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Лучшие сказки братьев Гримм Братья Гримм
Омега. 1000 сказок и стихов. Рапунцель, Беляночка и Розочка, Король Дроздобород, Стоптанные туфельки, Золотой гусь, Три золотых волоска, Храбрый портняжка, Бабушка-Метелица, Горшочек, вари!, Домовята, Бременские музыканты. Сказки братьев Гримм любят и дети и взрослые. В них - яркие характеры, колоритные персонажи, волшебство и искрометный народный юмор....
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Globalisation, Information and Libraries: The Implications of the World Trade Organisation's GATS and TRIPS Agreements Ruth Rikowski
Chandos Publishing (Oxford) Ltd.. This book provides an overview of the World Trade Organisation; in particular, it focuses on two WTO agreements that have significant implications for libraries and information: the General Agreement on Trade in Services (the GATS) and the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). The book aims to raise awareness of these important international agreements and draws attention to the way in which they threaten some of the professions ethics and principles. Furthermore, the book explores the relationships between globalization, the WTO, libraries and information within a wider social and theoretical perspective. Drawing on a wealth of knowledge and many years of experience, Ruth Rikowskis valuable discussion will be of interest to information professionals interested in international implications, NGOs, and globalisation issues. Формат: 15,5 см x 23,5 см....
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Сборник основных формул по алгебре
АСТ, Астрель. В справочнике приведены все основные формулы школьного курса алгебры. Структура данного справочника позволяет быстро найти любую нужную формулу. Пособие предназначено для школьников и учителей....
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Puget Sound Through an Artist's Eye Tony Angell
For nearly fifty years Tony Angell has used Puget Sound's natural diversity as his artist's palette. In this book, he describes the living systems within the Sound and shares his observations and encounters with the species that make up the complex communities of the Sound's rivers, tidal flats, islands, and beaches: the fledging flight of a young peregrine, an otter playfully herding a small red rockfish, the grasp of a curious octopus. Angell goes on to explain the methods he uses in his art. The shapes, movements, patterns, and even temperatures and smells that he experiences in the field are all brought to bear on his work. His drawings bring clarity to his visual and emotional memories, and his sculptures allow him to approach a memory from many directions and retain that memory in his hands. In all of his work, he lets the passion and excitement of his discoveries drive his artistic expression. Angell augments his descriptions of the wildlife of the Puget Sound region and his......
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Lizard Clay Kit (Art Lab)
Julia Harrison...
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Лучшие сказки братьев Гримм. Братья Гримм . Книги.
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