The Front Line of Fashion (Japanese Edition)

Ako Tanaka, Hayato Kohama

  The Front Line of Fashion (Japanese Edition)  Ako Tanaka, Hayato Kohama  Sexy as an issue of Cosmopolitan, this fascinating volume presents thousands of runway and studio shots of the contemporary work of Japanese fashion designers. From Botanika, organic clothing designed to ''let people relax through the forces of nature'' to Ne-net, whose designs ''arise from the imagination and delusions of the designer,'' the 100 emerging talents featured are pushing the limits of international fashion. Each designer profile features an artistic statement as well as recent clothing lines. Experts including Ako Tanaka, fashion editor for Vogue Nippon, and Hayato Kohama, head women's wear buyer for Isetan, weigh in on the growth of fashion design in Japan. A must for anyone who wants to know where fashion is going next.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sexy as an issue of Cosmopolitan, this fascinating volume presents thousands of runway and studio shots of the contemporary work of Japanese fashion designers. From Botanika, organic clothing designed to ''let people relax through the forces of nature'' to Ne-net, whose designs ''arise from the imagination and delusions of the designer,'' the 100 emerging talents featured are pushing the limits of international fashion. Each designer profile features an artistic statement as well as recent clothing lines. Experts including Ako Tanaka, fashion editor for Vogue Nippon, and Hayato Kohama, head women's wear buyer for Isetan, weigh in on the growth of fashion design in Japan. A must for anyone who wants to know where fashion is going next....

Авантюристы. В двух томах. Том 1

Гарольд Роббинс

  Авантюристы. В двух томах. Том 1  Гарольд Роббинс  Inter Book.   Впервые чувства страха и ненависти главный герой испытал в шестилетнем возрасте, когда на его глазах погибла мать, сестра и служанка. В тот же день мальчик расквитался с насильниками и убийцами. « Это был сильный человек. Земля дрожала под его ногами, когда он шел, мужчины тянулись к нему и боялись, женщины млели в его объятиях. Многие искали его милости... » — так отзывались о Дэзе спустя десять лет после его смерти. В данную книгу вошли первые три части этого увлекательного романа.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Inter Book. Впервые чувства страха и ненависти главный герой испытал в шестилетнем возрасте, когда на его глазах погибла мать, сестра и служанка. В тот же день мальчик расквитался с насильниками и убийцами. « Это был сильный человек. Земля дрожала под его ногами, когда он шел, мужчины тянулись к нему и боялись, женщины млели в его объятиях. Многие искали его милости... » — так отзывались о Дэзе спустя десять лет после его смерти. В данную книгу вошли первые три части этого увлекательного романа....

A Hungarian Woman's Life

Erzsebet Croll

  A Hungarian Woman's Life  Erzsebet Croll  Little Erzsebet Kertesz was just a child when she and her family of eight were uprooted from their tiny village home in Eastern Transylvania. The onset of World War II would force the family to relocate, suffering through times of fear, poverty, and starvation. Eventually, Erzsebet and her family were torn asunder by cultural and generational differences brought upon by radical political upheavals. Read the harrowing life story of author Erzsebet Kertesz Dobosi Croll as she retells the horrors of her past living under German and Soviet occupation, experiencing the bombing of her hometown, and fleeing with her first husband to America after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Those that have been refugees will relate to this miraculous story of survival. Those who have not will empathize with the tens of thousands of men, women and children who were forced to give up their homes - and, sometimes, their lives - while under the restricted freedoms of a Communist government. Author Bio:...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Little Erzsebet Kertesz was just a child when she and her family of eight were uprooted from their tiny village home in Eastern Transylvania. The onset of World War II would force the family to relocate, suffering through times of fear, poverty, and starvation. Eventually, Erzsebet and her family were torn asunder by cultural and generational differences brought upon by radical political upheavals. Read the harrowing life story of author Erzsebet Kertesz Dobosi Croll as she retells the horrors of her past living under German and Soviet occupation, experiencing the bombing of her hometown, and fleeing with her first husband to America after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Those that have been refugees will relate to this miraculous story of survival. Those who have not will empathize with the tens of thousands of men, women and children who were forced to give up their homes - and, sometimes, their lives - while under the restricted freedoms of a Communist government. Author Bio:......

Stephen King on the Big Screen

Mark Browning

  Stephen King on the Big Screen  Mark Browning  The Shining. Carrie. Misery. These are just a few of the film adaptations that have been made from the terrifying and eerie work of novelist and short story writer Stephen King. It is nearly impossible to think of another author who has inspired so many, and such diverse filmmakers—yet there has never before been a work by a film specialist that focused solely on Stephen King. Mark Browning, in Stephen King on the Big Screen, takes a film-by-film approach to exploring why some adaptations of King’s work are more successful than others. Browning discusses every single film adaptation given a global cinematic release—including films by such well-known directors as Stanley Kubrick, George A. Romero, and David Cronenberg. His is the first book to consider in detail Sleepwalkers, Dreamcatcher, and 1408 as well as the much-neglected portmanteau films and touchstones like The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. In a highly readable and engaging style, Browning examines how...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Shining. Carrie. Misery. These are just a few of the film adaptations that have been made from the terrifying and eerie work of novelist and short story writer Stephen King. It is nearly impossible to think of another author who has inspired so many, and such diverse filmmakers—yet there has never before been a work by a film specialist that focused solely on Stephen King. Mark Browning, in Stephen King on the Big Screen, takes a film-by-film approach to exploring why some adaptations of King’s work are more successful than others. Browning discusses every single film adaptation given a global cinematic release—including films by such well-known directors as Stanley Kubrick, George A. Romero, and David Cronenberg. His is the first book to consider in detail Sleepwalkers, Dreamcatcher, and 1408 as well as the much-neglected portmanteau films and touchstones like The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. In a highly readable and engaging style, Browning examines how......

Лексика древнегреческой ранней лирики. Именная лексика

Н. С. Гринбаум

  Лексика древнегреческой ранней лирики. Именная лексика  Н. С. Гринбаум  Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета.   Настоящее издание посвящено исследованиям методами смыслового и числового анализа характера и особенностей двух групп слов: выявленному лексическому слою имен существительных, общему с гомеровским, и нововведениям, встречающимся у лириков. Для широкого круга специалистов в области языкознания, античной литературы и истории. В первый том вошла именная лексика.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета. Настоящее издание посвящено исследованиям методами смыслового и числового анализа характера и особенностей двух групп слов: выявленному лексическому слою имен существительных, общему с гомеровским, и нововведениям, встречающимся у лириков. Для широкого круга специалистов в области языкознания, античной литературы и истории. В первый том вошла именная лексика....

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The Front Line of Fashion (Japanese Edition). Ako Tanaka, Hayato Kohama . Книги.

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Менеджмент| 3D графика, видео и анимация| Приключенческие триллеры| Общественные науки| Мемуары. Биографии| Музыка| Водный транспорт. Судостроение| Калланетик, гимнастика, пилатес| Немецкий| Эксцентрические комедии| Литературоведение. Фольклор| Оружие| Финансовое и банковское право| Люди шоу-бизнеса| Новая история (XVII вв. -1917 гг.)| Классический зарубежный детектив| Музыкальные комедии| Исторические приключения| Романтические комедии| Социология в бизнесе. Социальная сфера.Соционика| Остросюжетные сериалы| Бухучет. Общие вопросы| Стратегии (Strategy)| Философия| Мелодрамы и драмы| Электроника. Танцевальная музыка| Таможенное регулирование| Драмы отношений| Сметы и расценки в строительстве| Куклы| Психология и социология менеджмента| Биографические фильмы| Классические детективы| Батально-исторические фильмы| Атласы, карты, путеводители, справочники| Глобусы, контурные карты и атласы| Рыбалка и охота| Отраслевой и специальный бизнес| Фильмы на иностранных языках| Ноты и тексты. Учебные пособия| Архитектура, искусство, религия| Джаз| Теннис| Словари, справочники и энциклопедические издания по бизнесу| Люди искусства и шоу-бизнеса| Индийские драмы| Графика| Энциклопедии, справочники, словари| Приключенческие фильмы| Современная история России (с 1991 года)|
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