Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems (Text, Speech, and Language Technology)

Bjorn Granstrom, David House, Inger Karlsson

  Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems (Text, Speech, and Language Technology)  Bjorn Granstrom, David House, Inger Karlsson  This book covers the topic of multimodality from a large number of different perspectives and provides the advanced student/researcher with a current survey of theories of multimodal communication between people as well as reviewing many aspects of multimodal input/output in technical systems. Chapters dealing with human--human multimodal communication include speech--gesture systems, semiotics of gesture, structure and functions of face-to-face communication, emotional relations and intercultural variation, and human--human communication which is mediated by computer for the handicapped. Chapters dealing with human--machine communication and interfaces cover the technology and science of creating talking faces, technology and methods for the developmentof animated interface agents in intelligent multimedia systems, and the integration of multimodal input and output in the computer interface. The book also covers computer processing and understanding of signal and symbol input from...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book covers the topic of multimodality from a large number of different perspectives and provides the advanced student/researcher with a current survey of theories of multimodal communication between people as well as reviewing many aspects of multimodal input/output in technical systems. Chapters dealing with human--human multimodal communication include speech--gesture systems, semiotics of gesture, structure and functions of face-to-face communication, emotional relations and intercultural variation, and human--human communication which is mediated by computer for the handicapped. Chapters dealing with human--machine communication and interfaces cover the technology and science of creating talking faces, technology and methods for the developmentof animated interface agents in intelligent multimedia systems, and the integration of multimodal input and output in the computer interface. The book also covers computer processing and understanding of signal and symbol input from......

Using PLAPACK (Scientific and Engineering Computation)

Robert A. vandeGeijn

  Using PLAPACK (Scientific and Engineering Computation)  Robert A. vandeGeijn  PLAPACK is a library infrastructure for the parallel implementation of linear algebra algorithms and applications on distributed memory supercomputers such as the Intel Paragon, IBM SP2, Cray T3D/T3E, SGI PowerChallenge, and Convex Exemplar. This infrastructure allows library developers, scientists, and engineers to exploit a natural approach to encoding so-called blocked algorithms, which achieve high performance by operating on submatrices and subvectors. This feature, as well as the use of an alternative, more application-centric approach to data distribution, sets PLAPACK apart from other parallel linear algebra libraries, allowing for strong performance and significanltly less programming by the user. This book is a comprehensive introduction to all the components of a high-performance parallel linear algebra library, as well as a guide to the PLAPACK infrastructure. Scientific and Engineering Computation series  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин PLAPACK is a library infrastructure for the parallel implementation of linear algebra algorithms and applications on distributed memory supercomputers such as the Intel Paragon, IBM SP2, Cray T3D/T3E, SGI PowerChallenge, and Convex Exemplar. This infrastructure allows library developers, scientists, and engineers to exploit a natural approach to encoding so-called blocked algorithms, which achieve high performance by operating on submatrices and subvectors. This feature, as well as the use of an alternative, more application-centric approach to data distribution, sets PLAPACK apart from other parallel linear algebra libraries, allowing for strong performance and significanltly less programming by the user. This book is a comprehensive introduction to all the components of a high-performance parallel linear algebra library, as well as a guide to the PLAPACK infrastructure. Scientific and Engineering Computation series...

Concurrent Constraint Programming (Logic Programming)

Vijay A. Saraswat

  Concurrent Constraint Programming (Logic Programming)  Vijay A. Saraswat  Concurrent Constraint Programming introduces a new and rich class of programming languages based on the notion of computing with partial information, or constraints, that synthesize and extend work on concurrent logic programming and that offer a promising approach for treating thorny issues in the semantics of concurrent, nondeterministic programming languages. Saraswat develops an elegant and semantically tractable framework for computing with constraints, emphasizing their importance for communication and control in concurrent, programming languages. He describes the basic paradigm, illustrates its structure, discusses various augmentations, gives a simple implementation of a concrete language, and specifies its connections with other formalisms. In this framework, concurrently executing agents communicate by placing and checking constraints on shared variables in a common store. The major form of concurrency control in the system is through the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Concurrent Constraint Programming introduces a new and rich class of programming languages based on the notion of computing with partial information, or constraints, that synthesize and extend work on concurrent logic programming and that offer a promising approach for treating thorny issues in the semantics of concurrent, nondeterministic programming languages. Saraswat develops an elegant and semantically tractable framework for computing with constraints, emphasizing their importance for communication and control in concurrent, programming languages. He describes the basic paradigm, illustrates its structure, discusses various augmentations, gives a simple implementation of a concrete language, and specifies its connections with other formalisms. In this framework, concurrently executing agents communicate by placing and checking constraints on shared variables in a common store. The major form of concurrency control in the system is through the......

Digital Video Essentials: Shoot, Transfer, Edit, Share

Erica Sadun

  Digital Video Essentials: Shoot, Transfer, Edit, Share  Erica Sadun  Sybex.   Digital Video Essentials is a thoroughly revised, updated, and redesigned version of author Erica Sadun's Digital Video: I Didn't Know You Could Do That. It features tutorials, tips, tricks, projects, and a fully loaded CD. Topics covered include: setting up a digital video studio; planning, scripting, and shooting videos; mixing shot styles--from POVs and cutaways to zooms and pans; splitting, trimming, and assembling video clips; mixing soundtracks; using the video editors iMovie and VideoStudio; burning DVDs and video CDs; sharing videos over the Internet; and more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sybex. Digital Video Essentials is a thoroughly revised, updated, and redesigned version of author Erica Sadun's Digital Video: I Didn't Know You Could Do That. It features tutorials, tips, tricks, projects, and a fully loaded CD. Topics covered include: setting up a digital video studio; planning, scripting, and shooting videos; mixing shot styles--from POVs and cutaways to zooms and pans; splitting, trimming, and assembling video clips; mixing soundtracks; using the video editors iMovie and VideoStudio; burning DVDs and video CDs; sharing videos over the Internet; and more....

Книга-панорама. Детки в клетке

С. Маршак

  Книга-панорама. Детки в клетке  С. Маршак  АСТ, Астрель.   Планета детства.   Увидеть и полюбоваться на диких зверей мы можем не только в настоящем зоопарке. Как только мы откроем книжку, сразу же попадем в гости к зверятам из зоопарка - к слону, к белым медведям... Кого еще мы увидим? Прочитайте и рассмотрите книжку до конца!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Планета детства. Увидеть и полюбоваться на диких зверей мы можем не только в настоящем зоопарке. Как только мы откроем книжку, сразу же попадем в гости к зверятам из зоопарка - к слону, к белым медведям... Кого еще мы увидим? Прочитайте и рассмотрите книжку до конца!...

<<<  Visions of Charity: Volunteer Workers and Moral Community. Rebecca Anne ...             Винни Пух (аудиокнига CD).  >>>

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Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems (Text, Speech, and Language Technology). Bjorn Granstrom, David House, Inger Karlsson . Книги.

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