and engaged by using our carefully selected collection of thoughtful, witty and humorous quotes. Use in a presentation with an LCD projector, make handouts, and create overheads. This topic includes 25 quotes, slide transitions, clipart and animation. It is a must-have supplement for anyone interested in presenting on these or related topics. Packaged on 3.5 Royalty Free - ReadySetPresent (Inspirational Quotes): Keep your audience focused and engaged by using our carefully selected collection of thoughtful, witty and humorous quotes. Use in a presentation with an LCD projector, make handouts, and create overheads. This topic includes 25 quotes, slide transitions, clipart and animation. It is a must-have supplement for anyone interested in presenting on these or related topics. Packaged on 3.5" floppy disk/s. PC compatible. You may use this product over and over again....

Достоевский. Воспоминания. Письма. Дневники…

Н. А. Громова

  Достоевский. Воспоминания. Письма. Дневники…  Н. А. Громова  Аграф.   Литературная мастерская.   В книге на основе мемуарных и эпистолярных свидетельств, оценок и критических отзывов современников создается жизнеописание Ф.М.Достоевского. Почти во всех своих произведениях писатель рассказывал о том, что пережил сам, его романы тяготели по форме к исповеди, поэтому его жизнь и творчество можно исследовать только как неразрывное целое. Здесь представлена также история создания некоторых произведений. Приведенные в книге яркие суждения русских философов рисуют образ Достоевского-мыслителя. Не претендуя на исчерпывающую полноту, книга поможет читателю составить представление о личности великого писателя и его жизни.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Аграф. Литературная мастерская. В книге на основе мемуарных и эпистолярных свидетельств, оценок и критических отзывов современников создается жизнеописание Ф.М.Достоевского. Почти во всех своих произведениях писатель рассказывал о том, что пережил сам, его романы тяготели по форме к исповеди, поэтому его жизнь и творчество можно исследовать только как неразрывное целое. Здесь представлена также история создания некоторых произведений. Приведенные в книге яркие суждения русских философов рисуют образ Достоевского-мыслителя. Не претендуя на исчерпывающую полноту, книга поможет читателю составить представление о личности великого писателя и его жизни....

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Microsoft Word 2002 - Illustrated Introductory. Jennifer A. Duffy . Книги.

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