"1212" передает

Хануш Бургер

  Вече. Зарубежные военные приключения. Западная Европа, 1944-1946 гг. Управление стратегических служб американской армии приглашает на новую радиостанцию опытного пропагандиста, сержанта Петера Градеца. Вещающая на длине волны 1212 м, эта радиостанция выдает себя за немецкую с целью дезинформировать противника. Однако вскоре Петер выясняет, что коррумпированное руководство радиостанции "1212" ведет двойную игру, преследуя цели, идущие вразрез с союзническим долгом. Петер начинает собирать разоблачающие факты......

Lesotho Business Law Handbook (World Economic and Trade Unions Business Library) (World Economic and Trade Unions Business Library)

Ibp Usa

  Lesotho Business Law Handbook (World Economic and Trade Unions Business Library) (World Economic and Trade Unions Business Library)  Ibp Usa  Lesotho Business Law Handbook (World Economic and Trade Unions Business Library)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lesotho Business Law Handbook (World Economic and Trade Unions Business Library)...

Cook Islands Company Laws and Regulations Handbook (World Law Business Library)

Ibp Usa

  Cook Islands Company Laws and Regulations Handbook (World Law Business Library)  Ibp Usa  Cook Islands Company Laws and Regulations Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cook Islands Company Laws and Regulations Handbook...

Coming Out of the Coven: Contemporary Witches, Hidden Populations, and New Social Movements

Julie Kalil Schutten

  Coming Out of the Coven: Contemporary Witches, Hidden Populations, and New Social Movements  Julie Kalil Schutten  In the hypermediated world of the 21st century, social movements often have different goals, conditions, and rhetorical strategies compared to 20th century movements. By exploring the Neo-Pagan movement, this book critically examines social movement theory in light of the postmodern condition. Witches and other Neo-Pagans illustrate how hidden populations negotiate tensions between private and public spheres. Mainstream media circulate images and narratives of fantasy witches that are conflated with actual Wiccan practices. This blocks ecofeminist aspects of the movement, such as magic as an alternative symbolic that engages nature in dialogue, from surfacing in public arenas. The ways Neo-Pagans appropriate mainstream depictions to further the movement are identified by exploring films, television programs, and museums that portray contemporary witches. Through interviews with witches and participant-observation with a group that holds public Goddess services, this work...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the hypermediated world of the 21st century, social movements often have different goals, conditions, and rhetorical strategies compared to 20th century movements. By exploring the Neo-Pagan movement, this book critically examines social movement theory in light of the postmodern condition. Witches and other Neo-Pagans illustrate how hidden populations negotiate tensions between private and public spheres. Mainstream media circulate images and narratives of fantasy witches that are conflated with actual Wiccan practices. This blocks ecofeminist aspects of the movement, such as magic as an alternative symbolic that engages nature in dialogue, from surfacing in public arenas. The ways Neo-Pagans appropriate mainstream depictions to further the movement are identified by exploring films, television programs, and museums that portray contemporary witches. Through interviews with witches and participant-observation with a group that holds public Goddess services, this work......

Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in E-hrm

  Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in E-hrm  Driven by significant internal and external forces, human resource management (HRM) has evolved from largely a maintenance function, to what many scholars and practitioners regard as a source of sustainable competitive advantage for organizations. In the information era, it is important for organizations to progressively incorporate technology into their processes. The Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM rigorously analyzes key critical HR variables and defines previously undiscovered issues in the HR field. With 132 articles from 180 of the world's leading experts on the state of HRM technology, this comprehensive reference source is essential to academic libraries and to practitioners and academics seeking to understand all dimensions related to managing people in the information society.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Driven by significant internal and external forces, human resource management (HRM) has evolved from largely a maintenance function, to what many scholars and practitioners regard as a source of sustainable competitive advantage for organizations. In the information era, it is important for organizations to progressively incorporate technology into their processes. The Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM rigorously analyzes key critical HR variables and defines previously undiscovered issues in the HR field. With 132 articles from 180 of the world's leading experts on the state of HRM technology, this comprehensive reference source is essential to academic libraries and to practitioners and academics seeking to understand all dimensions related to managing people in the information society....

<<<  Россия и мусульманский мир. Бюллетень реферативно-аналитической ...             Street World: Urban Culture and Art from Five ... >>>

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"1212" передает. Хануш Бургер . Книги.

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