The Insider's Guide to Grantmaking

Joel J. Orosz

  The Insider's Guide to Grantmaking  Joel J. Orosz  "Joel Orosz has given us a rare gift at a critical moment. His book is a wise guide not only for the new program officer but also for the experienced grantmaker." --Frances Hesselbein, chairman of the board of governors, The Drucker Foundation "A book on grantmaking with the name of Joel Orosz attached to it has instant credibility in the foundation world.... Every grantmaker can learn from his example." --Dorothy S. Ridings, president and CEO, Council on Foundations "Foundation program officers inhabit a mysterious world that grantseekers strain constantly to understand. Joel Orosz has finally given us a glimpse into a world that may not be as strange and distant as we thought." --Robert K. Goodwin, president and CEO, Points of Light Foundation Unlike many formal professions, foundation grantmaking is a calling with no training programs and little definitive literature on the latest and best practices. Written for program officers and of considerable......

Nameless Towns : Texas Sawmill Communities, 1880-1942

Thad Sitton, James H. Conrad

  Nameless Towns : Texas Sawmill Communities, 1880-1942  Thad Sitton, James H. Conrad  Sawmill communities were once the thriving centers of East Texas life. Many sprang up almost overnight in a pine forest clearing, and many disappeared just as quickly after the company Sawmill communities were once the thriving centers of East Texas life. Many sprang up almost overnight in a pine forest clearing, and many disappeared just as quickly after the company "cut out" its last trees. But during their heyday, these company towns made Texas the nation's third-largest lumber producer and created a colorful way of life that lingers in the memories of the remaining former residents and their children and grandchildren. Drawing on oral history, company records, and other archival sources, Sitton and Conrad recreate the lifeways of the sawmill communities. They describe the companies that ran the mills and the different kinds of jobs involved in logging and milling. They depict the usually rough-hewn towns, with their central mill, unpainted houses, company store, and schools, churches, and community centers. And they characterize the lives of the people, from the hard, awesomely dangerous mill work to the dances, picnics, and other recreations that offered......

Water for Texas (Texas A&M University Agriculture Series)

Jim Norwine, John R. Giardino, Sushma Krishnamurthy, Suchma Krishnamurthy

  Water for Texas (Texas A&M University Agriculture Series)  Jim Norwine, John R. Giardino, Sushma Krishnamurthy, Suchma Krishnamurthy  More than the economy, more than changing demographics, even more than education, water is the key to the future of Texas. It is not much of an overstatement to claim that water is the future of Texas. In the fall of 2000, a conference on More than the economy, more than changing demographics, even more than education, water is the key to the future of Texas. It is not much of an overstatement to claim that water is the future of Texas. In the fall of 2000, a conference on "the world's most crucial natural resource" was held at Texas A&M University. It was a gathering of people with many viewpoints and areas of expertise, all focused on what the book's editors rightly say is and will be the state's defining issue--water. Together, the observations and recommendations brought together in this volume represent some of the best thinking about Texas' connections with water--in the past, present, and future. Ranging from broad historical overviews to technical and scientific discussions, the chapters address the questions of where we have been and where we are headed as we enter a new century of challenges to provide water for Texas....

The Fundraising Planner : A Working Model for Raising the Dollars You Need (Jossey-Bass Nonprofit & Public Management Series)

Terry Schaff, Doug Schaff

  The Fundraising Planner : A Working Model for Raising the Dollars You Need (Jossey-Bass Nonprofit & Public Management Series)  Terry Schaff, Doug Schaff  A good fundraising plan can make a vital difference in the quality of a nonprofit organization's programs and services. It can be the map by which the organization charts and secures its future. This step-by-step guide is designed to help you and your organization construct an operational fundraising plan that is appropriate to your specific funding needs. From meeting deadlines and scheduling special events to creating an overall plan for fundraising activities, The Fundraising Planner ensures that all activities fit together as a whole and support each and every program. The model presented in this workbook is flexible and suited to multiple purposes. Use The Fundraising Planner and learn how to: Create an effective overview plan Formulate a calAndar of events, mailings, and strategies to attract contributions Draw fundraising ideas from financial data Strengthen your donor and prospect lists - Survey your board to refine its mission ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A good fundraising plan can make a vital difference in the quality of a nonprofit organization's programs and services. It can be the map by which the organization charts and secures its future. This step-by-step guide is designed to help you and your organization construct an operational fundraising plan that is appropriate to your specific funding needs. From meeting deadlines and scheduling special events to creating an overall plan for fundraising activities, The Fundraising Planner ensures that all activities fit together as a whole and support each and every program. The model presented in this workbook is flexible and suited to multiple purposes. Use The Fundraising Planner and learn how to: Create an effective overview plan Formulate a calAndar of events, mailings, and strategies to attract contributions Draw fundraising ideas from financial data Strengthen your donor and prospect lists - Survey your board to refine its mission ......

Home Theater For Everyone: A Practical Guide to Today's Home Entertainment Systems

Robert Harley, Tomlinson Holman

  Home Theater For Everyone: A Practical Guide to Today's Home Entertainment Systems  Robert Harley, Tomlinson Holman  With this consumer's guide, buyers of home theater systems will be taken through the technology and components of home entertainment and learn how they suit their individual needs. Consumers will discover the best components, how to be a savvy shopper, how to avoid buying the wrong technology, and how to set up and fine-tune a system. In addition, all the technologies behind home theater are explained. These technologies include DVD players, audio/video receivers, multichannel speaker systems, high-definition television (HDTV), and digital satellite systems.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With this consumer's guide, buyers of home theater systems will be taken through the technology and components of home entertainment and learn how they suit their individual needs. Consumers will discover the best components, how to be a savvy shopper, how to avoid buying the wrong technology, and how to set up and fine-tune a system. In addition, all the technologies behind home theater are explained. These technologies include DVD players, audio/video receivers, multichannel speaker systems, high-definition television (HDTV), and digital satellite systems....

<<<  Modeling Monetary Economies. Bruce Champ, Scott ...             A Confession. Лев Толстой >>>

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The Insider's Guide to Grantmaking. Joel J. Orosz . Книги.

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