The Nine Halls of Death: Ninja Secrets of Mind Mastery

Haha Lung

  The Nine Halls of Death: Ninja Secrets of Mind Mastery  Haha Lung  Citadel.   More than 1,000 years ago, the people of Iga, the mountainous region of Japan, were forced to rise up against their merciless Samurai oppressors. Out of this struggle, nine traditions of the ninja arts grew. The ninjas' strength enabled the mind to believe it was the master of its fate. This power is known as ninjitsu. In his groundbreaking books Citadel. More than 1,000 years ago, the people of Iga, the mountainous region of Japan, were forced to rise up against their merciless Samurai oppressors. Out of this struggle, nine traditions of the ninja arts grew. The ninjas' strength enabled the mind to believe it was the master of its fate. This power is known as ninjitsu. In his groundbreaking books "Knights of Darkness and Mind Manipulation", Dr. Haha Lung has shown the ultimate power of controlling the mind of your enemy. In The Nine Halls of Death he reveals the mystical power of overcoming your opponent's body through the Japanese art of ninjitsu. Dr. Lung reveals the secret to mastering all nine "halls" (training areas) of the ninja; from unarmed combat and combat with various weapons to the mental crafts of stealth and spying....

Self-Protective Behavior and Violent Victimization (Criminal Justice)

  Self-Protective Behavior and Violent Victimization (Criminal Justice)  Shannon A. Santana  Shannon A. Santana  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Shannon A. Santana...

Low Back Pain: An Evidence-Based, Biopsychosocial Model for Clinical Management

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Holy Superheroes! Revised and Expanded Edition: Exploring the Sacred in Comics, Graphic Novels, and Film

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Black Cats and April Fools: Origins of Old Wives Tales and Superstitions in Our Daily Lives

Harry Oliver

  Black Cats and April Fools: Origins of Old Wives Tales and Superstitions in Our Daily Lives  Harry Oliver  
.   An intriguing look at the origins of some of our most popular superstitions and old wives tales. We've all touched wood to ward off misfortune, or seen a bride throw a bouquet over her head at a wedding, but how often do we stop to consider where such customs originate, or why they endure? Behind many of our daily rituals and beliefs lies a fascinating history of weird and wonderful notions, some rational, others fanciful. In this diverting volume, Harry Oliver delves into the stories behind our rich traditions to explain them with characteristic wit and flair. So before you search for any more four-leaf clovers or worry about the next Friday the 13-th, dip into this little book to find out why.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин . An intriguing look at the origins of some of our most popular superstitions and old wives tales. We've all touched wood to ward off misfortune, or seen a bride throw a bouquet over her head at a wedding, but how often do we stop to consider where such customs originate, or why they endure? Behind many of our daily rituals and beliefs lies a fascinating history of weird and wonderful notions, some rational, others fanciful. In this diverting volume, Harry Oliver delves into the stories behind our rich traditions to explain them with characteristic wit and flair. So before you search for any more four-leaf clovers or worry about the next Friday the 13-th, dip into this little book to find out why....

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The Nine Halls of Death: Ninja Secrets of Mind Mastery. Haha Lung . Книги.

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