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Motivational Dialogue: Preparing Addiction Professionals for Motivational Interviewing Practice
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The Divine Appointment
Jerome Teel...
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Призраки истории Сергей Баймухаметов
АСТ, Олимп. Историческая библиотека. Призвания варягов не было. Александр Невский - приемный сын хана Батыя. Петр Первый - основатель азиатчины в России. Бездарность Сталина - источник наших бед в великой войне. Исторические расследования Сергея Баймухаметова, несмотря на то что они основаны на исторических источниках, вызывают ожесточенные споры. Осознанно или неосознанно, каждый человек выбирает для себя только ту часть правды, которая ему приятна. Полная правда раздражает всех. Автор расследует ключевые моменты истории от Рюрика до Сталина, книга читается как исторический детектив....
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Schmucks!: Our Favorite Fakes, Frauds, Lowlifes, Liars, the Armed and Dangerous, and Good Guys Gone Bad Jackie Mason and Raoul Felder
Collins Living. Jackie Mason, one of the true kings of comedy, and his partner in crime, federal prosecutor and celebrity attorney Raoul Felder, go after America's lowlifes, scumbags, and everything else that really gets on their nerves. This book spares no one. Politicians, sports stars, celebrities, corporations, publishers, crossing guards-they're all fair game. If you are a scumbag, or just someone who Jackie and Raoul find annoying, there is a fair chance you are on the list. Schmucks! combines Mason's and Felder's nails-to-the-wall political satire with insightful observations on the foibles of modern life to create material that will leave you crying with laughter. Just a few of the Schmucks included are: Bill Clinto; Mel Gibson; Barbra Streisand; Katie Couric; Barry Bonds; And a cast of hundreds....
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Mass Culture and Italian Society from Fascism to the Cold War David Forgacs and Stephen Gundle
Indiana University Press. The 1930s to the 1950s in Italy witnessed large increases in film-going, radio-listening, and the sale of music and weekly magazines. The industries that made and sold commercial, cultural products were transformed by the new technologies of reproduction and new approaches to marketing and distribution. Yes, historians tend to place the "real" genesis of mass culture in the 1960s, or to generalize about the harnessing of mass culture to the Fascist political project, without considering what kind of mass culture existed at the time and whether this harnessing was successful. This book draws on extensive new evidence, including oral histories and archival material, to explore possible continuities between the uses of mass culture before and after World War II....
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На главную
Motivational Dialogue: Preparing Addiction Professionals for Motivational Interviewing Practice. Tober/Raistrick . Книги.
Подольск, Новокузнецк, Махачкала, Краснодар, Набережные Челны, Москв, Владикавказ, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Сургут, Энгельс, Жуковский, Новочебоксарск, Питер, Нижнекамск, Набережные Челны, Ижевск, Майкоп, Москва ,
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