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Introduction to Industrial Organization Luis M. B. Cabral
Over the past twenty years, the study of industrial organization--the analysis of imperfectly competitive markets--has grown from a niche area of microeconomics to a key component of economics and of related disciplines such as finance, strategy, and marketing. This book provides an issue-driven introduction to industrial organization. It includes a vast array of examples, from both within and outside the United States. While formal in its approach, the book is written in a way that requires only basic mathematical training. Supplemental materials posted on the Web make more extensive use of algebra and calculus....
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Effective Listening Skills Art James, Dennis Kratz
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Careers for Mystery Buffs & Other Snoops And Sleuths Blythe Camenson
Careers For. . . * VARIETY OF CAREERS SHOWN. From the obvious to the obscure, readers will be able to explore careers that match their interests. * CAREER PROFILES. Includes complete job descriptions and salary ranges. * PROFESSIONAL INTERVIEWS. Allow student to see what jobs are really like and what it took to get them. * PROVEN GUIDELINES. Help students understand what it takes to get the job of their dreams and the steps to get there....
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Cost and Optimization in Government Aman Khan
Responding to a critical need in government for ways to manage costs better and improve productivity, The author gives practitioners and advanced students of public administration not just the statistical methods they require but also the hands-on skillsthey need and will use daily. His book introduces cost and management accounting, shows how to use decision-making tools in solid problem-solving situations, and lays out measures to help manage an organization's productivity. Also covered are such topics as cost estimation, benefit-cost analysis, simulation, inventory analysis, network modeling, mathematical programming, game theory, and more. The result is a readable and focused resource that facilitates the reader's grasp of two of the most critical elements in the successful operation of any organization: cost and optimization....
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Democratic Distributive Justice Ross Zucker
By exploring the integral relationship between democracy and economic justice, this study explains how democratic countries with market systems should deal with the problem of high levels of income-inequality. The book provides an interdisciplinary approach that combines political, economic, and legal theory. It also analyzes the nature of economic society and the considerations bearing upon the ethics of relative pay, such as the nature of individual contributions and the extent of community. Hb ISBN (2000): 0-521-79033-6...
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Introduction to Industrial Organization. Luis M. B. Cabral . Книги.
Тобольск, Орск, Курск, Улан-Удэ, Ноябрьск, Йошкар-Ола, Новокузнецк, Армавир, Первоуральск, Балашиха, Ковров, Таганрог, Новокуйбышевск, Новосибирск, Омск, Альметьевск, Нижний Тагил, Нефтеюганск, Камышин, Орёл, Междуреченск, Старый Оскол, Тула, Белгород,
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