China Art & Crafts Producers Directory (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  China Art & Crafts Producers Directory (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  China Art & Crafts Producers Directory  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин China Art & Crafts Producers Directory...

Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Methods, and Technologies (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents)

Dario Floreano, Claudio Mattiussi

  Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Methods, and Technologies (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents)  Dario Floreano, Claudio Mattiussi  New approaches to artificial intelligence spring from the idea that intelligence emerges as much from cells, bodies, and societies as it does from evolution, development, and learning. Traditionally, artificial intelligence has been concerned with reproducing the abilities of human brains; newer approaches take inspiration from a wider range of biological structures that that are capable of autonomous self-organization. Examples of these new approaches include evolutionary computation and evolutionary electronics, artificial neural networks, immune systems, biorobotics, and swarm intelligencea??to mention only a few. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the emerging field of biologically inspired artificial intelligence that can be used as an upper-level text or as a reference for researchers. Each chapter presents computational approaches inspired by a different biological system; each begins with background information about the biological system and then proceeds to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин New approaches to artificial intelligence spring from the idea that intelligence emerges as much from cells, bodies, and societies as it does from evolution, development, and learning. Traditionally, artificial intelligence has been concerned with reproducing the abilities of human brains; newer approaches take inspiration from a wider range of biological structures that that are capable of autonomous self-organization. Examples of these new approaches include evolutionary computation and evolutionary electronics, artificial neural networks, immune systems, biorobotics, and swarm intelligencea??to mention only a few. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the emerging field of biologically inspired artificial intelligence that can be used as an upper-level text or as a reference for researchers. Each chapter presents computational approaches inspired by a different biological system; each begins with background information about the biological system and then proceeds to......

Подарок от злого сердца

Анна Данилова

  Подарок от злого сердца  Анна Данилова  Эксмо.   Crime & private.   Два убийства, разделенные по времени целым годом, но очень схожие по обстоятельствам и антуражу, происходят в ресторане Эксмо. Crime & private. Два убийства, разделенные по времени целым годом, но очень схожие по обстоятельствам и антуражу, происходят в ресторане "Риголетто". У следователя Марка Садовникова появляется слабая надежда - возможно, распутав второе убийство, он найдет и преступника, совершившего первое? Ведь год тому назад это ему так и не удалось... Чем глубже "копает" Марк, тем все более странные обстоятельства выясняются. Пожалуй, его любимая жена Рита с ее интуицией окажет ему неоценимую помощь. А в самом конце расследования Марка ожидает большой "сюрприз"......

Чудо-сказки для малышей

  Чудо-сказки для малышей  Русич.   В этой красочно иллюстрированной книжке для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста собраны самые известные чудо-сказки. Книга не оставит вашего малыша равнодушным.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Русич. В этой красочно иллюстрированной книжке для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста собраны самые известные чудо-сказки. Книга не оставит вашего малыша равнодушным....

Daisy Miller

Henry James

  Daisy Miller  Henry James  Penguin Books.   Penguin Popular Classics.   In the stultified air of the wealthy European holiday resorts, Americans cling to their old ways and traditions. Daisy Miller, with her outspoken honesty and innocence of mind, is anathema to them. Even to Winterbourne, the young American Penguin Books. Penguin Popular Classics. In the stultified air of the wealthy European holiday resorts, Americans cling to their old ways and traditions. Daisy Miller, with her outspoken honesty and innocence of mind, is anathema to them. Even to Winterbourne, the young American "student" whom she meets on the shores of Lake Geneva, she is "uncultivated" and although captivated by her, he feels she is a little too forward for polite society. Формат: 11 см x 18 см....

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China Art & Crafts Producers Directory (World Strategic and Business Information Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.

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