Formula 1 Technology

Peter G. Wright

  Formula 1 Technology  Peter G. Wright  Society of Automotive Engineers Inc.   Formula 1 Technology offers an in-depth look at the engineering, design and production of Formula 1 cars. It focuses on the most technically challenging years, showing how the technology and engineering have evolved from mechanical systems, most of which one could hold in the hand, look at closely, and see how they should work, to systems dominated by silicon wafers so small one can hardly see them. Author Peter Wright identifies and outlines five parameters -- Power, Weight, Tire Grip, Drag and Lift -- and shows how each can be maximized. In addition, he describes the variety of technologies (including those that have been banned over the years) that are involved, not just in the makeup of the Formula 1 cars, but also in the component manufacturing, systems testing, and the actual racing of the cars.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Society of Automotive Engineers Inc. Formula 1 Technology offers an in-depth look at the engineering, design and production of Formula 1 cars. It focuses on the most technically challenging years, showing how the technology and engineering have evolved from mechanical systems, most of which one could hold in the hand, look at closely, and see how they should work, to systems dominated by silicon wafers so small one can hardly see them. Author Peter Wright identifies and outlines five parameters -- Power, Weight, Tire Grip, Drag and Lift -- and shows how each can be maximized. In addition, he describes the variety of technologies (including those that have been banned over the years) that are involved, not just in the makeup of the Formula 1 cars, but also in the component manufacturing, systems testing, and the actual racing of the cars....

Сказки от слез

М. С. Кутовая

  Сказки от слез  М. С. Кутовая  Речь.   Авторские сказки помогут родителям избежать детских слез, капризов и скандалов, ведь так важно объяснить маленькому человеку, почему одно можно, а другое нельзя. Познавая мир, ребенку не всегда удается сразу проникнуть в логику взрослого мира, и болезненность столкновения с непонятными требованиями часто порождает детский протест. Речь. Авторские сказки помогут родителям избежать детских слез, капризов и скандалов, ведь так важно объяснить маленькому человеку, почему одно можно, а другое нельзя. Познавая мир, ребенку не всегда удается сразу проникнуть в логику взрослого мира, и болезненность столкновения с непонятными требованиями часто порождает детский протест. "Сказки от слез" учат малыша жить в мире взрослых и в мире со взрослыми, обосновывая нравственные ценности, закладывая представления о добре и зле....

Синаптонемный комплекс - индикатор динамики мейоза и изменчивости хромосом

Ю. Ф. Богданов, О. Л. Коломиец

  Синаптонемный комплекс - индикатор динамики мейоза и изменчивости хромосом  Ю. Ф. Богданов, О. Л. Коломиец  КМК.   В книге изложены сведения о синаптонемном комплексе (СК) - специфической структуре мейотических клеток большинства эукариот - и примеры исследования этой структуры для решения задач цитогенетики. Часть I книги описывает структуру и функции СК, его изменчивость и роль в возникновении и эволюции мейоза. Часть II содержит оригинальные исследования ультраструктуры СК у растений, грибов и животных. Часть III посвящена исследованиям авторов, в которых СК использован как КМК. В книге изложены сведения о синаптонемном комплексе (СК) - специфической структуре мейотических клеток большинства эукариот - и примеры исследования этой структуры для решения задач цитогенетики. Часть I книги описывает структуру и функции СК, его изменчивость и роль в возникновении и эволюции мейоза. Часть II содержит оригинальные исследования ультраструктуры СК у растений, грибов и животных. Часть III посвящена исследованиям авторов, в которых СК использован как "инструмент" цитогенетики для кариотипирования клеток, изучения сложных случаев половых хромосом и В-хромосом, поведения в мейозе хромосом при множественных Rb-транслокациях, использованию СК как индикаторов спонтанных и индуцированных хромосомных перестроек в мейозе у млекопитающих и растений. Изложены оригинальные исследования, в которых СК использован для выявления аномалий мейоза и причин бесплодия у человека и генетического риска при побочном действии медицинских препаратов, включая антибиотики. Книга......

Abide with Me: A Novel

Elizabeth Strout

  Abide with Me: A Novel  Elizabeth Strout  In her luminous and long-awaited new novel, bestselling author Elizabeth Strout welcomes readers back to the archetypal, lovely landscape of northern New England, where the events of her first novel, Amy and Isabelle, unfolded. In the late 1950s, in the small town of West Annett, Maine, a minister struggles to regain his calling, his family, and his happiness in the wake of profound loss. At the same time, the community he has served so charismatically must come to terms with its own strengths and failings–faith and hypocrisy, loyalty and abandonment–when a dark secret is revealed. Tyler Caskey has come to love West Annett, “just up the road” from where he was born. The short, brilliant summers and the sharp, piercing winters fill him with awe–as does his congregation, full of good people who seek his guidance and listen earnestly as he preaches. But after suffering a terrible loss, Tyler finds it hard to return to himself as he once was. He...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In her luminous and long-awaited new novel, bestselling author Elizabeth Strout welcomes readers back to the archetypal, lovely landscape of northern New England, where the events of her first novel, Amy and Isabelle, unfolded. In the late 1950s, in the small town of West Annett, Maine, a minister struggles to regain his calling, his family, and his happiness in the wake of profound loss. At the same time, the community he has served so charismatically must come to terms with its own strengths and failings–faith and hypocrisy, loyalty and abandonment–when a dark secret is revealed. Tyler Caskey has come to love West Annett, “just up the road” from where he was born. The short, brilliant summers and the sharp, piercing winters fill him with awe–as does his congregation, full of good people who seek his guidance and listen earnestly as he preaches. But after suffering a terrible loss, Tyler finds it hard to return to himself as he once was. He......

Surreal Digital Photography (One Off)

Barry Huggins, Ian Probert

  Surreal Digital Photography (One Off)  Barry Huggins, Ian Probert  "Surreal Digital Photography" covers the use of digital imaging software to turn digital photographs into artistic works through montage or colour enhancements. It demonstrates the techniques involved through practical projects, many of which produce a ?surrealist? end result. The book is broken down to cover landscape, portrait, and studio photography, and the methods involved can be used to create amazing results from any digital photos. Creative showcase sections also highlight the best work from dynamic digital artists, with breakdowns to show the behind-the-scenes work. The book combines practical techniques with a more artistic approach to digital imaging, where it?s not just about fixing problems or creating realistic results, but about exercising the imagination and being more playful with your photography....

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Formula 1 Technology. Peter G. Wright . Книги.

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