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The Maintenance Management Framework: Models and Methods for Complex Systems Maintenance Adolfo Crespo Marquez
Springer. Springer Series in Reliability Engineering. "The Maintenance Management Framework"describes and reviews the concept, process and framework of modern maintenance management of complex systems; concentrating specifically on modern modelling tools (deterministic and empirical) for maintenance planning and scheduling. It presents a new perspective of maintenance management by: focusing on the course of maintenance actions; presenting a structure that ensures proper support for current maintenance managers; clarifying the functionality that is required from information technology when applied to maintenance and the functions of modern maintenance engineering; and creating a set of practical models for maintenance management planning and scheduling. The discussion of all of these issues is supported through the use of case studies. "The Maintenance Management Framework" will be beneficial for engineers and professionals involved in: maintenance management, maintenance......
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Systematic Methodology for Real-Time Cost-Effective Mapping of Dynamic Concurrent Task-Based Systems on Heterogenous Platforms Zhe Ma, Pol Marchal, Daniele Paolo Scarpazza, Peng Yang, Chun Wong, JosA© Ignacio GA?mez, Stefaan Hi
Springer. "Systematic Methodology for Real-Time Cost-Effective Mapping of Dynamic Concurrent Task-Based Systems on Heterogeneous Platforms" gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in system-level design trade-off explorations for concurrent tasks running on embedded heterogeneous multiple processors. The targeted application domain covers complex embedded real-time multi-media and communication applications. Many of these applications are concurrent in the sense that multiple subsystems can be running simultaneously. Also, these applications are so dynamic at run-time that the designs based on the worst case execution times are inefficient in terms of resource allocation (e.g., energy budgets). A novel systematical approach is clearly necessary in the area of system-level design for the embedded systems where those concurrent and dynamic applications are mapped. This material is mainly based on research at IMEC and its international university network partners in this area in the period......
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The Fan's Guide to The Spiderwick Chronicles: Unauthorized Fun with Fairies, Ogres, Brownies, Boggarts, and More! Lois H. Gresh
St. Martin's Griffin. "The Fan's Guide to The Spiderwick Chronicles" comes the ultimate unauthorized guide to the facts behind Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black's world. This new book by Lois Gresh takes young readers beyond the creepy and captivating fairy world of "The Spiderwick Chronicles" and answers the burning questions kids have been aching to know. With illustrations, quizzes, facts, and mythology, "The Fan's Guide to The Spiderwick Chronicles" will provide hours of fun. Формат издания: 13,5 см х 19 см....
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Full House
Pete Hautman, Francine P. Pascal, K. L. Going, Gary Phillips, Will Weaver, Walter Sorrells, Mary Log...
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Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (Book & CD) (Book & CD)
Fred Penner...
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The Maintenance Management Framework: Models and Methods for Complex Systems Maintenance. Adolfo Crespo Marquez . Книги.
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