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Data Mining in Bioinformatics (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
Book DescriptionThe goal of this book is to help readers understand state-of-the-art techniques in biological data mining and data management and includes topics such as: - preprocessing tasks such as data cleaning and data integration as applied to biological data - classification and clustering techniques for microarrays - comparison of RNA structures based on string properties and energetics - discovery of the sequence characteristics of different partsof the genome - mining of haplotypes to find disease markers - sequencing of events leading to the folding of a protein - inference of the subcellular location of protein activity - classification of chemical compounds based on structure - special purpose metrics and index structures for phylogenetic applications - a new query language for protein searching based on the shape of proteins - very fast indexing schemes for sequences and......
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The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Diabetic Retinopathy: Directory for the Internet Age Icon Health Publications
Download DescriptionThis book has been created for patients who have decided to make education and research an integral part of the treatment process. Although it also gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health professionals, it tells patients where and how to look for information covering virtually all topics related to diabetic retinopathy (also diabetes retinopathy; insulin-dependent diabetes retinopathy; non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus retinopathy; nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy; proliferative diabetic retinopathy), from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. The title of this book includes the word official. This reflects the fact that the sourcebook draws from public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research. Selected readings from various agencies are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date on diabetic retinopathy. Given patients' increasing sophistication in using the......
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The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: Seventh Revised Edition
. All parents want the best for their babies, and there?s no doubt about the fact that human milk is the ideal food for human babies. What?s the secret of successful breastfeeding? For almost fifty years mothers who have been in touch with La Leche League have found the kind of information and support they needed to breastfeed their babies. In this newly revised edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding , you will learn: ? How human milk offers lifetime benefits for your baby ? How to prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy ? How to exercise and lose weight safely while nursing ? How to find time for yourself while meeting baby?s needs ? How to increase your milk supply by using herbs and medications ? How to be sure your baby is getting enough to eat The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding was the first book of its kind, written for mothers by mothers. Over the years, more than......
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В. Маяковский. Собрание сочинений в восьми томах. Том 4 В. Маяковский
Правда, Огонек. Библиотека отечественной классики. В том вошли стихотворные произведения 1924-1925 гг.: поэмы "Владимир Ильич Ленин", "Летающий пролетарий", циклы "Париж" и "Мое открытие Америки"; выступления....
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Я - энциклопедия Валентин Рич
Текст. Перед вами мемуары, но не обычные. Эта новаторская по своему жанру книга представляет собой как бы постмодернистский вариант таких сочинений. В ней содержится оригинальная, часто парадоксальная информация о мире, в котором мы живем, как его видит и ощущает автор - один из основателей и руководителей известного нонконформистского журнала "Химия и жизнь", участник Великой Отечественной войны, писатель-фантаст, поэт и публицист, чьи повести, рассказы, стихи, эссе публиковались не только в России, но также в Польше и Украине, в США, Канаде и Японии....
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Data Mining in Bioinformatics (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing). . Книги.
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