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Moon Beam and the War of the Witch Queen : book 1 Bethany Nichole Coffey
Book DescriptionDawn breaks, and the world awakes to tragedy and horror Addressing a terrified crowd, Bayla, the Witch Queen, announces that she has slain her own sisters, the rulers of the land. In her quest for power, Bayla has gone mad and declares herself supreme ruler. Instead of cowering, the creatures of the land unite and drive Bayla into the desert land of Nadura. They build Jaden?s Wall to ensure her final imprisonment. For a while, the world puts the memory of the Witch Queen and her madness in the past, but few realize just how strong Bayla is becoming behind Jaden?s Wall. All too soon, Bayla breaks free, this time with an army of her own evil creation. Moon Beam, a free-spirited Unicorn, learns of the threat and calls for her clans to unite with the humans once more to destroy the evil forever. Will Moon Beam live through the battle ahead, or will her bravery and determination lead to her destruction?...
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The Interpersonal Solution to Depression: A Workbook for Changing How You Feel by Changing How You Relate (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) Jeremy W. Pettit
Book Description"I?m so clumsy?aren?t I?" "Oh, I look so fat! Don?t I look fat?" Psychologists tell us that people suffering from depression often exhibit three social characteristics that can make them more prone to the disorder: impaired social skills, excessive interpersonal dependency, and excessive interpersonal inhibition. Imagine someone who might ask you one of the questions above. How would you respond? Depressed individuals can oftentimes crave validation from those around them, yet feel devastated when they get criticism or feedback that is not to their liking. Sometimes even their persistent craving for attention is enough to incline others to push the needy individual away, resulting in feelings of rejection?yet another potential depression trigger. People who have trouble relating socially to others at all may be disposed to feelings of loneliness and hopelessness, which are primary risk factors for depression. Interpersonal......
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Lake of Skulls (Knight's Story, A) Paul Stewart
Book Description Behind me, a loud, beastlike roar went up. I turned to see a great hulk of a man -- all hairy jowls and heaving gut -- lumbering from leg to leg in a slow battle-jig. I recognized him at once. His fists were clenched. His bloodshot eyes were wild. "Come on, if you think you're hard enough!" he was bellowing. Here we go again! I thought. Why do I always seem to end up in this type of a place? You'd think I'd have learned by now. All I'd wanted was a quiet drink. Was that too much to ask? Was it? Given the day I'd had so far, maybe it was......
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Ambrose the Whale: A Novel for Children and Adults Paul Baker Newman
Book DescriptionThe princess of Cambodia has to choose (donA?t we all) between a safe but boring life and a life of exciting risk. Aided by the splash of Ambrose the whale, she embarks on a quest which leads to encounters with a piratical whaling captain, a young sailor, a legion of miniature Vikings, an army of fighting squids, a great white whale (Moby Dick), and a war to liberate the Thrallbeggars (as the miniature Vikings are called) from being the snack food of the ocean, before she finds an answer. In all this, Ambrose is her indispensable friend. Ambrose the Whale is filled with word play and humor. It is chiefly a parody of the conventional fairy story, at the same time that it is a story of dreams where wishes conquer reason, and yet remind us of common sense. What we desire A? this story tells us - comes to us because we give in to dreams and seek the real behind them. We discover who we are through search. The princess in this......
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A Road-Map for America : Poems Anandam P. Kavoori
Book DescriptionThe poems in A Road-Map for America record an immigrant's experience of recent events from 9/11 to the war in Iraq. They attempt to culturally interrogate our recent history and to provide a set of ideas (through poetry) for re-thinking America's role in the world today-to provide, as the title suggests, a road-map for America. In doing so, the collection provides a counterpoint to contemporary political and media discourse. Taken together, the poems present ideas about media coverage, political accountability, global humanism, personal agency and ecological responsibility while providing a sustained critique of nationalist politics, corporatization and contemporary media practices. The poems follow the order in which they were written (with a few exceptions)....
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Moon Beam and the War of the Witch Queen : book 1. Bethany Nichole Coffey . Книги.
Ноябрьск, Омск, Майкоп, Омск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Балашиха, Новосибирск, Великие Луки, Майкоп, Новотроицк, Владивосток, Нижний Тагил, Коломна, Орск, Братск, Рязань, Череповец, Вологда, Салават,
Криминальные драмы| Делопроизводство и секретарское дело.Офис-менеджмент.| Историческая проза, мифы, легенды| Буддизм| Хоккей| Конструкторы мягкие| Автомобиль| Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| Спортивные программы| Авантюрные приключения| Индийские видеоклипы| Английский язык| Деловая литература| Подготовка к школе| Полицейские фильмы| Физика| Испанский, португальский| История новейшего времени (с 1918 г.)| Каталоги| 3D графика, видео и анимация| Химическая и лесная промышленность. Полиграфия| Универсальные| Информатика. Вычислительная техника| Экология|
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