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The Fate of Turfgrass Nutrients and Plant Protection Chemicals in the Urban Environment (Acs Symposium) Mary T Nett, Mark J Carroll, Brian P Horgan, A Martin Petrovic
Recent policy decisions aimed at improving and safeguarding regional surface and subsurface water quality often result in activities at state and local levels to regulate the sale and/or use of many common lawn fertilizer and pesticide products. Clear, comprehensive distribution of the research data generated during the last decade on the environmental fate of fertilizer nutrients and plant protection chemicals in the urban environment is critical to enable informed decisions by our public officials. This book records the proceedings of a RISE-ACS co-sponsored workshop (October 12-13, 2005) designed to provide a forum for turf researchers and environmental scientists to present research and practical information addressing the realities of turfgrass risk/benefits and how appropriate maintenance practices performed on urban lawns can impact water quality....
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Pollution & Property: Comparing Ownership Institutions for Environmental Protection Daniel H. Cole
Cambridge University Press. Environmental protection and resource conservation depend on the imposition of property rights (broadly defined) because in the absence of some property system - private, common, or public - resource degradation and depletion are inevitable. But there is no universal, first-best property regime for environmental protection in this second-best world. Using case studies and examples taken from countries around the world, Professor Cole demonstrates that the choice of ownership institution is contingent upon institutional, technological, and ecological circumstances that determine the differential costs of instituting, implementing, and maintaining alternative regimes. Consequently, environmental protection is likely to be more effective and more efficient in a society that relies on multiple (and often mixed) property regimes. The book concludes with an assessment of the important contemporary issue of "takings", which arise when different property regimes collide. ......
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Право интеллектуальной собственности С. А. Судариков
Проспект. На основе международных договоров и Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации рассмотрены правовое положение субъектов и объектов интеллектуальной собственности, недостатки и противоречия ее системы. Для студентов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений, сотрудников научно-исследовательских и прикладных институтов, органов юстиции, правоохранительных органов, патентных поверенных и т.д. Издание может быть полезно лицам, имеющим отношение к созданию, использованию и охране объектов интеллектуальной собственности....
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Economic Cooperation between Singapore and India: An Alliance in the Making? (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia) Faizal Yahya
This book examines the growing economic relations between India and Singapore which has culminated in a Free Trade Agreement, the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA), signed by both economies in June 2005. With greater convergence in strategic and economic interests, India has begun to focus more towards the Southeast Asian region to enhance economic linkages with the region. Singapore was one of the earliest Southeast Asian economies to spot the potential of India and actively promoted its own and regional trade links with India. At the same time, with increasing regional economic competition, Singapore showed interest in India as an emerging market with a large human resource base and opportunities for investment in India’s infrastructure. Using the information technology sector as a case study of the India-Singapore ‘alliance’, the book examines the challenges that India and Singapore have overcome in expanding their bilateral trade. In the process, Singapore has......
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Leadership Works: Advanced Study Guide for L.E.A.D. Glen Aubrey
Leadership Works Advanced Study Guide for L.E.A.D. is a learning companion to L.E.A.D.- Learning, Education, Action, Destiny. This curriculum and the book comprise 52 leadership studies, principles in practical application, one lesson for each week of the year. Learn, educate, and act. Produce stronger relationships and superior functions on your core team. Live what you learn and teach. Your team's destiny will develop and living legacies will form....
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The Fate of Turfgrass Nutrients and Plant Protection Chemicals in the Urban Environment (Acs Symposium). Mary T Nett, Mark J Carroll, Brian P Horgan, A Martin Petrovic . Книги.
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