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Отцы и дети (аудиокнига MP3) И. С. Тургенев
МедиаКнига. Русская классическая литература. "Отцы и дети" (1862) - роман, значение которого не ограничивается мастерским воспроизведением проблем уходящей дворянской культуры с реалиями 2-ой половины XIX века. Вечность проблемы конфликта поколений, тонкий психологизм романа объясняет "вечную современность" одного из лучших произведений И.С.Тургенева....
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The Michelin Men: Driving an Empire Herbert Lottman
The remarkable story of how two brothers--Edouard and Andre Michelin--turned the sleepy family rubber firm in the heart of rural France into one of the most innovative and successful tire makers in the world. Edouard, a landscape painter, displayed an engineering genius for tire making and product innovation, while Andre, trained as an engineer, displayed an artistic genius for advertising and marketing. Together they kick-started the world's automobile industry and gave us one of the most famous and best loved company logos--the "Michelin Man." In their relentless search for new ways to publicize and market their products, they created a tourist industry around the motor car and their now-legendary Michelin Guides....
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Out of the Red : Building Capitalism and Democracy in Postcommunist Europe Mitchell Alexander Orenstein
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the countries of East-Central Europe embarked on a journey to transform themselves into democratic capitalist societies. Their governments searched for strategies that would allow them to pursue radical market reforms within the context of nascent democratic politics. Poland adopted a neoliberal strategy that attempted to push through as much reform as possible before an antireform backlash could occur. In the Czech Republic, a social liberal strategy for transformation attempted to combine neoliberal macro-economic policies with social democratic measures designed to avert such a backlash. A detailed analysis of Poland and the Czech Republic suggests that alternation between strategies has been the secret to the success of East-Central European countries. This comparative case analysis identifies the significance of reform mistakes during transition and the corrective benefits of policy alternation, its claims......
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Presentations for Dummies Malcolm Kushner
For Dummies. Whether you’re dealing with one person or one thousand, the ability to transmit ideas in a coherent and compelling fashion is one of the most important skills you can ever develop. Want to impress your colleagues? Convince your clients? Prove your point? The key to success is what you say. To get what you want in life, you have to present yourself forcefully, credibly, and convincingly. If you need to land that big consulting job or launch a new initiative at the office, knowing how to present your case is half the battle. Luckily, Presentations For Dummies shows you the way. It gives you all the tools and tips you need to make your presentations flawless and effective, including proven advice on: Relating to your audience Overcoming stage fright Adding flare with personal stories Using humor to loosen up the crowd Making your point with visual aids From getting prepared to dealing with unexpected problems while you’re the focus of......
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Simplified TRIZ: New Problem Solving Applications for Engineers & Manufacturing Professionals Kalevi Rantanen, Ellen Domb
As customers and shareholders demand better products faster, more pressure is felt by technical professionals to develop it now and develop it right the first time. Considered the breakthrough design and inventive problem-solving approach of the past 100years, TRIZ is a unique, algorithmic approach to problem solving that allows engineers, planners and managers to formulate the best possible solutions for technical systems problems and predict future product needs based on technology evolution and competitive advantages. Developed in Russia, the popularity of TRIZ is now spreading to Europe, the United States, and Japan, but until now no comprehensive, comprehensible treatment of the topic has been available in English.Simplified TRIZ: New Problem Solving Applications for Engineers and Manufacturing Professionals not only demystifies TRIZ, but it also shows how it can be used in new ways to enhance Six Sigma, Constraints Management, Supply Chain Management, QFD, and Taguchi methods to......
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Отцы и дети (аудиокнига MP3). И. С. Тургенев . Книги.
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