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Baghdad Burning II: More Girl Blog from Iraq (Women Writing the Middle East) Riverbend
"Riverbend," the Iraqi woman whose "articulate, even poetic prose packs an emotional punch" (The New York Times), continues her dispatches from her native Baghdad. Interweaving commentary on major events since October 2004, with compelling stories about her own life as well as her family's daily struggles, this is journalism from ground zero recording both occupation and insurgency....
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ArcGIS Server Administrator and Developer Guide: ArcGIS 9
ESRIA® ArcGIS Server is a platform for building enterprise GIS applications which are centrally managed, support multiple users, include advanced GIS functionality and are built using industry standards. ArcGIS Server provides the framework for developers to create focused GIS Web applications and services that can be utilized by clients including browser-based applications, ArcGIS™ Desktop products— ArcInfo™, ArcEditor™, and ArcViewA®, and ArcGIS Engine applications. The entire ArcGIS system is built and extended using software components called ArcObjects. ArcObjects are at the core of all the ArcGIS products: ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Engine, and ArcGIS Server. This book provides a general explanation for building and deploying custom applications and solutions using ArcGIS Server. Several scenarios will illustrate some of the different types of applications that can be developed using ArcGIS Server. This book will also be very useful for ArcGIS......
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Hypertext Handbook: The Straight Story Andreas Kitzmann
Hypertext Handbook provides a condensed and straightforward introduction to the main issues, concepts, and developments in both the application of hypertext technology and its interpretation by the academic community. It offers a concise history of the medium in a manner that will help readers to better understand contemporary directions in digital media technology. Hypertext Handbook provides a comprehensive guide to this complex concept and is designed to inform and inspire students and scholars alike....
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Hoover's Handbook of Emerging Companies 2004 (Hoover's Handbook of Emerging Companies)
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The Oil Factor: Protect Yourself and Profit from the Coming Energy Crisis Stephen Leeb, Donna Leeb
Financial guru Stephen Leeb shows how following oil prices can lead investors to real financial security. A storm is coming-an inflationary 'perfect storm' whipped up by skyrocketing oil prices that will lay waste to millions of portfolios if investors don't prepare.Renowned financial advisor Stephen Leeb asserts that in this perilous period, oil prices will drive all other economic indicators. But there is a way to diversify away from disaster, by dedicating a significant part of one's portfolio to real assets that keep their value relative to inflation. Here, Leeb helps readers pick the 'energy-producer star performers,' and reveals the 'double payoff' to investing in metals like platinum and silver. He also explains why the stocks of 'mega-insurers' are a safe bet, and shows how investing in real estate does not have to mean actually owning it. Filled with sound advice for an unstable marketplace, this is the book no one with a 401K can afford to miss....
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Baghdad Burning II: More Girl Blog from Iraq (Women Writing the Middle East). Riverbend . Книги.
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