Shape as Memory: A Geometric Theory of Architecture (The Information Technology Revolution in Architecture)

Michael Leyton

  Shape as Memory: A Geometric Theory of Architecture (The Information Technology Revolution in Architecture)  Michael Leyton  How do buildings store information and experience in their shape and form? Michael Leyton has attracted considerable attention with his interpretation of geometrical form as a medium for the storage of information and memory. In Shape as Memory he draws specific conclusions for the field of architecture and construction, attaching fundamental importance to the complex relationship between symmetry and asymmetry. This richly illustrated volume contains concise information from the forefront of IT-supported architectural design.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How do buildings store information and experience in their shape and form? Michael Leyton has attracted considerable attention with his interpretation of geometrical form as a medium for the storage of information and memory. In Shape as Memory he draws specific conclusions for the field of architecture and construction, attaching fundamental importance to the complex relationship between symmetry and asymmetry. This richly illustrated volume contains concise information from the forefront of IT-supported architectural design....

The Artist's Reality: Philosophies of Art

Mark Rothko

  The Artist's Reality: Philosophies of Art  Mark Rothko  One of the most important artists of the twentieth century, Mark Rothko (1903–1970) created a new and impassioned form of abstract painting over the course of his career. Rothko also wrote a number of essays and critical reviews during his lifetime, adding his thoughtful, intelligent, and opinionated voice to the debates of the contemporary art world. Although the artist never published a book of his varied and complex views, his heirs indicate that he occasionally spoke of the existence of such a manuscript to friends and colleagues. Stored in a New York City warehouse since the artist’s death more than thirty years ago, this extraordinary manuscript, titled The Artist’s Reality, is now being published for the first time. Probably written around 1940–41, this revelatory book discusses Rothko’s ideas on the modern art world, art history, myth, beauty, the challenges of being an artist in society, the true nature of “American...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин One of the most important artists of the twentieth century, Mark Rothko (1903–1970) created a new and impassioned form of abstract painting over the course of his career. Rothko also wrote a number of essays and critical reviews during his lifetime, adding his thoughtful, intelligent, and opinionated voice to the debates of the contemporary art world. Although the artist never published a book of his varied and complex views, his heirs indicate that he occasionally spoke of the existence of such a manuscript to friends and colleagues. Stored in a New York City warehouse since the artist’s death more than thirty years ago, this extraordinary manuscript, titled The Artist’s Reality, is now being published for the first time. Probably written around 1940–41, this revelatory book discusses Rothko’s ideas on the modern art world, art history, myth, beauty, the challenges of being an artist in society, the true nature of “American......

The Ultimate Balloon Book & Kit

Shar Levine, Michael Ouchi

  The Ultimate Balloon Book & Kit  Shar Levine, Michael Ouchi  Any time is party time with this kit on hand! It has everything needed to make simple, fun, and bright balloon art. First, there’s The Ultimate Balloon Book with easy, illustrated techniques for 46 marvelous projects that will delight old and young alike; 24 balloons in six cheery colors; and one nifty pump. In just a few quick moves, create a stegosaurus, butterfly, dragon, tropical palm tree (and a parrot to put in it), eye-popping spaceships, Halloween spider and web, and birthday centerpieces. Even build a funhouse! Colorful photos show finished projects and close-ups of each loop, tie, and twist.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Any time is party time with this kit on hand! It has everything needed to make simple, fun, and bright balloon art. First, there’s The Ultimate Balloon Book with easy, illustrated techniques for 46 marvelous projects that will delight old and young alike; 24 balloons in six cheery colors; and one nifty pump. In just a few quick moves, create a stegosaurus, butterfly, dragon, tropical palm tree (and a parrot to put in it), eye-popping spaceships, Halloween spider and web, and birthday centerpieces. Even build a funhouse! Colorful photos show finished projects and close-ups of each loop, tie, and twist....

Picture Taker: Photographs by Ken Elkins

Ken Elkins

  Picture Taker: Photographs by Ken Elkins  Ken Elkins  This collection of 100 haunting, sometimes humorous, but always deeply honest black-and-white photographs reveals the 42-year career of a master photographer and photojournalist. Ken Elkins retired as chief photographer of the Anniston Star in 2000, and this selection of his work demonstrates his brilliant eye for finding and capturing images of rural southern lives and landscapes in all their difficulty, candor, and humor. These are unadorned images of a timeless landscape and proud resourceful people, who know well their neighbors, honor their past, and face the tests of daily life with wit and a stoic sense of endurance. As Rick Bragg, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist who worked with Elkins on many assignments, says of Elkins’s work: “The old scenes are gone, or going . . . and the people are different, less likely to be in overalls and print dresses, less likely to a sliver of tobacco off a sweet-smelling plug of Brown Mule. So...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This collection of 100 haunting, sometimes humorous, but always deeply honest black-and-white photographs reveals the 42-year career of a master photographer and photojournalist. Ken Elkins retired as chief photographer of the Anniston Star in 2000, and this selection of his work demonstrates his brilliant eye for finding and capturing images of rural southern lives and landscapes in all their difficulty, candor, and humor. These are unadorned images of a timeless landscape and proud resourceful people, who know well their neighbors, honor their past, and face the tests of daily life with wit and a stoic sense of endurance. As Rick Bragg, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist who worked with Elkins on many assignments, says of Elkins’s work: “The old scenes are gone, or going . . . and the people are different, less likely to be in overalls and print dresses, less likely to a sliver of tobacco off a sweet-smelling plug of Brown Mule. So......

Гражданское право. Часть 1

  Гражданское право. Часть 1  Юристъ.   Institutiones.   В учебнике, подготовленном в соответствии с требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта и программой курса гражданского права коллективом кафедры гражданского и семейного права Московской государственной юридической академии, освещаются вопросы Общей части курса гражданского права России. Материал излагается на основе норм Гражданского кодекса РФ, других правовых актов с учетом практики Верховного Суда РФ, Высшего Арбитражного Суда РФ и достижений российской цивилистической науки. Учебник отличает широкое использование в изложении современной научной литературы по гражданскому праву. В конце каждой главы приводятся дополнительные литературные источники. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей юридических вузов, практических работников правоохранительных органов и иных лиц, изучающих действующее гражданское законодательство России.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Юристъ. Institutiones. В учебнике, подготовленном в соответствии с требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта и программой курса гражданского права коллективом кафедры гражданского и семейного права Московской государственной юридической академии, освещаются вопросы Общей части курса гражданского права России. Материал излагается на основе норм Гражданского кодекса РФ, других правовых актов с учетом практики Верховного Суда РФ, Высшего Арбитражного Суда РФ и достижений российской цивилистической науки. Учебник отличает широкое использование в изложении современной научной литературы по гражданскому праву. В конце каждой главы приводятся дополнительные литературные источники. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей юридических вузов, практических работников правоохранительных органов и иных лиц, изучающих действующее гражданское законодательство России....

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Shape as Memory: A Geometric Theory of Architecture (The Information Technology Revolution in Architecture). Michael Leyton . Книги.

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