Базы данных для карманного персонального компьютера Pocket PC

Л. А. Родигин

  Базы данных для карманного персонального компьютера Pocket PC  Л. А. Родигин  КноРус.   Книга представляет собой учебно-методическое пособие по разработке и созданию баз данных на основе использования технологии Microsoft ADO.NET и языка C#.NET для карманных персональных компьютеров Pocket PC. Пособие предназначается в качестве методической помощи студентам, изучающим дисциплину КноРус. Книга представляет собой учебно-методическое пособие по разработке и созданию баз данных на основе использования технологии Microsoft ADO.NET и языка C#.NET для карманных персональных компьютеров Pocket PC. Пособие предназначается в качестве методической помощи студентам, изучающим дисциплину "Базы данных" специальности "Прикладная информатика" как аудиторно, так и самостоятельно при выполнении курсовых и квалификационных работ (проектов), а также всем пользователям карманных персональных компьютеров и коммуникаторов, желающим расширить функциональность собственных SmartDevice....

Gulliver’s Travels & Atomised

  Gulliver’s Travels & Atomised  Jonathan Swift & Michel Houellebecq  Jonathan Swift & Michel Houellebecq  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Jonathan Swift & Michel Houellebecq...

La Mela E' Pronta E Altri Racconti

  La Mela E' Pronta E Altri Racconti  Andreoli Vittorino  Andreoli Vittorino  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Andreoli Vittorino...

Learning Theory: An Approximation Theory Viewpoint

Felipe Cucker, Ding Xuan Zhou

  Learning Theory: An Approximation Theory Viewpoint  Felipe Cucker, Ding Xuan Zhou  Cambridge University Press.   The goal of learning theory is to approximate a function from sample values. To attain this goal learning theory draws on a variety of diverse subjects, specifically statistics, approximation theory, and algorithmics. Ideas from all these areas blended to form a subject whose many successful applications have triggered a rapid growth during the last two decades. This is the first book to give a general overview of the theoretical foundations of the subject emphasizing the approximation theory, while still giving a balanced overview. It is based on courses taught by the authors, and is reasonably self-contained so will appeal to a broad spectrum of researchers in learning theory and adjacent fields. It will also serve as an introduction for graduate students and others entering the field, who wish to see how the problems raised in learning theory relate to other disciplines.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cambridge University Press. The goal of learning theory is to approximate a function from sample values. To attain this goal learning theory draws on a variety of diverse subjects, specifically statistics, approximation theory, and algorithmics. Ideas from all these areas blended to form a subject whose many successful applications have triggered a rapid growth during the last two decades. This is the first book to give a general overview of the theoretical foundations of the subject emphasizing the approximation theory, while still giving a balanced overview. It is based on courses taught by the authors, and is reasonably self-contained so will appeal to a broad spectrum of researchers in learning theory and adjacent fields. It will also serve as an introduction for graduate students and others entering the field, who wish to see how the problems raised in learning theory relate to other disciplines....

Naruto: Rise of a Ninja: Prima Official Game Guide

Bryan Dawson

  Naruto: Rise of a Ninja: Prima Official Game Guide  Bryan Dawson  Prima Games.   Complete walkthrough of all ninja quests and social missions. In-depth fighting strategies for all 11 ninja. Maps of Leaf Village and the surrounding areas. Ninja combat strategies for maximizing taijutsu efficiency! Manga excerpts inside.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Prima Games. Complete walkthrough of all ninja quests and social missions. In-depth fighting strategies for all 11 ninja. Maps of Leaf Village and the surrounding areas. Ninja combat strategies for maximizing taijutsu efficiency! Manga excerpts inside....

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Базы данных для карманного персонального компьютера Pocket PC. Л. А. Родигин . Книги.

Ростов-на-Дону, Рязань, Великие Луки, Ангарск, Питер, Новокузнецк, Нижний Тагил, Калининград, Пятигорск, Рязань, Иваново, Казань, Томск, Электросталь, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Елец, Кемерово, Астрахань, Новокузнецк, Белгород, Москва ,
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